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alzbeta.orendacova@upjs.sk |
https://www.upjs.sk/PF/zamestnanec/alzbeta.orendacova | |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
Institute of Physics
SA0O21C | |
+421 55 234 2280,2282 | |
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5729-1991 |
By rotating the basic clusters (2J '+ 2J, J' + 3J, J + 3J ') it is possible to obtain a large number of two-dimensional lattices, which differ from each other by the nature of the ground state (ordered collinear Néel state, S = 0 non-magnetic state) and properties at finite temperatures. The research of such spatially anisotropic lattices does not have a long tradition, since from a theoretical point of view it was difficult to run calculations on large grids to exclude "finite size effects". From an experimental point of view, the first systems also appear relatively late, as the lack of theoretical predictions and the difficulty of preparing high-quality and sufficiently large single crystals did not allow a more accurate identification of the system. In this respect, calculations from the first principles are very helpful, which, based on the knowledge of the crystal structure, can provide the estimates of the interaction constants Ji around the central atom. Our study of the compound Cu(en)(H2O) 2SO4 (CUEN), (en=C2H8N2) has also gone through such a complex process. CUEN was initially identified as the realization of a spatially anisotropic triangular lattice in the collinear Neel phase, which shares features with a square lattice [1]. A subsequent study of electron paramagnetic resonance refuted this assumption and pointed at the existence of a square lattice [2]. Only first principles calculations showed that CUEN is the first implementation of a zigzag square lattice, which was also confirmed by analyzes of thermodynamic data within the model, while theoretical predictions were numerically calculated by the quantum Monte Carlo method for 120x120 spin lattice [3]. In this work, we have also shown, that even in such a lattice, the magnetic field induces quantum spin vortices and the associated Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase transition theoretically predicted for an ideal square lattice. In the context of vortices, the BKT transition is also observed in superconductors in the magnetic field and superfluid helium in the non-inertial system. Recent theoretical studies show that CUEN is a suitable system for observation of the spin Nernst effect. In addition, the substitution of H2O by en a compound Cu(en) 2SO4 is prepared, which is characterized by strong dimerized square lattice. The spin subsystem undergoes a field induced phase transition into the ordered state in magnetic fields above 7 T.
On the example of the analysis of experimental data of CuenCl2 developed a procedure how to extract information about low-dimensional magnetism despite the strong influence of interplanar interactions when applying magnetic fields higher than the saturation field if sufficient theoretical predictions are available [4].
In addition, we found that the Heisenberg models on the zigzag square lattice and rectangular lattice are equivalent at both the ground state and finite temperatures, in both zero and non-zero magnetic fields. Therefore, this equivalence will not enable to identify the real systems, unless first-principle calculations are made.
Overview of the responsibility for
the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part
at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Physics of Condensed Matter, study field: Physics, third degree degree
Study programme: Physics of Condensed Matter, study field: Physics, second degree degree
Profile courses
ÚFV/MAG/08 Magnetochemistry - Physics of Condensed Matter, second degree degree
ÚFV/MGCH/04 Magnetochemistry - Physics of Condensed Matter, third degree degree
Selected publications
A. Orendáčová, R. Tarasenko, V. Tkáč, E. Čižmár, M. Orendáč, A. Feher: Interplay of Spin and Spatial Anisotropy in Low-Dimensional Quantum Magnets with Spin 1/2. Crystals 9, 6 (2019).
R.Tarasenko, O. Vinnik, I. Potočňák, K. Zakuťanská, L. Kotvytska, V. Zeleňák,M. Orendáč, N. Tomašovičová,A. Orendáčová, The crystal structure, lattice dynamics and specific heat of M(C2H8N2)Cl2 (M = Zn, Cu) metal-organic compounds. Materials Today Communications 33 (2022) 104221. |
L. Lederová, A. Orendáčová, J. Chovan, J. Strečka, T. Verkholyak, R.Tarasenko, D. Legut, R. Sýkora, E. Čižmár, V. Tkáč, M.Orendáč, A.Feher, “Realization of a spin-1/2 spatially anisotropic square lattice in a quasi-two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet Cu(en)(H2O)2SO4”, Phys. Rev. B 95 (2017) 054436 |
L. Lederová, A. Orendáčová , R. Tarasenko, K. Karl’ová, J. Strečka, A. Gendiar, M. Orendáč, A. Feher: Interplay of magnetic field and interlayer coupling in the quasi-two-dimensional quantum magnet Cu(en)Cl2: Realization of the spin-1/2 rectangular/zigzag square Heisenberg lattice. Phys. Rev. B 100, 134416 (2019).
V. N. Glazkov, Yu. V. Krasnikova, I. K. Rodygina, J. Chovan, R. Tarasenko, A. Orendáčová: Splitting of antiferromagnetic resonance modes in the quasi-two-dimensional collinear antiferromagnet Cu(en)(H2O)2SO4. Phys. Rev. B 101, 014414 (2020).
Selected projects
VEGA 1/0132/22 Interplay of lattice vibrations and localized electron subsystems in quantum magnets with various strength of spin-orbit coupling 2022-25, project leader |
APVV-14-0078: “New materials based on the coordination compounds”, 2015-2019, project participant |
VEGA 1/0269/17: „Influence of magnetic field and spin anisotropy on the ground state and critical behaviour of two-dimensional quantum magnets“, 2017-2020, project leader; |
APVV-14-0073: “Magnetocaloric effect in quantum nanoscopic systems” 2015-2019, participant |
APVV-18-0197 :"Relaxation processes in quantum magnets" 2019-2023, project leader |
APVV-22-0172:"Influence of reduced dimensionality on the spin-phonon coupling" 2023-2027, project participant |
International mobilities and visits
ISIS facility, Didcot, England, 22.- 25.4. 2010., Project RB1010054
Helmholtz Zentrum, Berlin, Germany, 5.-14. July 2009, BENSC project PHY-01-2515
Helmholtz Zentrum, Berlin, Germany, 17.-24. June 2008, BENSC projekt PHY-01-2240
University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece, November 1996, November 1997, Slovak - Greek bilateral collaboration, Project No 8,1996-1997
Peking University, Peking, China, September 2009, August 2011, Slovak - Chinese bilateral collaboratin SK-CN-0032-07
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, (March 1999, April 2001, January 2004, January 2005, March 2009, March 2016), Slovak-American NSF projects NSF-INT 9722935, NSF-INT 0089140, NSF-DMR 0701400
International collaboration
Hiking, history, music, philately, literature, fine arts