RNDr. Miroslava Matiková Maľarová, PhD.   SK

PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚCHV - Institute of Chemistry
+421 55 234 2335

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
UPJŠ, 2003, 4.1.15 Inorganic chemistry
Third degree of higher education:
UPJŠ, 2006, 4.1.15 Inorganic chemistry

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
ÚCHV/ZMCHL/23 Basic methodologies in the chemical laboratory - CHLSb -Chemical laboratory technician specialist, bachelor's degree degree
ÚCHV/PACH/03 Inorganic Chemistry Practical Course - CHLSb -Chemical laboratory technician specialist, bachelor's degree degree
ÚCHV/ZCVU/04 Basics of chemical production - CHLSb -Chemical laboratory technician specialist, bachelor's degree degree
Selected publications

Tomičová, J., Matiková-Maľarová, M., Kuchár, J., Briančin, J., Černák, J. Synthesis, crystal structures and thermal properties of heteroleptic acetylacetonato iron(III) complexes with aromatic N,N´-donor ligands (2023) Inor. Chim. Acta, 554, 121539

Matiková-Maľarová, M., Matik, M., Briančin, J., Kuchár, J., Žák, Z., Černák, J. Cd(II)/Fe(III) heterobimetallic complexes with dien and cyanido ligands as precursors of ferrite-type oxides: Syntheses, crystal structures, thermal properties and identification of the oxides (2021) Polyhedron, 200, art. no. 115101

Matiková Maľarová, M., Černák, J., Matik, M., Briančin, J., Varret, F. Thermal properties of four Co/Fe complexes based on amine-type and cyanido ligands (2019) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 136 (2), pp. 703-715.

Selected projects

Attractive multimedia materials for Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Practices teaching process

VVGS IPEL 2021 1860

Grant coordinator

Interactive map of the chemical industry in Slovakia for university and high school excursion, VVGS IPEL 2022-2407

Grant coordinator

New magnetoctive koordination compounds based on 3d and 4f elements.

VEGA 1/0063/17

member of team

New materials based on coordination compounds.


member of team

Platinum metal complexes with planar aromatic ligands as anticancer drugs.

VEGA 1/0148/19

member of team

International mobilities and visits
Laboratoire de magnetisme et Optique, Verailles France, april-june 2004, Socrates Erasmus
Fachebereich Chemie, Marburg Germany, january -june 2006, DAAD

Further information