doc. RNDr. Csaba Török, CSc.   SK

PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚINF - Institute of Computer Science
+421 55 234 2433

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
Lomonosov Moscow state university, 1980, Applied mathematics and Cybernetics
Second degree of higher education:
Lomonosov Moscow state university, 1982, Applied mathematics and Cybernetics
Third degree of higher education:
Komensky University in Bratislava, 1995, Probability and mathematical statistics
Associate professor:
Slovak technical university in Bratislava, 2000, Applied mathematics

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
Database systems 1 - University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik in Košice, Faculty of Science, ICS, Bc degree
Database systems 2 - University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik in Košice, Faculty of Science, ICS, Mgr degree
Database systems for Mathematics - University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik in Košice, Faculty of Science, Institute of Mathematics, Mgr degree
Selected publications

1. ADC - V. Kačala, Cs. Török, Speedup of tridiagonal system solvers, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 381 (2021) 112997,

Selected projects

APVV-15-0091 - Efektívne algoritmy, automaty a dátové štruktúry – responsible solver Viliam Geffert – 01.07.2016- 30.06.2020

VEGA 1/0073/15 - Škálovateľné výpočtové metódy analýzy štruktúrovaných a neštruktúrovaných dát s prvkami neurčitosti – responsible solver Stanislav Krajči – 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2017

Projekt UVP TECHNICOM – II. fáza, ITMS 313011D232 – 11/2015-06/2018

Projekt UVP TECHNICOM - Univerzitný vedecký park TECHNICOM pre inovačné aplikácie s podporou znalostných technológií", zmluva o poskytnutí NFP č. OPVaV/8/2013, ITMS kód 26220220182 – 06/2013-12/2015

Projekt ŠF MŠ SR: CeZIS - Centrum znalostných a informačných systémov v Košiciach, ITMS 26220220158 – 06/2012-11/2014

International mobilities and visits
Joint institute of nuclear research, Dubna, Russia, 2019, june-august, Employment contract
Joint institute of nuclear research, Dubna, Russia, 2018, june-august, Employment contract
Joint institute of nuclear research, Dubna, Russia, 2017, june-august, Employment contract
Joint institute of nuclear research, Dubna, Russia, 2016, june-august, Employment contract
Joint institute of nuclear research, Dubna, Russia, 2015, june-august, Employment contract
Joint institute of nuclear research, Dubna, Russia, 2014, june-august, Employment contract

Further information