RNDr. Lenka Maliničová, PhD.   SK

PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚBEV - Institute of Biology and Ecology
+421 55 234 2658

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
Faculty of Science Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, 2005, Biology
Second degree of higher education:
Faculty of Science Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, 2007, Cell and molecular biology and genetics
Third degree of higher education:
Faculty of Science Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, 2011, Biochemistry

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
Microbiology and basics of virology - Biology, I. degree
General Microbiology - Biology - X (teacher studies), II. degree
Gene Manipulations - Genetics and molecular cytology, II. degree
Selected publications

Kisková, J., Juhás, A., Galušková, S., Maliničová, L., Kolesárová, M., Piknová, M., & Pristaš, P. (2023). Antibiotic Resistance and Genetic Variability of Acinetobacter spp. from Wastewater Treatment Plant in Kokšov-Bakša (Košice, Slovakia). Microorganisms, 11(4), 840.

Nosáľová, L., Maliničová, L., Kisková, J., Timková, I., Sedláková-Kaduková, J., Pristaš, P. (2021). Cultivable Microbiota Associated with Gold Ore from the Rozália Gold Mine, Hodruša-Hámre, Slovakia. Geomicrobiology Journal, 38(5), 415–425. doi: 10.1080/01490451.2021.1871685

Timková, I., Lachká, M., Kisková, J., Maliničová, L., Nosáľová, L., Pristaš, P., & Sedláková-Kaduková, J. (2020). High frequency of antibiotic tolerance in deep subsurface heterotrophic cultivable bacteria from the Rozália Gold Mine, Slovakia. Environmental science and pollution research international, 27(35), 44036–44044.

Ivanova, H., Malinicova, L., Piknova, M., & Pristas, P. (2020). New Endophytic Fusarium spp. from Fraxinus excelsior Leaves in Slovakia. Planta medica, 86(13-14), 1025–1031.

Kočíková, B., Majláth, I., Víchová, B., Maliničová, L., Pristaš, P., Connors, V. A., & Majláthová, V. (2018). Candidatus Cryptoplasma Associated with Green Lizards and Ixodes ricinus Ticks, Slovakia, 2004-2011. Emerging infectious diseases, 24(12), 2348–2351.

Selected projects

VEGA 1/0229/17 Study of interactions between microorganisms and metals and their exploitation in environmental applications

APVV-16-0171 Progresive methods for elimination of development and spread of bacterial resistance against clinically relevant antibiotics

APVV-16–0176 Targeted modulation of gut microbiota and its transplantation in prevention and treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases

VEGA 1/0779/21 Actinobacteria and actinomycetes from extreme environments as a source of biodiversity for modern biotechnologies

DS-FR-19-0008 Metal-microorganisms’ interactions as a basis for progressive biotechnological processes

Further information