prof. RNDr. Gabriel Semanišin, PhD.   SK

PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚINF - Institute of Computer Science
+421 55 6220949,+421 55 234 2439
UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
R UPJŠ - Rektorát UPJŠ
+421 55 234
Gabriel Semanišin is a professor of Computer Science at Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice . He also serves as Vice-Dean for Development and Quality Management. As part of his research activities, he focuses mainly on algorithmic graph theory and its application in various areas of theoretical and applied informatics. He is a co-guarantor of the study programs Applied Informatics, Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. He was a supervisor of 6 PhD students in study programs Computer Science, Discrete Mathematics and Theory of Teaching Informatics. In the past he served as the Dean of the Faculty of Science and the Vice-rector for Informatisation and Quality Management. He participated in the realisation of several fundamental and applied research projects as well as in the development of the Tax Information System of the Slovak Republic and the Academic Information System AiS2 . He is a professional guarantor of USP Technicom at UPJŠ . .

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, 1993, Theoretical cybernetics, mathematical informatics and theory of systems
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, 1998, Discrete mathematics
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, 2004, Mathematics
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, 2018, Computer Science

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: ADUIb - Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence (OZŠP, RŠP), study field: Mathematics - Informatics, first degree
Study programme: ADUIm - Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence (OZŠP, RŠP), study field: Mathematics - Informatics, second degree
Study programme: Im - Computer Science (OZPP, RŠP), study field: Computer Science, second degree
Study programme: Id - Computer Science (OZPP, RŠP), study field: Computer Science, third degree
Study programme: I-Xb - Informatics - X (OZPP, RŠP), study field: Informatics in combination (interdisciplinary study), first degree
Study programme: I-Xm - Informatics - X (OZPP, RŠP), study field: Informatics (specialisation), second degree
Profile courses
ÚINF/AIS1/15 - Architectures of information systems - Im - Computer Science, second degree
ÚINF/SWI1a/15 - Software engineeering - AIb - Applied Informatics, Ib - Computer Science, I-Xb interdisciplinary study programs with Informatics, first degree
ÚINF/PMO1/15 - Business process modelling - AIb - Applied Informatics, ADUIb - Data analysis and Artificial intelligence, first degree
ÚINF/KKV1/21 - Classical and quantum computation - Im - Computer Science, ADUIm - Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, I-Xm Informatics in combination, second degree
ÚINF/PAHD/15 - Probabilistic and approximation algorithms and heuristics - Id - Computer Science, third degree
Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure: Computer Science, study field to which it is assigned: Computer Science
Selected publications

Iztok PETERIN - Gabriel SEMANIŠIN. Geodesic transversal problem for join and lexicographic product of graphs. Comp. Appl. Math. 41, 128 (2022). DOI: 10.1007/s40314-022-01834-1

Viktor PRISTAŠ - Ľubomír ANTONI - Gabriel SEMANIŠIN. Automatic reactive power classification based on selected machine learning methods. IProceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 3: ICAART; ISBN 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN 2184-433X, pages 100-107. DOI: 10.5220/0011619000003393

Boštjan BREŠAR - Tom KOS - Rastislav KRIVOŠ-BELLUŠ - Gabriel SEMANIŠIN: Hitting subgraphs in P4-tidy graphs, Applied Mathematics and Computation 352 (2019), s. 211- 219. DOI:10.1016/j.amc.2019.01.074

Iztok PETERIN - Gabriel SEMANIŠIN. On the Maximal Shortest Paths Cover Number. Mathematics 2021, 9, 1592. DOI:10.3390/math9141592

Gabriela VOZÁRIKOVÁ - Richard STAŇA - Gabriel SEMANIŠIN: Clothing Parsing using Extended U-Net, In: VISIGRAPP 2021 : Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications: VISAPP vol. 5. - Setúbal : SciTePress, 2021. - ISBN 9789897584886. - S. 15-24, online. - Access URL: - DOI:10.5220/0010177700150024

Selected projects

APVV-15-0091: Effective algorithms, automatons and data structures (2016-2020)

VEGA 1/0056/18: Descriptional and computational complexity of automatons and algorithms (2018-2020)

VEGA 1/0177/21 Descriptional and computational complexity of automatons and algorithms (2021 - 2023)

Top Research Team (2nd call of AK SR) - KOSDIM - The Košice group of Discrete Mathematics (2017 - up to now)

International mobilities and visits
University of South Africa, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Pretoria, South Africa, 03-04/2004 (3 weeks), research stay covered by grant of NRF SA
University in Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Maribor, Slovenia, 05-06/2007 (1 week), Erasmus
Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cracow, Poland, Summer semester 2008/2009, Visiting professor, employment contract
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Cracow, Poland, 2009/2010 - 2012/2013, Member of the commission and reviewer of bachelor thesis in the position of visiting professor, employment contract
Technical university Freiberg, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freiberg, Germany, 12/2012 (1 week), Erasmus
Technical university of Hildesheim, Institute of Computer Science, ISMLL - Lab, Hildesheim, Germany, 11/2014 (2 weeks), 11/2015 (2 weeks), Research stay - project FP7 CELIM
Organisational activities
Member and/or chair - Scientific Board of PF UPJŠ a Scientific Board of UPJŠ, Scientific Board of FMFI UK in Bratislava, SB of PF UPJŠ: 2007 - up to now (in the period 2011-2019 chair), SB of UPJŠ: 2011- up to now, SB of FMFI UK (2015 - up to now)
Vice-chairman - Board for Internal Quality Verification at UPJŠ in Košice, 2021 - up to now
Vice-rector for informatisation and quality management - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2019 - 2023
Member of Departmental Committees for Doctoral Studies in Discrete Mathematics, Computer Science, - Departmental Committee for Doctoral Studies, 2005 - up to now
Member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal - Discussiones Mathematicae - Graph Theory, 2017 - up to now

Additional information

Awards for educational, research and development activities
Selected projects donated from the sources of EU and international institutions
  • local coordinator of the project TEMPUS UM_JEP 13401-98 Modern infosystems at Faculties of Sciences
  • principal investigator of the project Visegrad foundation No. 10910011 – Hereditarnia 2009
  • WP manager for the project FP7-REGPOT CELIM - Fostering Excellence in Multiscale Cell Imaging
  • a member of the Steering Committee of the - H Europe project - InnoChange - Driving Change and Capacity Building Towards Innovative, Entrepreneurial Universities
  • a member of the Project Management Board of - EDIH Cassovium
  • a member of the Project Management Board of - AI-BOOST - Artificial Intelligence for better opportunities and scientific progress towards a trustworthy and human-centric digital environment
  • Project AI2SEP - Developing Talents in Artificial Intelligence to Solve Disruptive Environmental Problems
ESIF projects: Software projects and products
  • development and implementation of the Tax Information System of Slovak Republic, Novitech Košice – analyst/lead analysts (1993-2000)
  • learning environment Logo$, used for courses at UPJŠ in the period 1990 – 1993, presented at the scientific conference Algorithms 1991
  • development and implementation of the Academic information system AiS2, 17 academic clients – analysts/developer/project manager (from 1997 – till now)
  • implementation of the information system PersonPro at UPJŠ – project manager/analyst (2000)
  • pilot implementation of electronic elections in Slovakia Modern European Elections (a project under supervision of the vice-prime ministry of Slovakia) – project manager/professional guarantor
Membership in Top Research Teams
International collaboration
International cooperation on scientific projects:
  • University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa
  • University of Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra, Poland
  • University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • University of Pretoria, Pretória, South Africa
  • University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
  • University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia
  • National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Jagiellonian university, Krakov, Poland
  • AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland
  • Technical university Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany
  • Technical university Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland
Managerial functions Membership in academic bodies
  • a member of the Academic senate of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (1990-1995, 2007-2011)
  • a member of the Academic senate of the Faculty of Science of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (1990-1993)
Membership in other bodies Cooperation with publishers of review journals: Certificates
  • EDCL certificate - 2007
Interesting links

Further information