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Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
Institute of Biology and Ecology
RB3O337 | |
+421 55 234 2676 | |
0000-0001-9875-2363 |
Profile courses
Zoology II - General Biology, I. degree
Zoology I. - General Biology, I. degree
Selected publications
Vargová V., Gužiová D., Balogová M., Pipová N., Uhrin M. & Kaňuch P., 2023: Urban environment determines population genetics in the green toad, Bufotes viridis. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 69(4): 1-10. |
Vargová V., Balogová M., Pristašová P., Kaňuch P., Uhrin M., 2024: Spatiotemporal dynamics in the roosting ecology of the green toad: Implications for urban planning and nature conservation. Journal for Nature Conservation, 77: 126543. |
Papežík P., Mikulíček P., Benovics M., Balogová M., Choleva L., Doležálková-Kaštánková M., Lymberakis P., Mizsei E., Papežíková S., Poulakakis N., Sacdanaku E., Szabolcs M., Šanda R., Uhrin M., Vukić J. & Jablonski D., 2023: Comparative mitochondrial phylogeography of water frogs (Ranidae: Pelophylax spp.) from the southwestern Balkans. Vertebrate Zoology, 73: 525.544. |
Vargová V., Balogová M., Figurová M., Bočkay A., Pipová N., Kaňuch P. & Uhrin M., 2022:Skeletal morphology and fluctuating asymmetry of the European green toad, Bufotes viridis, in contrasting habitats. Amphibia-Reptilia, 43(4): 449-455. |
LASTRA GONZÁLEZ D., BALÁŽ V., SOLSKÝ M., THUMSOVÁ B., KOLENDA K., NAJBAR A., SOLSKÝ M., THUMSOVVÁ B., KOLENDA K., NAJBAR A., NAJBAR B., KAUTMAN M., CHAJMA P., BALOGOVÁ M., VOJAR J., 2019:Recent findings of potentially lethal salamander fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans. Emerging infectious diseases: tracking trends and analyzing new and reemerging infectious disease issues around the world=EID. - ISSN 1080-6040. - Roč. 25, č. 7 (2019), s. 1416-1418. - DOI 10.3201/eid2507.181001 |
HLOUŠKOVÁ M., BALOGOVÁ M., KRŠÁKOVÁ V., GVOŽDÍK L. 2018: No trade-offs in interspecific interference ability and predation susceptibility in newt larvae. Ecology and Evolution, 8(17):9095-9104. |
Selected projects
VEGA 1/0298/19, 2019 - 2022 Refugia of fauna in urban environment: animal diversity, ecology and adaptations in urban agglomerations - co-investigator |
VEGA 2/0077/17, 2017 - 2020 Evolutionary ecology of umbrella and flagship species of vertebrates in Slovakia - co-investigator |
VVGS PCOV(VVGS-2018-756), 2018 - 2019, Urban amphibians? Ecology of amphibians in urban habitats - principal investigator |
VVGS PCOV (vvgs-2021-1988), 2021-2022, Microsatellite analysis in amphibian ecology research. - principal investigator |
international educational project - EFFUSE - Environment for the Future by Scientific Education- International cooperation with Uzhhorod National University and Ukrainian Institute for Development of the Carpathian Region - project period: 01.08.2021 - 31.07.2023 - co-investigator |
International mobilities and visits
Croatian Institute for Biodiversity - CIB, Zagreb, Croatia, June - August 2016, foreign traineeship
Institute of Vertebrate Biology AV, workplace Studenec, Czech Republic, Brno, May - July 2014, foreign traineeship KVARK
Universidade de Trás-Os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal, September 2010 - January 2011, foreign traineeship Erasmus
Croatian Institute for Biodiversity - CIB, Zagreb, Croatia, 23.9.2019-29.9.2019, Erasmus+
Croatian Institute for Biodiversity - CIB, Zagreb, Croatia, 24.2.2020-28.2.2020, Erasmus+
NaturaService s.r.o., Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 25.10.2021-27.10.2021