MUDr. Vladimír Hudák, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
1. KAIM - 1st Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Medicine

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 1997, General Medicine
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, 2018, General Medicine - 7.1.7 Surgery

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Course of specialized study for the medical profession doctor in the specialized field of Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine, study field: Anaesthesiology and Intensive Medicine, II. degree
Profile courses
Prvá pomoc/First Aid - Všeobecné lekárstvo/General Medicine, I. a II. degree
Prvá pomoc/First Aid - Zubné lekárstvo/Dentistry, Dental Medicine, I. a II. degree
Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína/Anaesthesiology and Intensive Medicine - Všeobecné lekárstvo/General Medicine, I. a II. degree
Anestéziológia/Anaesthesiology - Zubné lekárstvo/Dentistry, Dental Medicine, I. a II. degree
Nursing in anaesthesiology and intensive care - Ošetrovateľstvo/Nursing, I. degree
Selected publications
ADC - Macichová M. et al. - Improvement of mortality prediction accuracy in critically ill patients through combination of SOFA and APACHE II score with markers of stress haematopoiesis - International Journal of Laboratory Hematology - 2020 - 6, 796-800, IF 2,24, Q2
ADE - Šimonová J. et al. - Spinal Cord Stimulation inpatient with Tethered Cord syndrome: A Case Report - Medical & Clinical Research - 2020 - 8, 184-188, IF 1,0
ADE - Firment J. et al. - Sepsis and Volume Resuscitation - Journal of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine - 2017 - 1, 1-5, IF 0,81.
ADC - Toporcerová S. et al. - Effect of melatonin on frozen-thawed ovarian autograft in a rat model - European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology - 2019 - 4, 603-608, IF 0,26, Q3.
ADF - Grochová M. et al. - Implementácia Helsinskej deklarácie o bezpečnosti pacienta v anestéziológii v Slovenskej republike po 10 rokoch - Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína: časopis Slovenskej spoločnosti anestéziológie a intenzívnej medicíny - 2020 - 1,30-36.
Selected projects
Návrh a implementácia pokročilých metód ventilačnej liečby a diagnostiky vírusových pneumónii vrátane Covid-19 s možnosťou ich rýchleho osvojenia. Kód projektu v ITMS2014+: 313011ASX1
Probiotické mikroorganizmy a bioaktívne látky naturálneho pôvodu pre zdravšiu populáciu Slovenska (PROBIO). Kód projektu v ITMS: 26220220104
Organisational activities
Košice Course on Regional Anesthesia (KKRA) - organizer - I. KAIM LF UPJŠ a UNLP Košice a od roku 2017 aj SKARA (Sekcia regionálnej anestézie SSAIM - Slovenskej spoločnosti anestéziológie a intenzívnej spoločnosti), Once a year since 2009 - present
Member of the Supervisory Board of SKARA - Section of Regional Anesthesia SSAIM (Slovak Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine) - SKARA - Sekcia regionálnej anestézie SSAIM (Slovenskej spoločnosti anestéziológie a intenzívnej medicíny), 2017 - present
Difficult airway courses with international participation - organizer - I. KAIM LF UPJŠ a UNLP Košice spolu s DAS (Difficult Airway Society), 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020
ISIA* courses for pre-certification doctors in the field of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine - organizerThrough this was preceded by an educational pedagogical course organized by WFSA **: International School for Instructors in Anaesthesiology, Bratislava, Belgrade - 2006-2007 * ISIA (International School for Instructors of Anaesthesiology - International School for instructors in anesthesiology) ** WFSA (World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists) - WFSA (World Federation Of Societies of Anaesthesiologists), I. KAIM LF UPJŠ a UNLP Košice, Once a year since 2008 - present
Memberships in organizations: Slovak Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SSPEV) - since 1999Slovak Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (SSAIM) - since 1999European Society of Anesthesiology (ESA) - since 2006General Medical Council (GMC) - since 2006European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Society (ESPEN ) - since 2009The Association of Anesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI) - since 2010The Royal College of Anesthetists - since 2010American Society for Nutrition - since 2012Difficult Airway Society - since 2015Sepsis Stakeholders Oxford - Regional Working Group - from 2016 to 2018European Society of Regional Anesthesia - since 2017

Further information