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vladimira.tomeckova@upjs.sk |
https://www.upjs.sk/LF/zamestnanec/vladimira.tomeckova | |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry
MB5O21 | |
+421 55 234 3226 | |
0000-0002-5701-5719 |
Overview of the responsibility for
the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part
at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Clinical Biochemistry, study field: General Medicine, III. degree
Profile courses
Medical Biochemistry 2 - General Medicine, joined I. and. II. degree
Medical Biochemistry 2 - Dental Medicine, joined I. and. II. degree
Analytical methods in biochemistry - Clinical Biochemistry, III. degree
Overview of the responsibility for
the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure
in the current academic year
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure:
Clinical Biochemistry, study field to which it is assigned: General Medicine
Selected publications
ADM: Favero, Gaia - Moretti, Enrico - Krajčíková, Kristína - Tomečková, Vladimíra - Rezzani, Rita: Evidence of Polyphenols Efficacy against Dry Eye Disease, Antioxidants. 2021, Roč. 10, č. 1, art. no. 190, s. [1-17], online, http://ws.isiknowledge.com/cps/openurl/service?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_id=info:ut/WOS:000622036100001. - DOI 10.3390/antiox10020190, IF 7,675, Q1, Cited:18-times |
ADC: Široká, Monika - Franco, Caterina - Guľašová, Zuzana - Hertelyová, Zdenka - Tomečková, Vladimíra - Rodella, Luigi - Rezzani, Rita. Nuclear factor-kB and nitric oxide synthases in red blood cells: good or bad in obesity? European Journal of Histochemistry, 2020, Roč. 64, č. 1, s. 18-31. - DOI 10.4081/ejh.2020.3081,IF 3,188, Q2, Cited: 7-times |
ADC: Guľašová, Zuzana, - Guerreiro, S.G. - Link, René - Soares, Raquel Reis - Tomečková, Vladimíra. Tackling endothelium remodeling in cardiovascular disease. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2020, Roč. 121, č. 2, s. 938-945, IF 4,429, Q2, Cited: 5-times |
ADC: Glinská, Gabriela - Krajčíková, Kristína - Zakuťanská, Katarína - Shylenko, Oleg - Kondrakhova, Daria - Tomašovičová, Natália - Komanický, Vladimír - Mašlanková, Jana - Tomečková, Vladimíra: Noninvasive diagnostic methods for diabetes mellitus from tear fluid, RSC Advances, 2019, 9, no. 31, s.18050-18059, IF = 3,119, Q1, Cited: 10-times |
ADC: Tomečková, Vladimíra – Tkáčiková Soňa – Talian, Ivan – Fabriciová, Gabriela – Hovan, Andrej – Kondrakhova, Daria– Zakuťanská, Katarína – Skirková, Miriama – Komanický, Vladimír – Tomašovičová, Natália: Experimental Analysis of Tear Fluid and Its Processing for the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, Sensors, 2023, Roč. 23, č.11, s.1-18, IF 3,4, Q1, Cited: 5-times |
Selected projects
VEGA 1/0333/20: Tear fluid and saliva in preventive, predictive and personalized medicine - responsible researcher |
VVGS ŠPP I-18-003-08 (vvgs-2018-747): New diagnostic possibilities for serious eye diseases - responsible researcher |
Complete overview of solved projects: Výskum | UPJŠ (upjs.sk) Projekty or Research | UPJS |
International mobilities and visits
Graz University of Technology, Medical faculty, Cell Biology Laboratory, Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz, Austria, 2006, 2007, ASO mobility research grant, post doctoral stay
Univerzita Pécs, Inštitút Farmaceutickej chémie, Rókus utca 2, 7624, Pécs, Hungary, 2007, 2008, 2019, ASO and HSB mobility research grant, post doctoral stay and Erasmus training stay
Universität Regensburg, Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors, Universitätsstraße 31, 93053 Regensburg, Germany, 2007, mobility research grant DAAD, post doctoral stay
FMUP Faculty of Medicine of Porto University , Department of biochemistry, Al. Prof. Hernâni Monteiro, 4200 - 319 Porto, Portugal, 2015, Erasmus - training stay, invited lecture "" Flavonoids and the possibilities of their
use "
Université Paris Sud, Institut des Sciences Moleculaires d'Orsay (ISMO);, Univ. Paris Sud 11, rue André Rivière-Batiment 520, 91405 Orsay cedex, France;, 2016, Erasmus - training stays
University of Padua, School of Medicine; University of Brescia, Anatomy and Physiolopathology
Division, Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Via Giustiniani, 2, 35128 Padova, Italy; Viale Europa, 11, 25123 Brescia, Italy, 2017, 2019, Erasmus plus - training stay, invited lecture: Novel approaches in the research of
biological material
University of Turku, Department of Biochemistry, Vatselankatu 2, FI20014, Turku, Finland, 2017, Erasmus plus - training stay
University of Istanbul, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Chemistry (Faculty of Science, Fen Fakültesi PK 34134 Vezneciler, Fatih/İstanbul)
and Clinical biochemistry (Faculty of Medicine, Tip Fakültesi Topkapı, Turgut Özal
Millet Cd, 34093 Fatih/İstanbul, Turecko), 5-11 march, 2023, Erasmus plus - training stay
University Eye Clinic Maastricht, Faculty of Health, Department of Ophtamology, University Medical Center +, P. Debyelaan
25, 6202 AZ Maastricht, The Netherlands, 5 - 9 Feb, 2024, Erasmus plus - training stay
Universidad de Málaga (University of Málaga), UMA International HUB, Jardín Botánico UMA. Blvr. Louis Pasteur, 29 29010 Málaga, May 6-10, 2024, Erasmus plus - training stay, Staff week in Málaga, where took part 53 participants
from different universities from 20 countries took part there.
Organisational activities
Art and science exhibition "Human Tear as Art" Exhibition awarded by the Rector's
Award for media response (18 Sep 2019) - Kulturpark, FM and FS UPJŠ, SAS in Košice, 16.1-17 feb, 2019
member of trade union commission (OK) - OK clinical biochemistry, UPJŠ in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, since 2012
member of the study program board (RŠP) - RŠP clinical biochemistry, UPJŠ in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, since 2021
co-organizer of the Children's University - Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry, UPJŠ FM, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Researchers' night - Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry, UPJŠ FM, 2018, 2019
Rector's Prize in sept 2019 for the The pilot scientific and artistic project of the "Human tear as art"...https://www.upjs.sk/en/faculty-of-medicine/20008/
VVGS ŠPP I-18-003-08 (vvgs-2018-747): New diagnostic possibilities for serious eye diseases - responsible researcher
VEGA 1/0333/20: Tear fluid and saliva in preventive, predictive and personalized medicine - responsible researcher |
International collaboration
International mobility and cooperation:
Graz University of Technology, Medical faculty, Cell Biology Laboratory, Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz, Austria, 2006, 2007, mobility research grant ASO post doctoral stay University of Pécs, Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Rókus utca 2, 7624, Pécs, Hungary, 2007, 2008, 2019, ASO mobility research grant post-doctoral stay University of Regensburg, Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors, Universitätsstraße 31, 93053 Regensburg, Germany, 2007, DAAD mobility research grant Erasmus training stay at FMUP Faculty of Medicine of Porto University, Department of biochemistry, Al. Prof. Hernâni Monteiro, 4200 - 319 Porto, Portugal, 2015, Erasmus - training stay, invited lecture "" Flavonoids and the possibilities of their use " Erasmus training stay at Université Paris Sud, Institut des Sciences Moleculaires d'Orsay (ISMO); Department of Biochemistry, University of Paris 11, rue André Rivière-Batiment 520, 91405 Orsay cedex, France Erasmus training stay at University Turku, Vatselankatu 2, FI20014, Turku, Finland, 2016, 2017 Erasmus training stays at University of Padova, School of Medicine, University of Brescia, Anatomy and Physiolopathology Division, Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Via Giustiniani, 2, 35128 Padova, Italy, Viale Europa, 11, 25123 Brescia, Italy, 2017, 2019, invited lecture: Novel approaches in the research of biological material Erasmus training stay at Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Institute of chemistry, Fakültesi PK 34134 Vezneciler, Fatih/İstanbul; Faculty of Medicine, Clinical Biochemistry,Topkapı, Turgut Özal Millet Cd, 34093 Fatih/İstanbul, Turecko,2023 Erasmus training stay at Maastricht University, Faculty of Health, Department of Ophtalmology, Netherlands, 2024, Erasmus training stay, staff week at Málaga University, Spain, 2024 |
Organizational activities, enlightenment of science for the public and children of primary and secondary schools:
Art-scientific exhibition "Human Tear as Art" Exhibition awarded by the Rector's Award for media response (18 Sep 2019) - Kulturpark, LF and PF UPJŠ, SAV in Košice, 16.1- 17 Feb, 2019 Member of the Trade Union Commission (OK) - OK Clinical Biochemistry, UPJŠ in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, since 2012 Member of the Study Program Council (RŠP) - RŠP Clinical Biochemistry, UPJŠ in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, since 2021 - Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry co-organizer Children University UPJŠ LF, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023,2024 Researchers' Night - Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry, UPJŠ LF, 2018, 2019 |
Interesting links
https://www.kosiceonline.sk/zo-slz-by-mali-diagnostikovat-sklerozu-ci-cukrovku-vysledky-premenili-na-umelecku-vystavu https://www.k13.sk/udalosti/ludska-slza-ako-umenie-vystava/ https://www.zdravie.sk/clanok/57081/vystava-ludska-slza-ako-umenie-takto-vyzera-slzna-tekutina-chorych-ludi?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=fb-zdravie.sk&utm_campaign=vecne https://vedanadosah.cvtisr.sk/zdravie/diagnosticky-potencial-slz/ https://kosicednes.sk/kultura/vysledky-kosickych-vyskumnikov-priblizi-vystava-obrazov-slz-pacientov/ https://www.upjs.sk/lekarska-fakulta/informacie-pre-verejnost-a-media/fakulta-v-mediach/archiv2019/: 15.01.2019 TV JOJ - podcast Spektrum: Výstava Ľudská slza ako umenie 16.01.2019 RTVS - Správy z regiónov o 17.30: Ľudská slza ako umenie (12. minúta vysielania) 16.01.2019 Televízia Košice: Výstava Ľudská slza ako umenie 23.01.2019 Rádio Lumen: Výstava 10.03.2019 rádio Lumen: Ľudská slza ako umenie (15.10 min); Ľudská slza ako umenie https://www.upjs.sk/public/media/12139/ZN_01_2019.pdf https://gaudeo.sk/slzy-chorych-ludi/ https://www.upjs.sk/public/media/12139/Quark%20022019%20-%20slzy.jpg https://www.katolickenoviny.sk/kultura/category/kultura/article/ked-sa-slza-meni-na-umenie.xhtml https://www.upjs.sk/public/media/12139/2019-06%20Slzy%20-%20zajtrajsie%20noviny.pdf
Hobbies: design, painting, music (piano playing and violin, violoncello, trombone, singing, flutes), ballroom dancing, traveling, culinary cooking and baking, cleaning, working with children and students, writing lyrics, creativity, sports: skiing , swimming, skating, hiking