doc. RNDr. Mariana Budovská, PhD.   SK

PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚCHV - Institute of Chemistry
+421 55 234 2626, 2349
University teacher as associate professor - Department of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. Her research is focused on the development of efficient syntheses of new analogues of natural substances based on indole phytoalexins. The target molecules are evaluated for their in vitro anticancer activity and cytotoxic effect on non-malignant cells in cooperation with the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ - prof. MVDr. Ján Mojžiš, DrSc. Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR) of synthesized compounds is also studied in cooperation with doc. RNDr. Roman Mezencev, M.S., Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biological Sciences, Atlanta, USA.

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, 2004, Chemistry
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, 2006, Organic Chemistry
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science, 2011, Organic Chemistry
Associate professor:
Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, 2024, Organic Chemistry

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: OCHd - Organic Chemistry - (Single degree study, Ph.D. III. deg., Full-Time form), study field: 17. - Chemistry, Ph.D. III. deg. degree
Study programme: OCHm - Organic Chemistry - (Single degree study, master II. deg., Full-Time form), study field: 17. - Chemistry, master II. deg. degree
Profile courses
Heterocyclic compounds - OCHm - Organic Chemistry - (Single degree study, master II. deg., Full-Time form), master II. deg. degree
Nitrogen heterocycles - OCHd - Organic Chemistry - (Single degree study, Ph.D. III. deg., Full-Time form), Ph.D. III. deg degree
Selected publications

ADC 1. Očenášová, L.; Budovská, M.; Očenáš, P.; Tomášková, N.; Bago Pilátová, M.; Mojžiš, J.: The first synthesis of natural alkaloid capparine A. Tetrahedron, 2021, 77, 1-12, 131772. IF 2,233, Q2, Citations: 3

ADC 2. Budovská, M.; Baláž, M.; Mezencev, R.; Tischlerová, V.; Zigová, M.; Mojžiš, J.: Design, synthesis and anticancer activity of trifluoromethylphenylamino substituted spiroindoles. J. Fluorine Chem., 2018, 216, 24-32. IF 2.332, Q2, Citations: 5

ADC 3. Budovská, M.; Tischlerová, V.; Mojžiš, J.; Harvanová, M.; Kozlov, O.; Gondová, T.; Tomášková, N.: 2′-Aminoanalogues of the cruciferous phytoalexins spirobrassinin, 1-methoxyspirobrassinin and 1-methoxyspirobrassinol methyl ether: Synthesis and anticancer properties. Tetrahedron, 2017, 73, 6356-6371. IF 2,233, Q2, Citations: 6

ADC 4. Solárová, Z.; Kello, M.; Varinská, L. Budovská, M.; Solár, P.: Inhibition of heat shock protein (Hsp) 90 potentiates the antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic effects of 2-(4′fluoro-phenylamino)-4H-1,3-thiazine[6,5-b]indole in A2780cis cells. Biomed. Pharmacother., 2017, 85, 463-471. IF 4.545, Q1, Citations: 3

ADC 5. Tischlerová, V.; Kello, M.; Budovská, M.; Mojžiš, J.: Indole phytoalexin derivatives induce mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis in human colorectal carcinoma cells. World J. Gastroentero., 2017, 23, 4341-4353. IF 3.875, Q1, Citations: 13

Selected projects

2020-2022 Co-researcher of the grant VEGA no. 1/0138/20: Intelligent nanoconjugates based on nanoparticles and DNA aptamers.

Project leader: doc. RNDr. Viktor Víglaský, Ph.D.

2023-2026 Co-researcher of the grant VEGA no. 1/0347/23: Nanoconjugates from non-canonical DNA structural motifs: the basic compound of biosensors.

Project leader: doc. RNDr. Viktor Víglaský, PhD.

2022-2025 Co-researcher of the grant VEGA no. 1/0037/22: Development and research of new pharmacophores based on acridine and coumarin with antimicrobial and antitumor effects.

Project leader: prof. RNDr. Mária Kožurková, CSc.

International mobilities and visits
University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 1.7.2009-30.11.2009, CIMO Fellowships, Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI)
Université Louis Pasteur, ECPM, Laboratoire de Stéréochimie, Strasbourg, France, 1.2.2005–30.6.2005, Socrates-Erasmus

Additional information

2006 - Prize of rector awarded for excellent study results
Project leader: 1. VEGA 1/0954/12: Spirocyclization reactions of indole phytoalexin brassinin, its derivatives and analogs, (2012-2015). 2. VVGS UPJŠ 37/07-08: Synthesis of indole phytoalexin spirobrassinin and its N-analogues as potential anticancer agents, (2007-2008). 3. VVGS PF UPJŠ 13/2011/Ch: Stereoselective synthesis of spiroindole phytoalexin (S)-(-)-spirobrassinin and study of synthesis 2-alkyl- and 2-arylanalogs of 1-methoxyspirobrassinol methyl ether,, (2011). 4. VVGS PF UPJŠ 2012-31: Spirocyclization reactions of brassinin and its 1-substituted derivatives and study of synthesis 5-bromo derivatives of spiroindole phytoalexins, (2012-2013). 5. VVGS UPJŠ 2013-96: Synthesis and anticancer activity of aminoanalogs of indole phytoalexins, (2013-2014). 6. VVGS UPJŠ 2016-248: Syntheses of 5-fluoro-derivatives and 2´-aminoanalogs of indole phytoalexins as new antitumor active substances, (2016-2017). Co-researcher: 1. APVV-0514-06: 1-Methoxyindole phytoalexins and their analogues as a new type of compounds with antitumor activity, (2007-2009), Project leader: doc. RNDr. Peter Kutschy, CSc. 2. VEGA 1/3553/06: Stereoselective synthesis of spiroindoline phytoalexins and their analogs, (2006-2008), Project leader: doc. RNDr. Peter Kutschy, CSc. 3. VEGA 1/0406/10: Elektrophilic-nucleophilic difunctionalization of indole: Synthesis and interconversion of spiroindolinethiazolines and thiazinoindoles with anticancer activity, (2010-2011), Project leader: doc. RNDr. Peter Kutschy, CSc. 4. VEGA 1/0322/14: Indole phytoalexins - mechanism of the antiproliferative activity (2014-2016), Project leader: prof. MVDr. Ján Mojžiš, DrSc. 5. VEGA 1/0138/20: Intelligent nanoconjugates based on nanoparticles and DNA aptamers, (2020-2022), Project leader: doc. RNDr. Viktor Víglaský, PhD. 6. VVGS UPJŠ 52/12-13: Stereoselective synthesis of hybrid molecules with embedded spiroindoline[3,5´]thiazoline skeleton using antitumor active allobetulin, (2012-2013), Project leader: RNDr. Lucia Tomášová
International collaboration
doc. RNDr. Roman Mezencev, PhD.: Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biological Sciences, Atlanta, USA. Cooperation in the field of Structure-Activity Relationships of synthesized compounds.

Further information