Mgr. Imrich Sládek, PhD.   SK

PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚGE - Institute of Geography
+421 55 234 2254

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, 2010, Chemistry - Geography (interdisciplinary studies)
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, 2012, Teaching academic subjects, Chemistry - Geography
Third degree of higher education:
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Science, 2019, Sedimentology

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
Regional Geography of Europe - Geography and geoinformatics, I. degree
Geomorphology - Geography and geoinformatics, I. degree
Selected publications

V3 - GESSERT, A., SLÁDEK, I., STRAKOVÁ, V., BRAUN, M., HEIM, E., CZÉBELY, A., PALCSU, L. (2021). Ionic Runoff as a Way to Determine the Degree of Karst Denudation (Case Study Jasov Plateau, Slovak Karst, Slovakia). Water, 13, 11, 1449; CCC; SCOPUS; WOS

V3 - SLÁDEK, I. (2023). Vývoj spôsobov výpočtu intenzity chemickej denudácie krasu prostredníctvom hydrochemických metód. Acta Geographica Universitatis Comenianae, 67, 1, 141-159; SCOPUS

V3 - SLÁDEK, I., GESSERT, A., BRAUN, M., HEIM, E., CZÉBELY, A., PALCSU, L. (2023). Chemical denudation dynamic based on hydrochemical measurements in the area of Drienovecká jaskyňa Cave basin (Slovak karst, Slovakia). Geographia Cassoviensis, 17, 2, 129-149; SCOPUS; WOS

V3 - SLÁDEK, I., GESSERT, A. (2023). Schmidt hammer test ako metóda na určenie geomorfologickej hodnoty hornín na príklade Údolia Miglinc (Jasovská planina, Slovenský kras). Geografické informácie. 26, 1, 193-204

V3 - SLÁDEK, I. (2022). Didactic application of geological knowledge about the Bratislava ́s surroundings as an example of the teaching lithogeography. Geografická revue. 18, 2, 4-13

Selected projects

Co-investigator of the project KEGA 016UPJŠ-4/2021: Year 2021 - International Year of Caves and Karst - let's educate, explore and protect (Principal investigator: RNDr. Alena Gessert, PhD.)

Principal investigator of the project vvgs-2022-2120: Innovation and e-learning support for the subject Microgeography

Co-investigator of the project vvgs-2023-2689: Interactive instructions for exercises in Geomorphology (Principal investigator: RNDr. Alena Gessert, PhD.)

Co-investigator of the project OPLZ-PO1/2016/NP/1.1.1/1.3.1-03 IT Academy - education for the 21st century

Principal investigator of the project vvgs-2024-3209: Updating and e-learning support for the subject Geoecology

International mobilities and visits
HUN-REN Institute for Nuclear Research, Debrecen, Hungary, 27.11.2023 - 1.12.2023, ERASMUS+
International Research Centre on Karst under the auspices of UNESCO, Guilin, People´s Republic of China, 15. 4. 2024 - 28. 4. 2024, Lecturer of the 16th International Training Course on Karst and Climate Change; Beijing, Wuhan, Guilin

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Interesting links

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