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Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
Institute of Chemistry
RC1O212 | |
+421 55 234 2335 | |
0000-0002-2758-1752 |
Profile courses
ÚCHV/ZMCHL/23 Basic methodologies in the chemical laboratory - CHLSb -Chemical laboratory technician specialist, bachelor's degree degree
ÚCHV/PACH/03 Inorganic Chemistry Practical Course - CHLSb -Chemical laboratory technician specialist, bachelor's degree degree
ÚCHV/ZCVU/04 Basics of chemical production - CHLSb -Chemical laboratory technician specialist, bachelor's degree degree
Selected publications
Tomičová, J., Matiková-Maľarová, M., Kuchár, J., Briančin, J., Černák, J. Synthesis, crystal structures and thermal properties of heteroleptic acetylacetonato iron(III) complexes with aromatic N,N´-donor ligands (2023) Inor. Chim. Acta, 554, 121539 |
Matiková-Maľarová, M., Matik, M., Briančin, J., Kuchár, J., Žák, Z., Černák, J. Cd(II)/Fe(III) heterobimetallic complexes with dien and cyanido ligands as precursors of ferrite-type oxides: Syntheses, crystal structures, thermal properties and identification of the oxides (2021) Polyhedron, 200, art. no. 115101 |
Matiková Maľarová, M., Černák, J., Matik, M., Briančin, J., Varret, F. Thermal properties of four Co/Fe complexes based on amine-type and cyanido ligands (2019) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 136 (2), pp. 703-715. |
Selected projects
Attractive multimedia materials for Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Practices teaching process VVGS IPEL 2021 1860 Grant coordinator |
Interactive map of the chemical industry in Slovakia for university and high school excursion, VVGS IPEL 2022-2407 Grant coordinator |
New magnetoctive koordination compounds based on 3d and 4f elements. VEGA 1/0063/17 member of team |
New materials based on coordination compounds. APVV-14-0078 member of team |
Platinum metal complexes with planar aromatic ligands as anticancer drugs. VEGA 1/0148/19 member of team |
International mobilities and visits
Laboratoire de magnetisme et Optique, Verailles France, april-june 2004, Socrates Erasmus
Fachebereich Chemie, Marburg Germany, january -june 2006, DAAD