doc. MUDr. Peter Zavacký, PhD., MPH   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
1. ChK - 1st Department of Surgery
+421 55 234 3412
LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
1. ChK - 1st Department of Surgery

MUDr. Peter Zavacký, PhD., MPH :is the deputy head of 1st Department of Surgery of Faculty of Medicine UPJŠ and UNLP in Košice. After graduating from Faculty of Medicine, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, he worked for short time at Surgical Department in Stará Ľubovňa, after which he joined the 1st Department of Surgery FNsP in Košice, where he still works. He successfully completed specialization studies of I. and II. degree in surgery as a certified surgeon. From 1997 to 2002, he held the position of Deputy Director of the FNsP for surgical departments. In 2001, he was appointed to the position of head, now as the deputy head of the 1st Department of Surgery of the UNLP in Košice. In 2004, he expanded his education with a postgraduate specialization in the field of Social Medicine and Healthcare Organization, and in 2010 he acquired professional competence in the field of gastroenterosurgery. After successfully defending his dissertation in 2012, he was awarded the scientific-academic degree of "PhD." In 2013, after completing a specialization in the Master of Public Health, he was awarded the title of MPH. In the years 1996 - 1999 he worked as a district state physician at the Košice II Regional Office, and in the years 2005 - 2015 as a doctor of football club MFK Košice. Since 2012, he has been working at Faculty of Medicine UPJŠ in Košice as an assistant of professor. He performs pedagogical activities - conducts practical exercises and lectures for students of general and dental medicine in Slovak and English. He is a supervisor and opponent of several diploma theses and a member of the teaching staff in the specialized field of surgery. He completed several domestic and foreign internships in the field of surgery, gastroenterosurgery, laparoscopy and mini-invasive surgery. He has participated in several scientific projects and clinical studies. He is the author and co-author of more than 50 scientific papers published in domestic and foreign journals, textbooks, books and monographs.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 1987, General Medicine
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 2012, General Medicine, Surgery

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
Surgery 1, 2 - General Medicine, joined I.+II. degree
Surgical propedeutics - General Medicine, joined I.+II. degree
Selected publications

ADC BIMBOVÁ, Katarína - BAČOVÁ, Mária - KISUCKÁ, Alexandra - PAVEL, Jaroslav - GÁLIK, Ján - ZAVACKÝ, Peter - MARŠALA, Martin - STROPKOVSKÁ, Andrea - FEDOROVÁ, Jana - PAPCÚNOVÁ, Štefánia - JACHOVÁ, Jana - LUKÁČOVÁ, Nadežda: A Single Dose of Atorvastatin Applied Acutely after Spinal Cord Injury Suppresses Inflammation, Apoptosis, and Promotes Axon Outgrowth, Which Might Be Essential for Favorable Functional Outcome; In: International journal of molecular sciences : open access journal. - ISSN 1661-6596. - Roč. 19, č. 4 (2018), s. 36-52. CCC; SCOPUS; WOS CC; 2018 CCC IF=4.183

ADC ZAVACKÁ, Martina - SKOUMALOVÁ, Ivana - MADARASOVÁ GECKOVÁ, Andrea - ROSENBERGER, Jaroslav - ZAVACKÝ, Peter - POBEHOVÁ, Jana - MAJERNÍKOVÁ, Mária: Does Health Literacy of Hemodialyzed Patients Predict the Type of Their Vascular Access? A Cross-Sectional Study on Slovak Hemodialyzed Population; In: International journal of environmental research and public health : open access journal. - ISSN 1661-7827. - Roč. 17, č. 2 (2020), 675, s. 1-8. 10.3390/ijerph17020675 DOI; SCOPUS; CCC; WOS CC;

2020 JIF=3,390; 2020 Q1 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health) SSCI; 2020 Q2 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health); Q2 (Environmental Sciences) SCIE

ADC ZAVACKÁ, Martina - ZELKO, Aurel - MADARASOVÁ GECKOVÁ, Andrea - MAJERNÍKOVÁ, Mária - POBEHOVÁ, Jana - ZAVACKÝ, Peter: Vascular access as a survival factor for the hemodialysis population: a retrospective study [elektronický zdroj] In: International angiology : a journal of the International Union of Angiology. - ISSN 1827-1839. - Roč. 39, č. 6 (2020), s. 525-531. - Spôsob prístupu: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85092721758&origin=resultslist. 10.23736/S0392-9590.20.04401-6 DOI; SCOPUS; CCC; WOS CC; 2020 JIF=2,789; 2020 Q3 (Peripheral Vascular Disease) SCIE

ADE ZAVACKÁ, Martina - POBEHOVÁ, Jana - SABOL, František - ZAVACKÝ, Peter: The impact of Angioplasty of the renal Artery in kidney transplantation; In: Journal of biomedical research and reviews. - ISSN 2515-9186. - Roč. 1, č. 1 (2018), s. 38-42.

ACD ZAVACKÝ, Peter: Transplantácia obličky; recenzenti Vladimír Šefránek, Július Mazuch. In: Komplexné riešenie dialyzovaných pacientov z pohľadu chirurga. - Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2020. - ISBN 9788081528569. - S. 194-223

Selected projects

VEGA 1/0540/20: Study of selected biomarkers of the origin and progression of CNS demyelinating diseases; solution time: 2020 - 2022; co-researcher; responsible researcher: doc. Mgr. Peter Urban, PhD.

VEGA 1/0684/17: Monitoring of fibrinolytic agents urokinase plasminogen activator uPA and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 PAI-1 in the samples of tumor tissue and in serum of patients with colorectal cancer; solution time: 2017 - 2019; co-researcher; responsible researcher: prof. MUDr. Jana Kaťuchová, PhD. 

Additional information

He is a member of the Slovak Surgical Society, the Endoscopic Surgery Section, the Slovak Angiological Society, the Slovak Oncological Society and the International Gastrosurgical Club European Digestive Surgery.
He has a son and his hobbies include sports.

Further information