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andrea.fedorkova@upjs.sk |
https://www.upjs.sk/PF/zamestnanec/andrea.fedorkova | |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
Institute of Chemistry
RD3O368 | |
+421 55 234 2328 | |
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3036-7570 |
Overview of the responsibility for
the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part
at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: FYCHm Physical chemistry, study field: chemistry, master degree
Study programme: FYCHd - Physical chemistry, study field: chemistry, doctoral degree
Profile courses
Applied electrochemistry - FYCHd - doctoral degree, doctoral degree
Introduction to Environmental Chemistry - Interdisciplinary study, bachelor degree
Environmental chemistry - Physical chemistry - master, master degree
Electroanalytical methods - Physical chemistry - master, master degree
Nanotechnologies - chemistry, bachelor degree
Selected publications
T. Kazda, M. Krbal, M. Pouzar, J. Vondrák, A. Straková Fedorková, M. Slávik, T. Wagner, J. Macak, Highly efficient and stable cryo-ground sulphur cathode for Li-S batteries, J. Power Sources 331 (2016) 293-298. |
T. Kazda, J. Vondrák, V. Di Noto, A. Straková Fedorková, M. Sedlaříková, P. Čudek, P. Vyroubal, The influence of used precursors on the properties of high-voltage cathode materials, J. Solid State Electrochem., 19 (2015) 647-653. |
T. Kazda, J. Vondrák, M. Sedlaříková, P. Gomez-Romero, M. Musil, P. Čudek, A. Straková Fedorková, V. Kašparek, The influence of solvents and salts on the properties of high-voltage cathode materials, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 10 (2015) 6288-6301. |
D. Capkova, V. Knap, A. Strakova Fedorkova, D.-I. Stroe, Journal of Energy Chemistry 72 (2022) 318 - 325. |
T. Kazda, D. Capková, K. Jaššo, A. Straková Fedorková, E. Shembel, A. Markevich, M. Sedlaříková, Materials 14 (2021) 5578. |
Selected projects
NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, grant No. 985148, “Development of New Cathodes for Stable and Safer Lithium-Sulphur Batteries“ – zodpovedná riešiteľka (2016-2019) |
APVV-20-0138 Vývoj nových 3D materiálov pre post Li-iónové batérie s vysokou energetickou hustotou, 2021-2024, zodpovedná riešiteľka projektu |
APVV-20-0111 Pokročilé lítiové batérie s dlhou životnosťou, 2021-2025, zodpovedná riešiteľka za UPJŠ |
International mobilities and visits
Technical University Vienna, 10 / 2009, APVV SK-AT-0013-08
Westfälische Wilhelms University, Münster, Germany, 11 / 2013, bilateral agreement
WWU Munster, 5-7 / 2003, Socrates Erasmus
Organisational activities
Member of board for study programme in Electrotechnics - University in Zilina, 2020 - present