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Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
Institute of Mathematics
SJ1O25 | |
+421 55 234 2430 | |
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Overview of the responsibility for
the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part
at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Mathematics, study field: Mathematics, Bachelor degree
Study programme: Managerial mathematics, study field: Mathematics, Master degree
Study programme: Discrete mathematics, study field: Mathematics, Doctoral degree
Profile courses
DSMc/10 Discrete Mathematics III - Mathematics, Bachelor degree
RPR/22 Decision processes - Managerial mathematics, Master degree
KOP/10 Convex programming - Managerial mathematics, Master degree
dTGF/10 Graph theory - Discrete mathematics, Doctoral degree
dTPG/14 Theory of planar graphs - Discrete mathematics, Doctoral degree
Overview of the responsibility for
the development and quality of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure
in the current academic year
Name of the field of habilitation procedure and inaugural procedure:
Mathematics, study field to which it is assigned: Mathematics
Selected publications
ADC - Madaras, T., Široczki, P.: Minimal graphs with respect to geometric distance realizability, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 41 (2021) 65–73.
ADC - Šurimová, M., Lužar, B., Madaras, T.: Adynamic coloring of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 284 (2020) 224-233.
ADC - Čekanová, K., Madaras, T.: On the structure of essentially-highly-connected polyhedral graphs, discrete Applied Mathematics 321 (2022) 308-315 |
ADC - Fabrici, I., Madaras, T., Timková, M., Van Cleemput, N., Zamfirescu, C.T.: Non-hamiltonian graphs in which every edge-contracted subgraph is hamiltonian, Applied Mathematics and Computation 392 (2021) 125714
ADC - Fabrici, I., Harant, J., Madaras, T., Mohr., S., Soták, R., Zamfirescu, C.T.: Long cycles and spanning subgraphs of locally maximal 1-planar graphs, Journal of Graph Theory 95(1) (2020) 125-137
Selected projects
APVV-15-0116 "Štrukturálne a chromatické charakteristiky grafov" (2016-2020), member of research team |
APVV-19-0153 "Vnorené grafy - zafarbenia a štruktúra" (2020-2024), member of research team |
VEGA 1/0368/16 "Problémy grafových zafarbení" (2016-2019), member of research team |
VEGA 1/0574/21 "Zafarbenia grafov vzhľadom na lokálne podmienky" (2021-2024), member of research team |
APVV-23-0191 "1 Farebnosť a štruktúra planárnych, vnorených a planárno-príbuzných grafov" (2024 - 2028), member of research team |
International mobilities and visits
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Tržaška cesta 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovinsko, April 1998, one-month stay within the CEEPUS exchange programme
Charles University, Prague, Czech republic, Malostranské nám. 25, 118 00 Praha 1 - Malá Strana, Česká republika, February 2002, invited stay (under the contract GAČR 201/99/0242)
Organisational activities
member of editorial board - Journal of Mathematics and Applications (, 2016-2023
International collaboration
Slovenia (B. Lužar, R. Škrekovski, J. Klisara), Germany (J. Harant, S. Mohr, T. Schweser), Czech republic (D. Kráľ), Spain (S. Gago), Belgium (C.T. Zamfirescu, N. Van Cleemput), Japan (Y. Suzuki), USA (D. Narayan), Hungary (Z. Tuza)