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tomas.lucivjansky@upjs.sk |
https://bootes.science.upjs.sk/~lucivjansky/ | |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
Institute of Physics
SA0O37 | |
+421 55 234 2522 | |
0000-0001-8529-4893 |
Overview of the responsibility for
the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part
at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Fb, Physics, responsible for teaching a profile subject (OZPP), member of the study committee (RŠP), study field: Physics, Bachelor, Bc. degree
Study programme: TFAm, Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, responsible for teaching a profile subject (OZPP), study field: Physics, Master, MsC. degree
Study programme: TFd, Theoretical Physics, responsible for teaching a profile subject (OZPP), study field: Physics, doctoral degree
Profile courses
Mathematical Physics - Physics, 1 degree
Quantum Field Theory I - Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, 2 degree
General Theory of Relativity - Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, 2 degree
Selected topics in quantum field theory - Theoretical Physics, 3 degree
Selected publications
ADC - M. Hnatič, J. Honkonen, T. Lučivjanský: Symmetry breaking in stochastic dynamics and turbulence, Symmetry 11 (10), 1193 (2019). (IF2019=2.645;Q3 Physics and Astronomy ; 2 Scopus a WoS) |
ADC - Loran Ts. Adzhemyan, Michal Hnatič, Ella V. Ivanova, Mikhail V. Kompaniets, Tomǎš Lučivjanský, and Lukáš Mižišin : Field-theoretic analysis of directed percolation: Three-loop approximation , Phys. Rev. E 107, (2023) 064138. (IF2023=2.707; Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics; 0 Scopus a WoS) |
ADC - V. Škultéty, Š. Birnšteinová, T. Lučivjanský, J. Honkonen: Universality in Incompressible Active Fluid: Effect of Non-local Shear Stress, Phys. Rev. E 102, 032616 (2020). (IF2020=2.296; Q2 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics; 0 Scopus a WoS) |
ADC - M. Dančo, M. Hnatič, T. Lučivjanský, L. Mižišin: Renormalization group study of superfluid phase transition: Effect of compressibility, Phys. Rev. E 102, 022118 (2020). (IF2020=2.296; Q2 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics; 0 Scopus a WoS) |
ADC - J. Honkonen, T. Lučivjanský, V. Škultéty: Influence of turbulent mixing on critical behavior of directed percolation process: Effect of compressibility, Phys. Rev. E, 97, 022123 (2018). (IF2018=2.353; Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics; 0 Scopus a WoS) |
Selected projects
VEGA 1/0222/13: Scaling in Stochastic Dynamics: Influence of Random Fluctuations on Diffusion, Kinetic Processes and Phase Transitions - scientific co-worker |
VEGA 1/0331/15: Frustrated systems with mixed spins - scientific co-worker |
VEGA 1/0234/12: Frustrated spin systems - scientific co-worker |
VEGA 1/0345/17: Study of scaling laws and turbulent anomalies in stochastic and critical dynamics using renormalization group methods - scientific co-worker |
APVV-16-0186: Exotic quantum states of low-dimensional spin and electron systems - scientific co-worker |
International mobilities and visits
University of Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Physics, Lotharstr. 1, 47057 Duisburg, Germany, January-February 2014, short term research stay
University of Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Physics, Lotharstr. 1, 47057 Duisburg, Germany, September 2013, short term research stay
Wien University, Faculty of Physics, Boltzmanngasse 5 1090 Wien, Austria, October 2011-January 2012, internship provided by Ernst Mach scholarship
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Dubna, Russian Federation, June-July 2010, short term research stay
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Dubna, Russian Federation, January-February 2010, short term research stay
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Dubna, Russian Federation, July-September 2009, short term research stay
2016 2th place at the Competition of Young Physicists, organized by Slovak Physical Society. 2016 1st Place, The XX International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists, Theo- retical Research, Dubna 2016. 2014 3th place at the Competition of Young Physicists, organized by Slovak Physical Society. 2011 3th place at Ortvay Competition, competition for university students in physics, organized by Hungarian Association of Physics Students and Eötvös Physical Society. October 2011 Ernst Mach Scholarship, scholarship for student mobility, provided by Aktion Österreich-Slowakei. July 2008 Rector award, excellent study results, Faculty of Science, Šafárik University. 2006 "Hlavička" award, scholarship for talented university students, awarded by SPP (Slovak Gas Company).
Interesting links