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Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
Institute of Geography
SJ2O22 | |
+421 55 234 2459 | |
0000-0001-8011-446X |
Profile courses
Metageography and planetary geography - Geography and Geoinformatics, I. degree
Basics of remote sensing of the Earth - Geography and Geoinformatics, I. degree
Bachelor Thesis Project Seminar 2 - Geography and Geoinformatics, I. degree
Aerial laser and hyperspectral scanning - Geography and Geoinformatics, II. degree
Global Navigation Satellite Systems - Geography and Geoinformatics, II. degree
Selected publications
ADC ONAČILLOVÁ, K., GALLAY, M., PALUBA, D., PÉLIOVÁ, A., TOKARČÍK, O., LAUBERTOVÁ, D. 2022: Combining Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data in Google Earth Engine to Derive Higher Resolution Land Surface Temperature Maps in Urban Environment. Remote Sensing, 14(16). |
ADC HOFIERKA, J., ONAČILLOVÁ, K. 2022: Estimating Visible Band Albedo from Aerial Orthophotographs in Urban Areas. Remote Sensing, 14(1). |
ADC HOFIERKA, J., GALLAY, M., ONAČILLOVÁ, K., HOFIERKA, J. JR. 2020: Physically-based land surface temperature modeling in urban areas using a 3-D city model and multispectral satellite data. Urban Climate, 31, 100566. |
ADM ONAČILLOVÁ, K., GALLAY, M. 2018: Spatio-temporal analysis of surface urban heat island based on LANDSAT ETM+ and OLI/TIRS imagery in the city of Košice, Slovakia. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 13(2), 395-408. |
ADN KAŇUK, J., ŠUPINSKÝ, J., ŠAŠAK, J., HOFIERKA, J., WANG, Y., ZHANG, Q., SEDLÁK, V., ONAČILLOVÁ, K., GALLAY, M. 2019: Semi-automatic LiDAR point cloud denoising using a connected-component labelling method Geographia Cassoviensis, 13(2), 210-227. |
Selected projects
ENEUM: Enhancing Earth Observation Curriculum with a Focus on ESA Sensors Contract No.: 4000140187/23/NL/SC/rp / Proposal ID: SK7_04 - spoluriešiteľ projektu |
VEGA 1/0085/23: Modelovanie mestských ostrovov tepla pomocou geopriestorových nástrojov - spoluriešiteľ projektu |
APVV/SK-CN-RD-18-0015: Key Technologies on the Integration of Multi-GNSS, LiDAR and Oblique Photogrammetry in 3D High-Quality Reconstruction of Smart City (3DSMARTCITY) - spoluriešiteľ projektu |
APVV-18-0044: SOLARCITY - Solárny potenciál urbanizovaných území a jeho využitie v koncepte Smart City - spoluriešiteľ projektu |
APVV-0176-12: Nové metódy priestorového modelovania pomocou laserového skenovania a 3D GIS-u - spoluriešiteľ projektu |
VEGA 1/0798/20: Synergické využitie viacerých zdrojov dát z diaľkového prieskumu Zeme vo výskume krajiny - spoluriešiteľ projektu |
VEGA 1/0963/17: Dynamika krajiny vo vysokom rozlíšení -spoluriešiteľ projektu |
International mobilities and visits
University of Cagliari, Via Università 40, 09124 Cagliari, 15.07. - 22.07.2023, Erasmus+ Staff mobility - teaching
Faculty of Geographic and Geological Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
(Poland), ul. Wieniawskiego 1 61-712 Poznań, Poland, 10/2016 – 02/2017, LLP Erasmus+ study stay abroad