MUDr. Štefan Sotak, PhD., MPH   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
1. IK - 1st Department of Internal Medicine
+421 55 234 3411
MUDr. Štefan Sotak, PhD., MPH, EMBA, LL.M is a professor's assistant of the I. Department of Internal Medicine at the UPJŠ MF in Košice. He was the supervisor of 4 successfully defended diploma theses. As part of her the scientific research intentions, he is predominantnly studying connection of autoimmune thyroiditis and type 2 diabetes mellitus. He participates in the solution of several research projects. He is the author or co-author of more than 80 original scientific and professional papers published in foreign and domestic journals, which have been cited more than 90 times. Hirsch index: H: 3, h: 3.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Medical Faculty in Košice Medical Faculty, 2011, general medicine
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Medical Faculty in Košice Medical Faculty, 2015, internal diseases

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Profile courses
Internal Medicine - general medicine, II degree
Internal Medicine - dental medicine, II degree
Preventive Medicine - general medicine, II degree
Preventive Medicine - dental medicine, II degree
Selected publications

Is There a Role for the IGF System and Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) in the Pathogenesis of Adrenocortical Adenomas? A Preliminary Case-Control Study / Ivica Lazúrová ... [et al.]. - Project: Humorálne biomarkery 2019/32-UPJŠ-4.

In: Physiological research. - ISSN 0862-8408. - Vol. 69, no. 6 (2020), pp. 1085-1094. - DOI 10.33549/physiolres.934553

[LAZÚROVÁ, Ivica (50%) - JOCHMANOVÁ, Ivana (25%) - SOTAK, Štefan (10%) - ŠPAKOVÁ, Ivana (5%) - MAREKOVÁ, Mária (10%) ]

The Association Between Three Adipocytokines (Adiponectin, Resistin and Visfatin) and Thyroid Status in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Autoimmune Thyroiditis / Štefan Sotak ... [et al.].

In: Physiological research. - ISSN 0862-8408. - Vol. 70, no. 6 (2021), pp. 865-874. - DOI 10.33549/physiolres.934701

[SOTAK, Štefan (25%) - SCHRONER, Zbynek (20%) - LAZÚROVÁ, Ivica (10%) - FELŠÖCI, Marek (5%) - JOCHMANOVÁ, Ivana (5%) - PETRÁŠOVÁ, Darina (10%) - BERTKOVÁ, Izabela (5%) - MITNÍKOVÁ, Miriam (5%) - NOVÁKOVÁ, Božena (5%) - WAGNEROVÁ, Hedviga (5%) - BOBELOVÁ, Oľga (5%) ]

Acute kidney injury: a current comprehensive overview/ Štefan Sotak.

In: Vnitřní lékařství. - ISSN 0042-773X. - Vol. 63, no. 2 (2017), pp. 93 - 97.

[SOTAK, Štefan (100%) ]

Selenium treatment in thyreopathies/ Štefan Sotak.

In: Vnitřní lékařství. - ISSN 0042-773X. - Vol. 63, no. 12 (2017), pp. 949 - 951.

[SOTAK, Štefan (100%) ]

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis in hypothyroid stadium / Štefan Sotak ... [et al.].

In: Vnitřní lékařství : časopis České internistické společnosti a Slovenskej internistickej spoločnosti=Vnutrenaja medicina=Internal medicine. - ISSN 0042-773X. - Vol. 64, no. 3 (2018), pp. 232-235. SCOPUS;

[SOTAK, Štefan (50%) - LAZÚROVÁ, Ivica (25%) - FELŠÖCI, Marek (15%) - NOVÁKOVÁ, Božena (5%) - WAGNEROVÁ, Hedviga (5%) ]

Acquired haemophilia A: case report / Štefan Sotak, Miriam Mitníková.

In: Vnitřní lékařství : časopis České internistické společnosti a Slovenskej internistickej spoločnosti=Vnutrenaja medicina=Internal medicine. - ISSN 0042-773X. - Vol. 64, no. 4 (2018), pp. 427-431. SCOPUS;

[SOTAK, Štefan (95%) - MITNÍKOVÁ, Miriam (5%) ]

Type 2 diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease: a two-sided analysis / Sotak, Š., Felšőci M., Lazúrová, I. .

In: Bratislava medical journal : international journal for biomedical sciences and clinical medicine=Bratislavské lekárske listy. - ISSN 0006-9248. - Vol. 119, no. 6 (2018), pp. 361-365. 10.4149/BLL_2018_067 DOI; SCOPUS; WOS CC;

[SOTAK, Štefan (65%) - FELŠÖCI, Marek (20%) - LAZÚROVÁ, Ivica (15%) ]

Type II deiodinase polymorphism : A potential risk factor of type 2 diabetes mellitus / Sotak S ... [et al.].

In: Bratislava medical journal : international journal for biomedical sciences and clinical medicine=Bratislavské lekárske listy. - ISSN 0006-9248. - Vol. 119, no. 12 (2018), pp. 790-792. SCOPUS; WOS CC;

[SOTAK, Štefan (35%) - FELŠÖCI, Marek (25%) - LAZÚROVÁ, Ivica (20%) - HABALOVÁ, Viera (20%) ]

Adipocytokines and Thyreopathies / Štefan Sotak.

In: Vnitřní lékařství : časopis České internistické společnosti a Slovenskej internistickej spoločnosti=Vnutrenaja medicina=Internal medicine. - ISSN 0042-773X. - Vol. 66, no. 2 (2020), pp. 13-18. SCOPUS;

[SOTAK, Štefan (100%) ]

The macules led us to the diagnosis: A case report / Štefan Sotak, Marek Felšőci, Ivica Lazúrová. - recenzované.

In: Interná medicína : recenzovaný, postgraduálne zameraný odborný lekársky časopis : peer-reviewed postgraduate medical journal=Internal medicine. - ISSN 1335-8359. - Vol. 22, no. 2 (2022), pp. 93-95.

[SOTAK, Štefan (85%) - FELŠÖCI, Marek (10%) - LAZÚROVÁ, Ivica (5%) ]

Selected projects
Adipokines as possible etiopathogenetic mechanisms leading to a higher incidence of autoimmune thyroiditis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus 


The aim of scientific research is to determine whether some adipokines may be etiopathogenetic mechanisms leading to a higher incidence of autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM 2). The number of patients with these two diseases increases as they age, as age is a risk factor. It is necessary to determine whether pathological levels (high or low) of some adipokines (adiponectin, apelin, leptin, lipocalin-2, resistin, vaspin, visfatin) do not lead to AIT, resp. to worsen their thyroid status or whether, on the contrary, pathological levels (high or low) of some adipokines do not lead to prediabetes or DM 2, resp. to impair their carbohydrate metabolism. Most work on this issue focuses on adiponectin, resistin and visfatin. The advantage is that apart from a one-time collection of venous blood (approx. 5 ml) by a nurse or doctor, and measurements of waist circumference, height and weight, the researcher is no longer limited in any other way. This is not an intervention study, the participant is not in any physical or mental trauma. The project has no obvious disadvantages. The participants of the research will be patients (clients) of UN LP, who will be examined on an outpatient basis or hospitalized at the 1st internal clinic due to their illnesses. The members of the research team intend to take 400 venous blood samples from a group of 400 research participants at the time of the 1st internal clinic (100 type 2 diabetics without known thyroid disease, 100 patients with AIT without known glucose metabolism regulation disorder (GMRD), 100 type 2 diabetics with known AIT and 100 healthy individuals, i.e. without GMRD and thyreopathy - control) and to examine the levels of some adipokines from this blood. The group of 400 participants is then divided into 4 groups according to the above diagnostic criteria and the average adipokine levels are compared with each other. Vissfatin, resistin and adiponectin are contemplated. From the research, members of the research team promise to find out which levels of adipokines pose a significant risk of developing AIT or DM 2. Planned blood sampling is both part of standard examination procedures (examination of thyroid and carbohydrate metabolism parameters), but also goes beyond them (determination of adipokine levels). The examination of the level of adipokines will be carried out from the financial resources of the Research Grant for Young Scientists of the Slovak Diabetological Society.

Adrenocortical adenomas and diabetes mellitus - the role of insulin, IGF1 and IGF2 receptors The study is retrospective-prospective and interventional. The aim of the scientific research is to determine the prevalence of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients with adrenocortical adenoma without clinical signs of adrenocortical endocrinopathy and to compare it with the group without adrenocortical adenoma, to determine the relationship between cortisol production and insulin 2 and insulin 2, In adrenalectomized patients, detect the presence of insulin receptors, insulin-like growth factor 1 and 2 in adrenal tissue and periadrenal adipose tissue, which is a prerequisite for the action of insulin on tumor growth. The aim is also to determine the effects of metformin on the growth of adrenocortical adenomas and the production of adrenal steroids. The members of the research team intend to take 250 samples of venous blood (3 ml) and urine (5 ml) from a group of 250 research participants (150 individuals with adrenocortical adenoma without clinical signs of adrenocortical endocrinopathy and 100 healthy individuals as a control - data will be obtained from additional medical examination of serum metanephrine, normetanephrine, aldosterone and plasma renin activity - , fasting glucose, insulin-like growth factor 1 and 2, adrenocorticotropic hormone, cortisol and androstenolone, and urinary cortisol, and measure their height and weight to calculate the HOMA index. Individuals will be divided into 3 groups - individuals without diabetes or prediabetes, individuals with diabetes treated with metformin and individuals with diabetes or prediabetes treated other than metformin (only diabetic diet, insulin, oral antidiabetics other than metformin). The resulting values ​​of individual parameters will be compared with each other. A suppressive short dexamethasone test will be performed on all individuals with adenoma, and those who meet the criteria for subclinical hypercortisolism will be selected. Furthermore, those who are indicated for adrenalectomy will be selected. In these patients, the aim will be to detect the presence of insulin receptors and insulin-like growth factor 1 and 2 receptors in the adrenal tumor tissue and in the periadrenal adipose tissue. In the intervention part of the study, 25 subjects with CT-confirmed adrenocortical adenoma without indicated adrenalectomy and insulin resistance (expressed as HOMA index above 2.5) or prediabetes or type 2 diabetes will receive metformin 2x850 mg daily for 12 months to determine the effect metformin on basal and suppressed cortisolemia, androstenolone and adrenocorticotropic hormone levels as well as on tumor size. Another 25 individuals with the same diagnoses will be treated differently (diabetic diet, insulin, oral antidiabetics other than metformin). After 50 and 12 months, these 50 individuals will undergo the above-mentioned samples as well as a control CT examination after 12 months as part of control examinations. The project will be funded by a grant from the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences number 1/0364/17. 

Additional information

2022 A-medi s. r. o. prize (Adipocytokines as possible etiopathogenetic mechanisms leading to a higher incidence of autoimmune thyroiditis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus) 2021 Jury prize for the best case study for IV. Case Reports in Internal Medicine and Cardiology (Rapidly Progressing Quadruparesis in a Young Diabetic) (second author) Audience Award for the best case study at IV. case reports in internal medicine and cardiology (Rapidly progressing quadruparesis in a young diabetic) (second author) 2020 Financial reward from Pavol Jozef Šafárik University of the Faculty of Medicine in Košice 2019 Honorary membership in the Association of Medics of the City of Košice Two financial rewards from Pavol Jozef Šafárik University of the Faculty of Medicine in Košice 2018 Article of the week in the field of internal medicine in the Czech Republic (Selenium Treatment in Thyroid Diseases) Award of the Slovak Internal Medicine Society (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Patients with Autoimmune Thyroiditis) Two financial rewards from the Faculty of Medicine of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice 2017 Two financial rewards from the Faculty of Medicine of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice 2016 Two financial rewards from the Faculty of Medicine of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice 2015 Financial reward from the Faculty of Medicine of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
Adipokines as Possible Etiopathogenetic Mechanisms Leading to a Higher Incidence of Autoimmune Thyroiditis in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - Project supported by the Slovak Diabetological Society Adrenocortical adenomas and diabetes mellitus - the role of insulin, IGF1 and IGF2 receptors
Free blood donation (Silver Jánský's plaquet), potential blood marrow donation.

Further information