MVDr. Viera Eliášová   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
UHE - Department of Histology and Embryology
+421 55 234 3271
MVDr. Viera Eliášová is a lecturer at the Institute of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ in Košice. She graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice in the field of Food Hygiene. She is engaged in pedagogical activities. She is a co-author of several university textbooks.

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
University of Veterinary medicine and pharmacy, 1st and 2nd degreee, 1978,
Second degree of higher education:
University of Veterinary medicine and pharmacy, 1st and 2nd degree, 1983, Safety of feeds and foodstuffs

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
Histology and Emrbyology - General Medicine, 1st and 2nd degree degree
Histology and Emrbyology - Dental Medicine, 1st and 2nd degree degree
Selected publications

DOMORÁKOVÁ, Iveta - MECHÍROVÁ, Eva - TÓTH, Štefan - DANKOVÁ, Marianna - ELIÁŠOVÁ, Viera - VESELÁ, Jarmila - ČURGALI, Kristína - FAGOVÁ, Zuzana - SCHWARTZOVÁ, Vladimíra: Mikroskopická anatómia pre odbor zubného lekárstva : vybrané kapitoly - 1st ed. - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2018. - 294 p. ISBN 9788081526718.

Lymfatický systém [elektronický zdroj] / Viera Eliášová. In: Vybrané kapitoly z histológie pre odbor zubného lekárstva : Učebnica a mikroskopický atlas. - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2019. ISBN 9788081527210. - p. 333-380, online:https://unibook.upjs.sk/sk/lekarska-fakulta/1148-vybrane-kapitoly-z-histologie-pre-odbor-zubneho-lekarstva-ucebnica-a-mikroskopicky-atlas?search_query=Vybrane+kapitoly+z+histologie+pre+odbor+zubneho+lekarstva+&results=2

DOMORÁKOVÁ, Iveta - MECHÍROVÁ, Eva - ČURGALI, Kristína - DANKOVÁ, Marianna - ELIÁŠOVÁ, Viera - JONECOVÁ, Zuzana - TÓTH, Štefan - VESELÁ, Jarmila - FAGOVÁ, Zuzana - GALDUNOVÁ, Magdaléna: Význam poznania detailnej histologickej štruktúry a vývoja zubov pre klinickú prax In: Nové prístupy a trendy výskumu v morfologických disciplínach : Zborník vedeckých prác. - Košice : Typopress, 2017. ISBN 9788081290527. - p. 29 - 33.

Selected projects

KEGA 019UPJŠ-4/2016

Grant project: Interactive teaching of oral histology and embryology for students of dental medicine

Grant project duration: 2016-2018

Grant participant: V. Eliášová

KEGA 024UPJŠ-4/2021

Grant Project: The integration of the latest forms and technologies in practical education of Histology and Embryology 

Grant project duration: 2021- 2023

Grant participant: V. Eliášová

Additional information

Further information