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zbynek.schroner@upjs.sk |
https://www.upjs.sk/LF/zamestnanec/zbynek.schroner | |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
Department of Geriatrics and Nursing
0000-0002-2809-418X |
Overview of the responsibility for
the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part
at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: člen štátnicovej komisie pre záverečné diplomové práce, study field: VL a GM, I. a II. gr. degree
Profile courses
IM 1 - VL, GM, I. and II. gr. degree
IM 5 - VL and GM, I. and II. gr. degree
IM 6 - VL and GM, I. and II. gr. degree
Geriatrics - GM, I. a II. degree
Selected publications
The Association Between Three Adipocytokines (Adiponectin, Resistin and Visfatin) and Thyroid Status in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Autoimmune Thyroiditis / Štefan Sotak ... [et al.]. In: Physiological research. - ISSN 0862-8408. - Roč. 70, č. 6 (2021), s. 865-874. 10.33549/physiolres.934701 DOI; CCC; WOS CC; SCOPUS; [SOTAK, Štefan (21%) - SCHRONER, Zbynek (20%) - LAZÚROVÁ, Ivica (11%) - FELŠÖCI, Marek (10%) - JOCHMANOVÁ, Ivana (10%) - PETRÁŠOVÁ, Darina (10%) - BERTKOVÁ, Izabela (10%) - MITNÍKOVÁ, Miriam (5%) - NOVÁKOVÁ, Božena (1%) - WAGNEROVÁ, Hedviga (1%) - BOBELOVÁ, Oľga (1%) ] |
Selected projects
As a principal investigator I have participitated in more than 10 clinical studies in the field of endocrinology and diabetology ( e.g. LAF 237AA2338, BOE 1245.36, Johnson 3006,Johnson 2003, NN30697, studies with detemir, liraglutid, degludec, lixisenatid ) I posses GCP certificate from Brokwood Academy 2001-present |
Organisational activities
I participated in the medical students programme in the Hospital in Linkoping - Sweden, 1990
I passed an examination leading to certification in Good Clinical Practice organized
By Brookwood International Academy of Healthcare Research, 2001
2001 – present As a principal investigator I have participitated in more than 10 clinical studies in the field of endocrinology and diabetology ( e.g. LAF 237AA2338, BOE 1245.36, Johnson 3006,Johnson 2003, NN30697, studies with detemir, liraglutid, degludec, lixisenatid ) I posses GCP certificate from Brokwood Academy
International collaboration
June to September 1990 I participated in the medical students programme in the Hospital in Linkoping – Sweden
Languages English- high standard of both written and spoken German- high standard of both written and spoken
Interesting links
Along with this resume I am enclosing my publications Monographs : 1. Schroner, Z., Pella, J. Diabetes mellitus . Košice: Oriens, 2002, 73s. 2. Schroner, Z. Diabetes mellitus – epidemic of third millenium . Košice: Oriens, 2004, 63s. 3. Schroner, Z. Uličiansky V. Treatment of type 2. diabetes mellitus based on incretin effect. Košice, SchronerMED, s.r.o., 2008, 94s. 4. Schroner, Z. Uličiansky V. Treatment of type 2. diabetes mellitus based on incretin effect. 2.nd edition. Košice, SchronerMED, s.r.o., 2011, 111s. Publications as the first author : 1. Schroner, Z., Stančák, B., Pella, J., et al. Possibilities of selective non invasive tests in diagnostics of SA node. Súhrny prednášok – XI dni mladých internistov Martin, 1992, s. 2-3. 2. Schroner, Z., Lazúrova, I. Diabetes mellitus a thyropathies.. Diabetes a obezita, 2003, 3,č.5, s. 42-52. 3. Schroner, Z. Treatment with insulin.Medinews,2004,1,s.8-9. 4. Schroner, Z. Algorithm of treatment type 2 diabetes mellitus .Revue medicíny v praxi,2004,2,3,s.26. 5. Schroner, Z. Treatmnet of diabetic polyneuropatthy .Diabetik, 2004,2,3.s.22-25. 6. Schroner, Z., Payer, J. Diabetes mellitus and thyropathies .Diabetik,2004,2,3,s.28-32 7. Schroner, Z. Prandial control of glycemias in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.. XI.diabetologické dni, Trenčín, Abstr.s.27. 8. Schroner,Z. Intensified insulin treatment . Diabetik, 2005, 4, s.40 9. Schroner, Z. Complications of intensified insulin treatment .Diabetik, 2005, 5, s. 38. 10. Schroner, Z. Do we have to be aware of using higher doses of insulin glargin in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus? Diabetes a obezita, 2005,5, č.9, s. 73-79. 11. Schroner, Z. Derivatives of sulphonylurea – their place in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus . Diabetes a obezita, 2005, 5, č.10 , s.32-39. 12. Schroner, Z. Insulin detemira –new basal insulin analogue in clinical practice. Diabetes a obezita, 2005, 5, č. 10, s. 49-57. 13. Schroner Z. New basal insulin analogue- insulin detemir. Interná med. 2005, 5 č.11,s.632-636. 14. Schroner Z. Barriers for the initation of the treatment with insulin Diabetik, 2006, 1, s. 30. 15. Schroner, Z , Lazúrová I, Petrovičová J. Autoimmune thyropathies in diabetics.. Vnitř. Lek. 2006; 52, 2: s. 57-63. 16. Schroner Z, Lazúrová I. Diabetes mellitus and subclinical thyroid dysfunctions. DMEV . 2006; 1: s. 7-12. 17. Schroner Z. Combinied treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus with metformin and derivative of thiasolidines (rosiglitasone) – case reports . Kazuistiky v diabetologii;2006, 4, s. 21- 24. 18 Schroner Z, Lazúrová I. Diabetes mellitus type 1- part of the autoimmune polyglandular syndromes . Interná med. 2006; 2:s. 75-78. 19 Schroner Z, Staník J, Gašperíková D, Škopková M, Hučková M, Barák Ľ, Michálek J, Klimeš I. DNA diagnostics allows confirmation of clinical suspiciion of MODY 3 type DM. Kazuistiky v diabetologii. 2006; 2: s. 4-9. 20 Schroner Z. Aims of the treatment of diabetes mellitus . Diabetik. 2006; 2:s.18. 21 Schroner Z. Správa z globálnej medicínskej konferencie „Peaks and Valleys“ .Interná med. 2006; 2:s. 122-123. 22 Schroner Z. Derivatives of sulphonylurea in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabete mellitus . Lekárske listy.2006;14:s.24-27. 23 Schroner Z. Diabetologické fórum. Lekárske listy.2006; 14:s. 23. 24 Schroner Z. Diagnostics and treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy. Via Pract.2006; Suppl 1. s. 28- 32 25 Schroner Z. Importance of prandial control of glycemias in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus . Interná med. 2006; 4: s. 221- 227. 26 Schroner Z, Lazúrová I. Affection of cardiovascular system in diabetics with thyroid dysfunction. Vnitř. Lék. 2006; 27 Schroner Z. Insulin detemir- new basal insulin analogue . Diabetik. 2006; 3:s.34. 28 Schroner Z. Diabetes melitus in older age . Dialóg. 2006;s. 8-9. 29 Schroner Z. Problem of hypoglycemias in out patients departments . Medical practice 2006; 5: s. 30- 31. 30 Schroner Z. Treatmnet of derivative of sulphonylurea of third generation- gliclazide MR is not only effective but also safe. Kazuistiky v diabetologii. 2006, 3,4: s.10-14. 31 Schroner Z. Complications of diabetes melitus Diaspektrum .2006, 1,1:s.22-23. 32 Schroner Z. Function of B-cells and long term glycemic effectivity of derivatives of sulphonylurea of third generation. Diabetes a obezita, 6, 2006, 12, s. 49- 54. 33 Schroner Z. Správa zo sympózia spoločnosti Novo Nordisk konaného pri príležitosti 42. ročníka kongresu EASD Kodaň/Malmoe. Diabetes a obezita, 6, 2006, 12, s.101- 102. 34 Schroner Z. Incretins - new strategy for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes a obezita, 6, 2006, 12, s.111. 35 Schroner Zbynek Diabetic neuropathy. Diaspektrum 2006, 1, 2, s. 18-20. 36 Schroner Z. Acute complications of diabetes mellitus . Interná med. , 12, 2006, ročník 6, s. 673- 678 1. Pharmacogenetics of oral antidiabetic treatment. Schroner Z, Javorsky M, Kozarova M, Tkac I. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2011;112(8):441-6. Review. PMID: 21863614 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations 2. Variation in KCNQ1 is associated with therapeutic response to sulphonylureas. Schroner Z, Dobrikova M, Klimcakova L, Javorsky M, Zidzik J, Kozarova M, Hudakova T, Tkacova R, Salagovic J, Tkac I. Med Sci Monit. 2011 Jul;17(7):CR392-6. PMID: 21709633 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations 3. Relationship between type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Felšöci M, Schroner Z, Petrovičová J, Lazúrová I. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2011 Jan;123(1-2):28-33. Epub 2010 Dec 20. PMID: 21165705 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations 4. Effect of sulphonylurea treatment on glycaemic control is related to TCF7L2 genotype in patients with type 2 diabetes. Schroner Z, Javorsky M, Tkacova R, Klimcakova L, Dobrikova M, Habalova V, Kozarova M, Zidzik J, Rudikova M, Tkac I. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2011 Jan;13(1):89-91. doi: 10.1111/j.1463-1326.2010.01324.x. PMID: 21114608 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations 5. Autoimmune thyroid diseases in patients with diabetes mellitus. Schroner Z, Lazurova I, Petrovicova J. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2008;109(3):125-9. PMID: 18517136 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations 6. [Affection of cardiovascular system in diabetic patients with thyroid dysfunctions]. Schroner Z, Lazúrová I. Vnitr Lek. 2006 Nov;52(11):1069-76. Review. Slovak. PMID: 17165527 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations 7. [Autoimmune thyropathies in diabetics]. Schroner Z, Lazúrová I, Petrovicová J. Vnitr Lek. 2006 Feb;52(2):137-43. Slovak. PMID: 16623276 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations 8. [Factors affecting the vulnerability of the left atrium during rapid transesophageal atrial stimulation]. Stancák B, Misíková S, Schroner Z, Pella J. Vnitr Lek. 1994 Jan;40(1):3-8. Slovak. PMID: 8140747 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations 9. [Non-invasive tests in the diagnosis of sinoatrial node dysfunction]. Stancák B, Schroner Z, Bodnár J, Misíková S, Pella J, Palinský M. Vnitr Lek. 1993 Dec;39(12):1164-70. Slovak. PMID: 8310665 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations 10. [The effect of aminophylline on the sinoatrial node]. Pella J, Stancák B, Bodnár J, Schroner Z, Sedlák J. Cas Lek Cesk. 1993 Nov 8;132(21):657-60. Slovak. PMID: 8269471 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations 11. [Sick sinus syndrome and permanent cardiac pacing]. Pella J, Stancák B, Schroner Z, Bodnár J, Sedlák J. Vnitr Lek. 1993 Apr;39(4):334-9. Slovak. PMID: 8351860 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations 12. [Uric acid and sinoatrial node function]. Pella J, Stancák B, Bodnár J, Sedlák J, Schroner Z. Vnitr Lek. 1992 Jun;38(6):562-5. Slovak. PMID: 1529561 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations 37 Publications as co-author : 1. Pella, J., Stančák, B., Bodnár, J., Sedlák, J., Schroner, Z. Uric acid and function of SA node Súhrny prednášok – Kardiologický Martin, 1992. 2. Pella, J., Stančák, B., Bodnár, J., Schroner, Z. Biochemical aspects of SSS. Súhrny prednášok – XXXI Východoslovenské lekárske dni Nový Smokovec, Vysoké Tatry, 1992, s. 39. 3. Pella, J., Stančák, B., Bodnár, J., Sedlák, J., Schroner, Z. Uric acid and function of SA node. Vnitř. Lék., 1992, 38, 6, s.562-565. 4. Pella, J., Stančák, B., Schroner, Z., et al. SSS and permanent pacing . Vnitř. Lék., 1993, 39, 4, s.334-339. 5. Stančák, B., Schroner, Z., Bodnár, J., Mišíková, S., Pella, J., Palinský, M. Posisbilities of selective non invasive tests in diagnostics of funciot of SA node. Vnitř. Lék., 1993, 39, 12, s.1164-1170. 6. Lazúrová, I., Schroner, Z., Trejbal, D. Diabetes mellitus and thyropathies . Slovenský lekár, 2000, 7-8, s. 283-285. Staník P, Schroner Z, Pribilincová Z, Barák Ľ., Gašperíková D, Michálek J, Klimeš I. Diabetes mellitus type 2 - new phenomenon in childrens diabetology .Diabetes a obezita.2006; 11: s. 10- 33.
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