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martin.orendac@upjs.sk |
https://www.upjs.sk/PF/zamestnanec/martin.orendac | |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
Institute of Physics
SA0O14 | |
+421 55 234 2548 | |
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6566-3460 |
Overview of the responsibility for
the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part
at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Condensed Matter Physics, person responsible for study program, study field: Physics, magister degree
Study programme: Condensed Matter Physics, head of Board for study program, study field: Physics, magister degree
Study programme: Condensed Matter Physics, head of committee for state exams, study field: Physics, magister degree
Study programme: Condensed Matter Physics, person responsible for study program, study field: Physics, doctoral degree
Study programme: Condensed Matter Physics, head of Board for study program, study field: Physics, doctoral degree
Study programme: Condensed Matter Physics, head of committe for doctoral studies, study field: Physics, doctoral degree
Profile courses
ÚFV/EMT1/03, Experimental Methods in Condensed Matter Physics I - Condensed Matter Physics, magister degree
ÚFV/OSA1/99, ÚFV/OSB1/99 Special seminar from Condensed Matter Physics - Condensed Matter Physics, magister degree
ÚFV/SFKL1a/04, ÚFV/SFKL1b/04, ÚFV/SFKL2a/04, ÚFV/SFKL2b/04, ÚFV/SFKL3a/04, ÚFV/SFKL3b/04,
ÚFV/SFKL4a/04, ÚFV/SFKL4b/04 Seminar from Condensed Matter Physics - Condensed Matter Physics, doctoral degree
ÚFV/VKFKL/22 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics - Condensed Matter Physics, doctoral degree
Overview of the responsibility for
the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure
in the current academic year
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure:
Physics, member of Board for habilitation and inauguration, study field to which it is assigned: Physics
Selected publications
ADC - Serhii Vorobiov, Olexander Pylypenko, Yurii Bereznyak, Ivan Pazukha, Erik Čižmár, Martin Orendáč, Vladimír Komanický, Magnetic properties, magnetoresistive, and magnetocaloric effects of AlCrFeCoNiCu thin-film high-entropy alloys prepared by the co-evaporation technique, Applied Physics A-Materials Science&processing, ISSN 0947-8396, 179 (2021) 2021-03-10. DOI:10.1007/s00339-020-04145-6, IF: 2.98 Q: 3 Number of citations: 17. |
ADC - Vladimír Tkáč, Róbert Tarasenko, Erika Tóthová, Zdenka Bujňáková, Katarína Tibenská, Alžbeta Orendáčová, Vladimír Sechovský, Martin Orendáč, Relaxation phenomena and magnetocaloric effect in the dynamic spin ice Pr2Sn2O7, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, ISSN 0925-8388, 808 (2019), 151719. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.151719, IF: 4.65 Q: 2, Number of citations: 4 |
ADC- Vladimír Tkáč, Erika Tóthová, Katarína Tibenská, Alžbeta Orendáčová, Martin Orendáč, Róbert Tarasenko, Magnetocaloric properties of Gd2MoO6 prepared by a simple and fast method, Ceramics International, ISSN 1873-3956, 47 (2021), 24421. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2021.05.157, IF: 5.53 Q: 1, Number of citations: 6 |
ADC - Martin Orendáč, Simona Lupínková, Anasstasia Doroshenko, Erik Čižmár, Alžbeta Orendáčová, Václav Švorčík, Olexij Lyutakov, Dominik Fajstavr, Zdenka Kolská, Adriana Zeleňáková, Davide Peddys, Super spin-glass state in two-dimensional aggregated Fe3O4 nanoparticles deposited on a plasma-treated polymeric substrate, Phys. Rev. B, ISSN 2469-9969, 108 (2023), 104423. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.104423, IF: 3.2 Q: 2, Number of citations: 2 |
ADC - Martin Orendáč, Simona Lupínková, Anastassia Doroshenko, Erik Čižmár, Alžbeta Orendáčová, Václav Švorčík, Olexandr Lyutakov, Dominik Fajstavr, Zdenka Kolská, Adriana Zeleňáková, Fingerprints of super spin-glass state two-dimensional nanoscopic system, Solid State Sciences, ISSN 1293-2558 42 (2023), 107253. DOI: 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2023.107253, IF: 3.5 Q: 2, Number of citations: 1 |
Selected projects
GAČR, 20-01768S,, Smart magnetic materials: From bulk systems towards spinterface", 2020 - 2023, principal investigator.
APVV 14 - 0073 „Magnetocaloric effect in quantum and nanoscopic systems“, 2015 – 2019, principal investigator.
APVV 20 - 0324 "Development of a novel class of low dimensional magnetic materials for sensory and spintronic applications", 2021 - 2025, principal investigator. |
VEGA 1/0269/17 "Influence of magnetic field and spin anisotropy on the ground state and critical behavior of 2d quantum magnetic systems", 2017 - 2020, investigator. |
APVV-18-0197, "Relaxation phenomena in quantum magnetic systems", 2019 - 2023, investigator. |
International mobilities and visits
Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany, October - November 1995, October 1997, working visits in the framework of PECO - ERB project
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., March 1998, March 1999, May 2002, December 2002, January 2004, February 2005, March
2009, short-term (14 days) working visits in the framework of common NSF-INT projects
University of Peking, Beijing, China, Septemebr 2009, August 2011, short-term (9 days) working visits in the framework of common APVV-SK-CN projects
Charles University, Prague, Czech republic, April 2013, May 2015, June 2016, short-term (8 days) working visits in the framework using facilities of MGML laboratory
Organisational activities
Head of program committee of a conference - Czech and Slovak conference on magnetism 2004, 2007, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2025, 2004, 2007, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2025
Member of editorial board - Československý časopis pre fyziku (https://ccf.fzu.cz), 2011 - 2018
Member of scientific board - Institute of Experimental Physics, SAS Košice, 2015 - 2020
2015 – 2021 a member of the scientific team “Quantum magnetism and nanophysics (QMAGNA)”, which was awarded as top scientific team by Accreditation Committee of Slovak republic.
2018 prize of the Chancellor of PJŠU in Košice for excellent scientific results 2022 “Outstanding referee” awarded by American Physical Society |
GAČR, 20-01768S,, Smart magnetic materials: From bulk systems towards spinterface", 2020 - 2023, principal investigator. APVV 14 - 0073 „Magnetocaloric effect in quantum and nanoscopic systems“, 2015 – 2019, principal investigator. APVV-18-0197, "Relaxation phenomena in quantum magnetic systems", 2019 - 2023, investigator. VEGA 1/0269/17 Influence of magnetic field and spin anisotropy on the ground state and critical behavior of 2d quantum magnetic systems, 2017 - 2020, investigator. VEGA 1/0143/13: „Interplay of magnetic dimensionality and spin anisotropy on quantum processes in geometrically frustrated systems“, 2013-2016, investigator. |
International collaboration
Royal Holloway College, University of London, Great Britain
University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece State University of Florida, Gainesville,USA University of Kharkov, Ukraine Peking University, China |
Invited talks: M. Orendáč, Magnetocaloric study of spin relaxation in dipolar spin ice Dy2Ti2O7, 63rd Calorimetry Conference, July 2-6, 2008, New York, U.S.A. M. Orendáč, Slow spin relaxation in dipolar spin ice, workshop „Topics in the Frustration of Pyrochlore and Kagome Magnets“, ESF-HFM Network, ISIS London Centre for Nanotechnology 16.-18.9.2009, Abingdon, United Kingdom. M. Orendáč, Thermodynamical studies of dipolar spin ice, Advanced Working Group on Monopoles in Spin Ice meeting, October 15.–16. 2010, Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom. M. Orendáč, A. Orendáčová, M. Kajňaková, A. Vlček, Spin ice – magnetic equivalent of frozen water ? 14th Conference of Slovak physicists, 11.10. – 15. 10. 2004, Smolenice, Slovakia. M. Orendáč, Frustrated magnetism in rare – earth pyrochlores, 14. Czech and Slovak conference of Magnetism CSMAG’10, 6. - 9.7.2010, Košice, Slovakia M. Orendáč, Novel magnetic materials – frustration or expectations? West Bohemian University, Plzeň, 7. 12. 2010, Czech republic. M. Orendáč, J. Hanko, Frustrácia in magnetic analog of frozen water, 35th. Internationa Czech and Slovak calorimetric seminar, 27. 5. – 31.5. 2013 Třeboň, Czech republic. A. Orendáčová, V. Zeleňák, O. V. Kravchyna, J. H. Park, M. Orendáč, A. G. Anders, J. Černák, A. Feher, M. W. Meisel, Low dimensional magnetism in Cu(tn)Cl2 mediated by hydrogen bonds, 24th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, August 10 – 17, 2005, Orlando, U.S.A. (talk given by A. Orendáčová ) S. Vorobiov, E. Čižmár, M. Orendáč, V. Komanický, Tuning structure of arrays of Ni3Pt nanomagnets for applications in magnetocaloric cooling, VIII Ukrainian scientific conference on physics of semiconductors (USCPS-8), 2. – 4. 10. 2018 Užhorod, Ukrajina (talk given by V. Komanický) |
Interesting links
Literature, hiking, beekeeping