doc. RNDr. Ondrej Krídlo, PhD.   SK

PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚINF - Institute of Computer Science
+421 55 234 2433

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
Univerzita P.J. Šafárika in Košice, Faculty of Science, 2003, Mathematics, Mathematical management
Second degree of higher education:
Univerzita P.J. Šafárika in Košice, Faculty of Science,, 2006, Mathematics, Mathematical computer science
Third degree of higher education:
Univerzita P.J. Šafárika in Košice, Faculty of Science,, 2011, Computer science
Associate professor:
Univerzita P.J. Šafárika in Košice, Faculty of Science,, 2021, Computer science

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: ADUIb - Data analysis and Artificial inteligence, study field: interdisciplinary, Mathematics and Computer science, bachelor degree
Study programme: ADUIm - Data analysis and Artificial inteligence, study field: interdisciplinary, Mathematics and Computer science, master degree
Study programme: Im - Computer science, study field: Computer science, master degree
Study programme: AIb - Applied informatics, study field: Applied informatics, bachelor degree
Study programme: AIm - Applied informatics, study field: Applied informatics, master degree
Profile courses
FUN - Functional programming - ADUIb - Data analysis and Artificial inteligence, bachelor degree
APA - Approximation and Randomized Algorythms - ADUIm - Data analysis and Artificial inteligence, master degree
ZNA - Basics of Knowledge systems - ADUIm - Data analysis and Artificial inteligence, master degree
APA - Approximation and Randomized algorithms - Im - Computer science, master degree
ZNA - Basics of Knowledge systems - Im - Computer science, master degree
FUN - Functional programming - Applied informatics, bachelor degree
ZNA - Basics of Knowledge systems - Applied informatics, master degree
Overview of the responsibility for the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure in the current academic year
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure: Computer science
Selected publications

KRÍDLO, Ondrej, LÓPEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Domingo, ANTONI, Lubomír, ELIAŠ, Peter, KRAJČI, Stanislav, OJEDA-ACIEGO, Manuel. Connecting concept lattices with bonds induced by external information. Information Sciences, 648, 119498 (2023).

KRÍDLO, Ondrej, OJEDA-ACIEGO, Manuel. Classifying Adjoint Pairs and Adjoint Triples in an Atanassov $L$-Fuzzy Framework. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 30(3), 863-868 (2022).

KRÍDLO, Ondrej, ANTONI, Ľubomír, KRAJČI, Stanislav. Selection of appropriate bonds between L-fuzzy formal contexts for recommendation tasks. Information Sciences, 606, 21-37 (2022).

ANTONI, Ľubomír, ELIAŠ, Peter, KRAJČI, Stanislav, KRÍDLO, Ondrej. Heterogeneous formal context and its decomposition by heterogeneous fuzzy subsets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 451, 361-384 (2022).

ANTONI, Lubomír, ELIAŠ, Peter, GUNIŠ, Ján, KOTLÁROVÁ, Dominika, KRAJČI, Stanislav, KRÍDLO, Ondrej, SOKOL, Pavol, SNAJDER, Lubomír. Bimorphisms and attribute implications in heterogeneous formal contexts. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 172, 109245 (2024).

Selected projects

Co-researcher of the project VEGA 1/0073/15 Scalable computational methods of analysis of structured and unstructured data with elements of uncertainty. Period: 2015 - 2017

Co-researcher of the project APVV 15–0091 Effective algorithms, automata and data structures. Period: 2016 - 2020

Leader of the project VEGA 1/0645/22 Proposal of novel methods in Formal concept analysis and their applications. Period: 2022 - 2024

Co-investigator of the project APVV 21–0468 Mining, aggregation and modelling of data with uncertainty. Period: 2022 - 2024

International mobilities and visits
Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain, February - Jun 2009, Erasmus
Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain, July 2023, Internal grant of University of Málaga
Organisational activities
director - Institute of Computer science, od 1.4.2020
deputy head for research - Institute of Computer science, 2015 - 2020
academic senate member - Academic senate of Faculty of science, od 2015

Further information