doc. RNDr. Mária Ganajová, CSc.   SK

PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚCHV - Institute of Chemistry
+421 55 234 2337
PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚCHV - Institute of Chemistry
+421 55 234 2337

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 1984, Teaching general education subjects mathematics - chemistry
Third degree of higher education:
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University Bratislava, 1991, Theory of teaching general education subjects
Associate professor:
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, 1999, Theory of teaching subjects of general educational and professional nature, specialization: chemistry

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Teacher Training of Chemistry (in combination), study field: Teacher Training and Education Science, Mgr. degree
Profile courses
UCHV/DCH1/22 Didactics of Chemistry I - Teacher Training of Chemistry (in combination), Mgr. degree
UCHV/DCH2/22 Didactics of Chemistry II - Teacher Training of Chemistry (in combination), Mgr. degree
UCHV/SPC1a/22 Special practizing of school experiments - Teacher Training of Chemistry (in combination), Mgr. degree
UCHV/AMCU/22 Activating methods of teaching chemistry - Teacher Training of Chemistry (in combination), Mgr. degree
UCHV/MPPb/15 Scheduled practice teaching - Teacher Training of Chemistry (in combination), Mgr. degree
UCHV/MPPc/15 Continued practice teaching I - Teacher Training of Chemistry (in combination), Mgr. degree
UCHV/MPPd/15 Continued practice teaching II - Teacher Training of Chemistry (in combination), Mgr. degree
Selected publications

GANAJOVÁ, Mária - SOTÁKOVÁ, Ivana. How to Meet the Require-ments for Chemistry Teaching in the 21st Century. In: Chemické listy. - ISSN 0009-2770. - Vol. 112, No. 1 (2018), 43-51. year 2018 Chemické listy, IF= 0,311, Q4 (CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY)- WoS, Q4 (Chemistry (miscellaneous))- Scimago.

SCOPUS (ID: 2-s2.0-85043759806); Web of Science Core Collection (ID: WOS: 000427968600008).

OROSOVÁ, Renáta - GANAJOVÁ, Mária - SZARKA, Katarína - BABINČÁKOVÁ, Mária. Evaluation in natural science subjects in the current context of Slovak education. - In: Scientia in educatione: the Scientific Journal for Science and Mathematics Educational Research. - ISSN 1804-7106. - Vol. 10, No. 1 (2019), 17-32. - DOI 10.14712/18047106.1320.

BABINČÁKOVÁ, Mária - GANAJOVÁ, Mária - SOTÁKOVÁ, Ivana - BERNARD, Pawel. Influence of Formative Assessment Classroom Techniques (FACTs) on student’s outcomes in chemistry at secondary school. In: Journal of Baltic Science Education. - ISSN 1648-3898. - Vol. 19, No. 1 (2020), 36-49. - DOI 10.33225/jbse/20.19.36. year 2020 Journal of Baltic Science Education, IF= 1,182, Q2 (EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH)- WoS, Q2 (EDucation)- Scimago.

SCOPUS (ID: 2-s2.0-85079537791); Web of Science Core Collection (ID: WOS: 000513806100004).

SOTÁKOVÁ, Ivana - GANAJOVÁ, Mária - BABINČÁKOVÁ, Mária. Inquiry-Based Science Education as a revision strategy. In: Journal of Baltic Science Education. - ISSN 1648-3898. - Vol. 19, No. 3 (2020), 499-513. - DOI 10.33225/jbse/20.19.499. year 2020 Journal of Baltic Science Education, IF= 1,182, Q2 (EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH)- WoS, Q2 (EDucation)- Scimago.

SCOPUS (ID: 2-s2.0-85085949672); Web of Science Core Collection (ID: WOS:000538162000012).

GANAJOVÁ, Mária - SOTÁKOVÁ, Ivana - LUKÁČ, Stanislav - JEŠKOVÁ, Zuzana - JURKOVÁ, Veronika - OROSOVÁ, Renáta. Formative assessment as a tool to enhance the development of inquiry skills in science education. In: Journal of Baltic Science Education. - ISSN 1648-3898. - Vol. 20, No. 2 (2021), 204-222. - DOI 10.33225/jbse/21.20.204. year 2021 Journal of Baltic Science Education, IF= 1,182, Q2 (EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH)- WoS, Q2 (EDucation)- Scimago.

SCOPUS (ID: 2-s2.0-85103939195); Web of Science Core Collection (ID: WOS: 000637528500004). 

OROSOVÁ, Renáta - GANAJOVÁ, Mária - SOTÁKOVÁ, Ivana. The effect of formative assessment on the development of conceptual understanding in students. In: AD ALTA : journal of interdisciplinary research. - ISSN 1804-7890. - Roč. 12, č. 1 (2022), s. 122-129. WOS CC.

SOTÁKOVÁ, Ivana - GANAJOVÁ, Mária. The effect of the 5E instructional model on students’ cognitive processes and their attitudes towards chemistry as a subject. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(9), em2317., SCOPUS.

Selected projects

National project IT Academy – Education for the 21st Century (1. 9. 2016 – 31. 08. 2022), which is supported by the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the Operational Program Human Resources, ITMS code of the project: 312011F057 – co-solver

grant VEGA No. 1/0265/17 Formative Assessment in Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics (2017 - 2020) – project manager

grant KEGA No. 008UPJŠ-4/2018 Innovation of content, form and methodology of chemical laboratory practices with direct connection of potential employers from industry and commercial laboratories (2018 - 2020) – co-solver

grant KEGA No. 004UPJŠ-4/2020 “Creation, Implementation, and Verification of the Effectiveness of Digital Library with the Formative Assessment Tools for the Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics at the Elementary School” (2020 - 2022) – deputy project manager

Innovation of pedagogical practices at UPJŠ within the project No. NFP312010AFP1 (2020 - 2023) / Operational Program Human Resources / European Social Fund – co-solver

grant KEGA No. 006UPJŠ-4/2021 Formation of content, methods and educational forms for a new professionally focused study program Chemical Laboratory Technician - specialist at UCHV PF UPJŠ (2021 - 2023) – co-solver

grant KEGA No. 001UPJŠ-4/2023 Implementation of formative assessment in primary school teaching with the focus on the digital form (2023 - 2025) – deputy project manager

VVGS-2023-2521 UPJS Developing future chemistry teachers’ digital competences within the Activating Methods in Chemistry Teaching course (01.03.2023 - 29.02.2024) – project manager

International mobilities and visits
Georg August Universität Göttingen, Germany, August 1994, visit
University of Bayreuth, Germany, July 2004, visit
Institute for Science Education, Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany, March 2001 (2 weeks), visit
Technical University of Vienna, Austria, July 2004, visit
Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Science, Charles University, 12.03.-16.03.2018, international mobilitie Erasmus +
Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Science, Charles University, 09.09.-13.09.2019, international mobilitie Erasmus +
Organisational activities
Head of department - Department of Didactics of Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, from 2002
PhD supervisor in the study program Didactics of Chemistry - Faculty of Science, Charles University, from 2008
Chairwoman for the Teaching of Chemistry for the East Slovakia Region - Slovak Chemical Society, from 2002
Member of the subject committee for chemistry - State Pedagogical Institute, from 2000
Member of the scientific committees of foreign conferences - DidSci Plus – Research in Didactics of Science PLUS, from 2018
Member of the scientific committees of domestic conferences - Congress of Chemists, from 2017
Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee of DidSci+2022 - DidSci Plus – Research in Didactics of Science PLUS, 2022

Additional information

    1. Project Tempus Phare: „Model of further education of chemistry teacher“ AC_JEP 14327-1999 (1999-2002)
    2. Project Aktion Austria-Slovakia 34s14 „Chemie und Umwelt“ (2001)
    3. Project within the frame of Austria Ost-und Südeuropa Institut „New teaching forms and methods in education of chemistry“ (2001-2002)
    4. Project VEGA 95/5153/658 „Enviromental education in chemistry at secondary schools“ (1995 )
    5. Project KEGA 03- 106403 „Further education of chemistry teacher by means of distance learning.
International collaboration
    1. Georg August University Göttingen,
    2. Pedagogical Academie Graz,
    3. Inštitut fur Pedagogik der Naturwissenschaften at Christian Albrechts Univerzity, Kiel,
    4. University Bayreut,
    5. Technical University Wien,
    6. Pedagogical Institut Linz.
    The administrator international conference, workshops, seminar, conference because additional edify master:
    The administrator and scholarly sponsor international conference: "Analog Computer additional edify master natural science article" into cadre design TEMPUS PHAREAC_JEP 14327-1999, 19. -21. September 2001

  • 19 scholarly discourse because master chemistry into cadre additional edify master chemistry

    Administrative action:

  • Find 8 classes additional edify master chemistry into cadre design TEMPUS PHARE and club master chemistry.
Interesting links
travel and tourism

Further information