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Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
Institute of Chemistry
RB2O231 | |
+421 55 234 2365 | |
0000-0003-1290-5774 |
Profile courses
Biochemistry for physics - Biophysics, first degree
Biochemistry - Biochemistry, first degree
Enzymology - Biochemistry, second degree
Proteins, structure and function - Biochemistry, second degree
Conformational stability of proteins - Biochemistry, third degree
Selected publications
Tomášková, N.; Novák, P.; Kožár, T.; Petrenčáková, M.; Jancura, D.; Yassaghi, G.; Man, P.; *Sedlák, E.: Early modification of cytochrome c by hydrogen peroxide triggers its fast degradation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 174, 2021, 413-423. |
*Sedlák, E.; Kožár, T.; *Musatov, A.: The Interplay among Subunit Composition, Cardiolipin Content, and Aggregation State of Bovine Heart Cytochrome c Oxidase. Cells. 9(12), 2020, 2588. |
Garajová, K.; Sedláková, D.; Berta, M.; Gazova, Z.; *Sedlák, E.: Destabilization effect of imidazolium cation-Hofmeister anion salts on cytochrome c. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 164, 2020, 3808-3813. |
Petrenčáková, M.; Filandr, F.; Hovan, A.; Yassaghi, G.; Man, P.; Kožár, T.; Schwer, M.S.; Jancura, D.; Plückthun, A.; Novák, P.; Miškovský, P.; *Bánó, G.; *Sedlák, E.: Photoinduced damage of AsLOV2 domain is accompanied by increased singlet oxygen production due to flavin dissociation. Scientific Reports 10(1), 2020, 4119. |
Dušeková, E.; Garajová, K.; Yavaşer, R.; Varhač, R.; *Sedlák, E.: Hofmeister effect on catalytic properties of chymotrypsin is substrate-dependent. Biophysical Chemistry 243, 2018, 8-16. |
Selected projects
APVV 15-0069 (Life sciences) (2016-2020), Position: principal investigator, Title: Conversion of integral membrane receptor into water soluble form: caseGPCR |
APVV 20-0340 (Life sciences) (2021-2025), Position: principal investigator, Title: Development of efficient genetically encoded photosensitizers |
VEGA 1/0423/16 (2016-2018), Position: principal investigator, Title: Conversion of integral membrane receptor into water soluble form |
VEGA 2/0009/17 (2017-2020), Position: deputy of principal investigator at UPJS, Title: Oxidative stress and phospholipid-protein interactions: functional and structural consequences |
International mobilities and visits
University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zurich, 2.august-27.august 2021, H2020-WIDESPREAD-2020-05-Twinning Fostering high scientific quality in protein research
in Eastern Slovakia (CASPROT-952333)
Interesting links