RNDr. Igor Majláth, PhD.   SK

PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚBEV - Institute of Biology and Ecology
+421 55 234 2678

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, 1996, Biology: Anthropology - zoology
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, 2001, Animal physiology
Associate professor:
IIa, 2012, Animal physiology and ethology

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
Ethology - Zoology and physiology, 2. and 3. degree
Ethology for psychologists - Psychology, 2. and 3. degree
Selected publications

Kočíková, B., Majláth, I., Víchová, B., Maliničová, L., Pristaš, P., Connors, V.A., Majláthová, V. : Candidatus cryptoplasma associated with green lizards and ixodes ricinus ticks, Slovakia, 2004–201, (2018) Emerging Infectious Diseases, 24(12), pp. 2348-2351.

Frątczak, M., Vargová, B., Tryjanowski, P., Majláth, I., Jerzak, L., Kurimský, J., Cimbala, R., Jankowiak, Conka, Z., Majláthová, V. Infected Ixodes ricinus ticks are attracted by electromagnetic radiation of 900 MHz (2020) Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 11 (4), art. no. 101416, .

Pačuta, A., Žagar, A., Kočíková, B., Majláthová, V., Mihalca, A.D., Majláth, I.: Time matters. Locomotor behavior of Lacerta viridis and Lacerta agilis in an open field maze (2018) Acta Ethologica, 21 (2), pp. 91-99.

Vargová, B., Kurimský, J., Cimbala, R., Kosterec, M., Majláth, I., Pipová, N., Tryjanowski, P., Jankowiak, Majláthová, V. Ticks and radio-frequency signals: Behavioural response of ticks (Dermacentor reticulatus) in a 900 MHz electromagnetic field (2017) Systematic and Applied Acarology, 22 (5), pp. 683-693.

KOPENA, Renata - MARTIN, Jose - LOPEZ, Pilar - MAJLÁTH, Igor - MAJLÁTHOVÁ, Viktória. Lack of evidence of vertical transmission of Karyolysus blood parasites in Iberian green lizards (Lacerta schreiberi). In: International Journal for Parasitology-Parasites and Wildlife. - ISSN 2213-2244. - č. 16 (2021), s. 95-98.

Selected projects

APVV-19-0440 EMNEGPAT (2020-2024) Emerging zoonotic pathogens transmitted by neglected arthropod species in Slovakia – coordinator for UPJŠ

APVV-15-0419 – (2016-2018) Antitick protection using polypropylene fibers with acaricidal effect – coordinator for UPJŠ

VEGA 2/0113/18 Eco-epidemiology of Borreliamiyamotoi in Slovakia - principal investigator

VEGA 1/0298/19 Refuge of fauna in urbanised environment: diversity, ecology and adaptation of animals in city aglomeration - deputy of principal investigator

APVV-17-0372 EMITICK Radiofrequency interphase in biology and ecology of ixodid ticks - investigator

International mobilities and visits
Univeristy of South Carolina Upstate, Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA, 1.2.2020 - 31.7.2020, Visiting Profesor
Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Behavioural Ecology, Poznaň, Poland, 2006, 2008, 2009 ( 2 weeks/year), project cooperation
Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary science, Budapest, 1078, István u. 2., Hungary, 2008, 2015, 2016 (2 weeks/year), project cooperation
Swaziland Antivenom Trust Foundation, Simunye, Swaziland, 7.1.2011 - 2.2.2011, herpetology scientific expedition, courses
Organisational activities
Person responsible for accepting and leading Fulbright's guest "Vincent A. Connors, Ph.D., Professor of Biology and Executive Editor, Comparative Parasitology, University of South Carolina Upstate, USA" as a visiting professor at the P.J. Safarik University in Košice, Faculty of Science - Fullbright fellowship, 1.9.2016-31.12.2016
organisation of the conference, member of the scientific committee - Eurovenom 2019 - herpetology conference, 27.9.-29.9.2019
member of the organizing committee of the conference - "Diseases of the natural focus 2008, Košice", 3.11. - 5.11.2008
organizer of a scientific seminar - Radiofrequency interface in biology and ecology of ixodid ticks, EMITICK21, 29.9. - 1.10.2021
organizer of a scientific seminar - Radiofrequency interface in biology and ecology of ixodid ticks, EMITICK22, 1.6.-3.6.2022

Further information