doc. RNDr. Adriana Zeleňáková, DrSc.   SK

PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚFV - Institute of Physics
+421 55 234 2536,2521,2554
A) Scientific research activities in the field of condensed matter physics include the following areas: 1. relaxation processes and magnetic properties of nanoparticle systems 2. nanoparticles for magnetic separation 3. Magnetic nanoparticles as intelligent drug carriers 4. Magnetocaloric phenomenon and cryomagnetic applications of magnetic nanoparticles. B) Pedagogical activity in the field of condensed matter physics: conducting lectures, exercises, final bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses of university students

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafarik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, 1996, Physics-Chemistry
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafarik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, 2005, Physics of Condensed Matter
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafarik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, 2014, Physics of Condensed Matter

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Advanced Materials, PMd, study field: Physics, III., PhD. degree
Profile courses
Nanomaterials and nanotechnology, UFV/NANO, lecture - Advanced Materials, PMd, III., PhD study degree
Physical and chemical properties of solids II., UFV/FCHVM II, lecture - Advanced Materials, PMd, III., PhD. degree
General Physics II, practical - Physics, Fb, bachelor, I. degree
Selected publications

ADC - A. Zeleňáková, P. Hrubovcak, O. Kapusta, N. Kucerka, A. Kuklin, O. Ivankov, V. Zelenak, Size and distribution of the iron oxide nanoparticles in SBA-15 nanoporous silica via SANS study, Scientific Reports 9, (2019) 15852. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-52417-w, Q1- multidisciplinary

ADC - A. Zeleňáková, P. Hrubovčák, V., Zeleňák, J, Kováč, V., Franco, Magnetocaloric effect and scaling analysis in superspinglass cobalt based nanoparticles Zeleňáková, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 805, (2019), 767-773, DOI10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.07.132, Q2- chemistry, physics

ADC- V. Zelenak, M. Almasi, A. Zelenakova, V. Hrubovčak, S. Bourelly, Large and tunable magnetocaloric effect in gadolinium-organic framework: tuning by solvent exchange, Scientific Reports 9 (2019) 15572. DOI: 10.1038/S41598-019-51590-2, Q1- multidisciplinary

ADC - A. Zeleňáková, P. Hrubovcak, O. Kapusta, V., Zelenak, V. Franco, Large magnetocaloric effect in fine (GdO3)-O-2 nanoparticles embedded in porous silica matrix, Applied Physics Letters 109 (2016) 122412, DOI 10.1063/1.4963267, Q1- Applied Physics

ADC - A. Zeleňáková, P. Hrubovcak, A. Berkutova, O. Sofranko, N. Kucerka, A. Kuklin, O. Ivankov, V. Zelenak, Gadolinium-oxide nanoparticles for cryogenic magnetocaloric applications, Scientific Reports 12, (2022) 2282. DOI: 110.1038/s41598-022-06132-8, Q1- multidisciplinary

Selected projects

ESF, Project code in ITMS2014 +: 313011AUW7, NANOVIR Nanoparticles for solving diagnostic-therapeutic problems with COVID-19, 2021-2023, responsible researcher of the project: A. Zeleňáková

APVV-0512-20, Magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications, 2021-2025, responsible researcher of the project: A. Zeleňáková

VEGA 1/0829/21: Experimental study of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications, 2021-2024, responsible researcher of the project: A. Zeleňáková

APVV-15- 0152: Intelligent Nanoporous Systems for Drug Administration, 2016-2020, researcher, responsible researcher of the project: V. Zeleňák, completion: research project with excellent level.

APVV-0073-14, Magnetocaloric phenomenon in quantum and nanoscopic systems, 2015 -2019, researcher, responsible researcher of the project: M. Orendáč, research project with an excellent level, publications / publication-2020-en-A4.pdf

International mobilities and visits
JINR Dubna, Russia, Dubna, Russia, 1 week 2018, bemtime on the IBR-2 reactor, Beamline SANS based on proposal
DESY Hamburg, Notkestrase, Hamburg, Germany, 2016, 2015,2014, bemtimes based on proposals on the beamline P.02 Petra II.
Organisational activities
Chairmen of the Organizing Committee of the International Student Scientific Conference of the Czech Republic SK https: // - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Organizing commetee, 2019
International School of Synchrotron Radiation, Liptovský Ján, 2017 - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, SFEL Organizing Committee 2017, 2017
International School of Synchrotron Radiation, Liptovský Ján, 2018 of the organizing and program committee - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, SFEL Organizing Committee 2018, 2018
International School of Synchrotron Radiation, Liptovský Ján, 2019 of the organizing and program committee - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, SFEL Organizing Committee 2019, 2019
CSMAG International Scientific Conference, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2004 member of the organizing committee, secretary - CSMAG Conference Organizing Committee, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2004

Additional information

prize of the dean of the faculty for pedagogical activities member of the top team TRIANGEL according to AK MSVaV SR Obtaining the NANOVIR ESF project,
APVV grant projects: a total of 13 projects in the period 2005-2021 1. APVV-20-0512: Magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications, 2021-2025, project leader: A. Zeleňáková 2. APVV- 20-0072: Functional properties of compacted composites based on magnetic particles with surface modified properties, 2021-2025, researcher, project leader: P. Kollár 3. APVV-18-0197: Relaxation processes in quantum magnetic systems, 2019-2023, researcher, project leader: A. Orendáčová 4. APVV-15-0152: Intelligent Nanoporous Systems for Drug Administration, 2016-2020, researcher, project leader: V. Zeleňák, completion: research project with an excellent level. 5. APVV-15-0115, Design of structure and functional properties of magnetically soft composite materials based on 3 – d transition metals, 2016 - 2019, researcher, project leader: P. Kollár. 6. APVV-0073-14: Magnetocaloric phenomenon in quantum and nanoscopic systems, 2015 -2019, researcher, project leader: M. Orendáč, research project with an excellent level, /publikacie/publikacia-2020-sk-A4.pdf 7. APVV-0132-11: Infinite quantum states in nanoscopic magnetic clusters, 2012-2015, researcher, project leader: A. Feher. 8. APVV-0222-10: Microstructure and properties of micro and nano-composite materials for medium frequency magnetic applications (MAGCOMP), 2011-2014, researcher, project leader: E. Dudrová. 9. APVV LPP-0093-09: Nanomaterials for environmental applications: the future is in the hands of students, 2009-2012, researcher, project leader: V. Zeleňák. 10. APVV LPP-0270-09: Natural sciences for everyone, 2009-2012, researcher, project leader: M. Zentková. 11. APVV-RPEU-0027-06: Ordered nanoporous matrices for the preparation of advanced materials (OrNaMat), 2006 - 2009, researcher, project leader V. Zeleňák. 12. APVV- LPP 003006: Scientific incubator for pupils and students of SIPS, 2006-2009, researcher, project leader M. Zentková. 13. APVT - 20-008404: Study of structural and magnetic properties of nanophase and amorphous systems based on 3d transition elements Fe, Co, Ni, 2005-2007, researcher, project leader P.Kollár.
International collaboration
1. Department of Physics and NHMFL, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA (prof. M. Meisel) 2. Institute of Structure of Matter, National Research Council (CNR), Taliansko (prof. D.Fiorani, Dr. D.Peddis, Prof. E. Agostinneli) 3. Dpto. Física de la Materia Condensada, Universidad de Sevilla, Španielsko, (prof. V. Franco) 4. DESY, PETRA III, Beamline P02.1, Hamburg, Nemecko 5. JINR DUBNA, beamline YuMo, reaktor IBR-2, Russia, (prof. Kučerka, A. Kuklin, O. Ivankov) 6. Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, (M. Kuzminski) 7. Department of Physics, Technical University of Radom, Poland 8. Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary 9. IWW TU Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, (D. Ramin)
Práca s experimentálnymi zariadeniami pre fyzikálno- chemický výskum.: 1. realizácia magnetických meraní na magnetometroch MPMS 5XL, MPMS3, PPMS, a ich vyhodnotenie 2. realizácia magnetických meraní a ich vyhodnotenie na vibračnom magnetometri 3. syntéza magnetických nanočastíc (5-10nm) rozličnými metódami (sol-gel, precipitačné metódy) 4. práca na beamline B2- DESY/Hasylab (charakterizácia štruktúry pomocou práškovej difrakcie), práca na beamline B1- Nemecké synchrotrónové centrum Hamburg 5. práca na urýchľovači PETRA III, DESY Hamburg, (stanovište P02/1) 6. štúdium štruktúry využitím metodík, SAXS, XANES, ASAXS, XRD 7. realizácia magnetických meraní pomocou automatizovanej aparatúry na meranie hysteréznych slučiek v dcpoliach 8. magnetooptické aparatúry na sledovanie doménovej štruktúry 9. SEM mikroskop, optické mikroskopy na sledovanie doménovej štruktúry 9. mechanický guľový mlyn 10. MFM charakterizácia 11. Stanovenie Zetapotenciálu povrchových vsrstiev nanomateriálov pomocou hydrodynamickej metódy rozptylu svetla
Interesting links
swimming, cycling, singing, tourism

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