RNDr. Jaroslav Šupina, PhD.   SK

PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚMAT - Institute of Mathematics
+421 55 234 2596

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
P.J. Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, Institute of Mathematics, 2006, Mathematics
Second degree of higher education:
P.J. Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, Institute of Mathematics, 2008, Informatic Mathematics
Third degree of higher education:
P.J. Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, Institute of Mathematics, 2012, Discrete Mathematics

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Selected publications
Šottová V. and Šupina J., Principle S1(P;R): ideals and functions, Topology Appl. 258 (2019), 282-304.
Halčinová L., Hutník O., Kisel’ák J. and Šupina J., Beyond the scope of super level measures, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 364 (2019), 36-63.
Bukovský L., Das P. and Šupina J., Ideal quasi-normal convergence and related notions, Colloq. Math. 146 (2017), 265–281.
Šupina J., Ideal QN-spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 435 (2016), 477–491.
Šupina J. and Uhrik D., On a Lindenbaum composition theorem, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 74 (2019), 145–158.
Selected projects

APVV-20-0045 Topological structures and spaces of functions, principal investigator doc. RNDr. Ľubica Holá, DrSc.

VEGA 1/0097/16 Set-theoretic methods in topology and real functions theory, principal investigator Prof. RNDr. Lev Bukovský, DrSc.

APVV-16-0337 Integration in the context of generalized measures, principal investigator doc. RNDr. Ondrej Hutník, PhD.

APVV SK-AT-2015-0019 Topologization of Dependence and Aggregation Structures with Applications, principal investigator Mgr. Jozef Kiseľák, PhD.

VVGS-2016-255 The integration with respect to super level measures and their applications, principal investigator RNDr. Lenka Halčinová PhD.

International mobilities and visits
Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic (KGRC), University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, September 2020 - February 2021, Aktion Osterreich-Slowakei, AOSK-Stipendien fur Postdoktoranden, SAIA
Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain, February 2007 - June 2007, Socrates - Erasmus
Organisational activities
Set-theoretic methods in topology and real functions theory, dedicated to 80th birthday of Lev Bukovský - the co-organizer - conference, 2019
Data Analytics Meetings - the co-organizer of the local seminar at UPJŠ - seminar UPJŠ, 2018 - 2020
ŠVOČ 2018: University student competition in scientific rese-arch in mathematics and computer science - the co-organizer - student competition, UPJŠ, 2018
Winter School in Abstract Analysis, section Set Theory and Topology - the member of the Scientific Committee - conference, 2015 - 2020

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Interesting links

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