doc. MUDr. Roman Beňačka, CSc.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
UPF - Department of Pathological Physiology
+421 55 234 3492
Roman Beňačka, MD, PhD, Assoc. prof. has been working at the Institute of Pathological Physiology of the LF UPJŠ since 1988. Since 1994 he has been involved in the first steps of Sleep medicine in Slovakia and significantly contributed to the first Slovak monograph of the same topics (1998). In 1997, he conceptually participated in subject Molecular basis of the diseases, the unique project in the Central European area with gnostic transfer of contemporary research to teaching of medics with first books in the topic. In 2006 he became the first chairman of the commission 7.1.3. Normal and pathological physiology for doctoral dissertation studies at UPJŠ LF, headed for 15 years. Since 2007 he worked on position of professor. Since 2016 he has been in the position of head of the Institute of Pathological Physiology of the LF UPJŠ. In 2009, as chief editor revitalized Folia Medica Cass journal with a new concept and structure. He is a garant and active educator of 7 pre- and 3 postgraduate teaching subjects. He has been a supervisor of 4 completed and 3 running doctoral theses (in 2 he served as specialist), 25 completed and 5 running diploma theses. He was researching experimental and human functional pathophysiology in vivo, monitoring of cerebral, vegetative, cardiorespir. and other physiol. functions. Also, he actively participates in various professional & research topics from molecular pathogenesis of diseases and their systemic dysregulations. He is a author and coauthor of 292 scientific, professional and pedagogical works (27 in WOS), records 376 citations (252 in WOS).

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Faculty of Medicine, P.J.Šafárik University, Košice, 1988, General medicine
Third degree of higher education:
Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava, 1994, Normal and Pathological Physiology
Associate professor:
Faculty of Medicine, P.J.Šafárik University, Košice, 2004, 7.1.3. Normal and Pathological Physiology

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: 7.1.3. Normal & pathlogical physiology - committee for the defence of dissertation theses in the field (chairman), study field: General medicine, 3-rd degree degree
Study programme: Normal and pathological physiology - state examination committee for thesis defence (chairman, member), study field: General medicine, 2-nd degree degree
Profile courses
Pathologic physiology 1,2 (in Slovak) & Pathological Physiology 1,2 (in English) - General medicine, 1-st and 2-nd degree connected degree
Pathological Physiology 1,2 (in Slovak) & Pathological Physiology 1,2 (in English) - Dental medicine, 1-st and 2-nd degree connected degree
Pathological physiology - Nursing, Physiotherapy, Public Health, 1-st degree degree
Molecular pathophysiology (in Slovak); Molecular pathophysiology (in English) - General medicine, 1-st and 2-nd degree connected degree
Clinical pathophysiology (in Slovak); Clinical pathophysiology - General medicine, 1-st and 2-nd degree connected degree
Basics of scientific work (in Slovak language) - Normal and pathological physiology, Pharmacology, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry, Anatomy and Histology etc., 3-rd degree degree
Molecular basis of pathogenesis of selected diseases (in Slovak language) - Normal and Pathological Physiology, Internal medicine, 3-rd degree degree
Cell physiology and pathology (in Slovak language) - Normal and Pathological Physiology, 3-rd degree degree
Pathological physiology (in Slovak language) - Pharmacology, Anatomy and histology, Pediatrics, 3-rd degree degree
Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure: 7.1.3. Normal and pathological physiology - member of the expert committeee, study field to which it is assigned: General Medicine
Selected publications

ACB (V1) Beňačka, R. (Ed): General pathophysiology. Mechanisms of diseases. ŠafarikPress, Košice, 484 s., 2021, ISBN 978-80-574-0074-5 (59 AH; Author contribution: 80 %) ( in Slovak) (university textbook)

AFH Beňačka, R., Rusnáková, S. Krcho. P.: Changes in the regional cerebral oxygenation in critical newborns after hematological stabilization. Pathophysiology: The Official Journal of the International Society for Pathophysiology, 2018, 25(3), s. 172-173, IF 2,03, Q2

ADC Kilik. R., Bober, P., Ropovik, I., Beňačka, R., Genči, J., Nečas, A ., Sabo, J .: Proteomic analysis of plasma proteins after low-level laser therapy in rats. Physiol. Res., 2019, 68 (Suppl 4):S399-S404, IF 1,655, Q2

ADE Harvanová, J., Beňačka, R., Hudák, A.: NT-proBNP as predictive factor for the conversion of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation of heart to sinus rhythm in non-diabetic and diabetic populations. Cor et Vasa, 2019, 61(4), s. 397–402, IF 0,29, Q4 (25%)

ADF (V3) Beňačka, R.: Non-invasive monitoring of cerebral physioma: near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Folia Medica Cassoviensia, 2021, 75(2), s. 5-13. (100%)

ADF Rusnáková, S., Beňačka, R., Krcho, P.: Effect of erythrocyte transfusion on regional cerebral oxygenation measured by NIRS (Near-infrared spectroscopy) in stable preterm infants. Folia Medica Cassoviensia., 2020, 74(2), s. 23-29. (40%) (in Slovak)

ADF Muriová, K., Beňačka, R.: Selected laboratory indicators in critically ill patients Folia Medica Cassoviensia, 2016,.70(2), s. 31 - 37. (40%)

ADF Bačenková, D., Beňačka, R.,, Zachar, L., Rosocha, J.: Mesenchymal stem cells isolated from amniotic sacs. Folia Medica Cassoviensia. 2016, 70(1), s. 8-13.(25%)

ADF Szabóová, D., Hertelyová, Z., Guľašová, Z., Beňačka, R.: Use of molecular methods for diagnosis and prognosis of breast cancer. Folia medica Cassoviensia, 75(2), 2021, s. 36-43. (30%)

Selected projects

Beňačka, R. et al.: Aktivita 1.2: Centre of excellence for electromagnetic dfields in medicine. Structural funds EU, ITMS: 26220120067 (2010-2015); Position: Chief resercher

VEGA 1/0584/16 Relationship between PNMK levels and serum LBP / sCD14 ratio in breast cancer patients. / Researcher

VEGA 1/0622/20: Study of the molecular and metabolomic profile of mamary carcinoma. / Researcher

International mobilities and visits
II. Physiologische Institute, Abteilung Neuro- und Sinnesphysiologie Universität Göttingen, Humboldtallee 23 37073 Göttingen, 1992-1993, Prof. Dr. Diethelm W. Richter
Organisational activities
member - Slovenská lekárska spoločnosť, Spolok lekárov v Košiciach, Fyziologická spoločnosť, Slovenská spoločnosť patologickej a klinickej fyziológie, Slovenská spoločnosť fyziológie a patológie dýchania, from 1995
chief editor - Folia Medica Cassoviensia - scientific-professional medical journal of the Faculty of Medicin, from 2009

Additional information

• Price of Society for Physiology and Pathology of Breathing for the Best Publications (1991) • Price for the best original publication in Medical faculty of P.J. Safarik University (1997) • Jessenius award of Slovak Medical Society (1999) (co-author Monograph • Price for the best publication in Medical faculty of P.J. Safarik University (1999) (co-author monograph) • Korec award of Slovak Medical Society (2019)
• Tomori, Z., Šofránková, A., Beňačka, R., Donič, V., Páleníková, R., Čalfa, J., Lovásová, E., Ništiarová, A., Kuchta, M., Kovářová, M.: Kardiorespiračné a neurofyziologické zmeny pri reverzibilnom respiračnom zlyhaní a experimentálnom diabete. 1.1.1991- 31.12.1993, VEGA 1/990556/92 • Tomori, Z., Beňačka, R., Donič,V., Lovásová E., Petrovičová, J., Kuchta, M., Geročová, E.: Dráždenie horných dých. ciest resp. ich aferentných nervov a rôzne apnoické stavy. 1.1.1994 - 31.12.1996, VEGA 1/1208/94 • Tomori, Z., Donič, V., Beňačka, R., : Spánkové poruchy dýchania na Slovensku (Sleep related breathing disorders in Slovakia), JSEP, TEMPUS projekt 1994-1998. • Beňačka, R., Tomori, Z., Donič, V., Kuchta. M., Krcho, P.: Elektrofyziologická analýza kmeňových a kortikálnych funkcií počas akútneho zlyhania dýchania. 1.1.1996 - 31.12.1998, VEGA 1/3264/96. • Beňačka, R., Tomori, Z., Donič, V., Kuchta, M.: Obnova vitálnych funkcií pri akútnom respiračnom zlyhaní reflexami z horných dýchacích ciest. 1.1.1997 – 31.12.1999, VEGA 1/4422/97 • Rácz, O., Beňačka, R., Ništiar, F.: Predmet "Klinická fyziológia" v modernej koncepcii medicínskeho štúdia.KEGA, 1.1.1997 - 31.12.1999 • Donič, V, Tomori, Z., Doničová, V, Beňačka, R, Krcho, P., Szaboová, E., Koval, Š., Šatammová, E., Kuchta , M. : Význam reflexov z horných dýchacích ciest pri rozvoji, diagnostike a liečbe spánkového apnoe a jeho následkov, 1.1.1998 - 31.12.2000 VEGA 1/4422/97 • Beňačka, R., Tomori, Z., Donič, V., Kuchta, M.: Reflexné ovplyvnenie respiračného zlyhania a vegetatívnych zmien pri spánkovom apnoe z trigeminovej a glossofaryngeálnej aferentnej oblasti. 1.1.2001 - 31.12.2002, VEGA 1/8296/01. • Tomori, Z., Redahammer, R., Tatár, M., Hanáček, J., Beňačka, R., Donič, V., Rácz, O., Kuchta, M., Szaboóvá, E., Krcho. P.: Klinická fyziológia a prax spánkovej medicíny – učebnica pre lekárske fakulty a príručka pre doškolovanie lekárov. KEGA, 1.1.1998 - 31.12.2000 • Tomori, Z., Beňačka, R., Donič, V., Kuchta, M., Tormášiová, M., Geročová, E., Szabóová, E., Doničová, V., Koval, Š., Štammová, E., Bejda, P., Rácz, O.: Reflexy z horných dýchacích ciest a ich klinickofyziolofické aplikácie pri kardiorespiračnom zlyhávaní. Inštitucionálny grant LF UPJŠ 1998- 2001 • Donič, V., Tomori, Z., Doničová, V., Beňačka, R., Szaboóvá , E., Koval, Š., Kuchta, M.: Súčasné monitorovanie zmien krvného tlaku, ST segmentu elektrokardiogramu a variability srdcovej frekvencie u porúch súvisiacich so spánkom. VEGA, 1.1.2002 - 31.12.2004 • Švorc, P., Bračoková, I., Donič, V., Kujaník, Š., Kassayová, K., Štimmelová, Richtáriková, Z., Petrášová, D., Hijová, E., Siroťáková, Tomori, Z., Beňačka, R., Lukačínová, A.: Modulačné vplyvy porúch ventilácie na vznik a vývoj komorových arytmií v experimente a klinickej praxi vo svetle chronofyziológie. VEGA 1/0512/03. • Tomori, Z., Beňačka, R., Donič, V, et al. : Kardio-pulmonálno-cerebrálna resuscitácia a auto-resuscitácia voluntárnymi a reflexnými lapavými dychmi a kašľom. 1.1.2006- 31.12.2009, APVV-20-047705. • Ništiar, F. et al.: Alternatívne (neanimálne) metódy pre testovanie (toxicity a mutagenity) chemických látok: využitie prvokov a cicavčích buniek. 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2008, VEGA 1/3494/06 • Rácz, O., Ništiar, F:, Beňačka, R., Lovásová, E., Šipulová, A., Klimeš, I., Šebeková, K., Homzová, K.: Teoretické východiská a praktická realizácia didaktiky predmetu „Základy molekulovej medicíny“. 1.1. 2002- 31.12 2005. KEGA 8/0151/02 • Beňačka, R., Tomori, Z., Donič, V.: Ovplyvnenie prejavov respiračného zlyhávania a vegetatívnych zmien reflexnými podnetmi z trigeminálnej a glossofaryngeálnej oblasti., 1.1 2004 – 31.12. 2005, VEGA 1/1200/04. • Beňačka, R., Tomori, Z., Lovásová, E., Švorc, P., Sedláková, E.: Respiračné, cirkulačné a vegetatívne účinky reflexov z branchiogénnej oblasti u respiračných a srdcovo-cievnych ochorení. 1.1.2006 - 31.12.2008 VEGA 1/3363/06 • Beňačka, R., Tomori, Z., Švorc, P., Sedláková, E., Lovásová, E., Krcho, P., Firment, J., Ništiarová, A.: Kardiovaskulárne, respiracné a vegetatívne úcinky reflexov z branchiogénnej oblasti u srdcových dysrytmií a kardio-respiracných porúch. 1.1. 2008 – 1.12. 2010 • Aktivita 1.2: Centrum excelencie pre elektromagnetické polia v medicíne. Štrukturálne fordy EU, ITMS projektu: 26220120067 (2010-2015) Vedúci riešiteľ • Hertelyová et al.: VEGA 1/0584/16 Závislosť medzi zastúpením PNMK a pomerom LBP/sCD14 v krvnom sére u pacientiek s karcinómom prsníka. VEGA 1/0584/16 • Štúdium molekulového a metabolomického profilu karcinómu prsníka. VEGA 1/0622/20
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