doc. RNDr. Zuzana Daxnerová, CSc.   SK

PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚBEV - Institute of Biology and Ecology
+421 55 234 2686
Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Biologa, study field: 3. biology, first degree, Bacheleor degree
Profile courses
Histology - Biology, I. Degree degree
Molecular basis in mammalian ontogenesis - Molecular cytology and Genetics, III. Degree degree
Selected publications

AAB Mitro, A., Daxnerová, Z., Gallatz, K., Regional characteristics of the ependyma in the central canal of the spinal cord, P.J.Šafarik University in Košice, (2015) pp86, ISBN 9788081522307

ADC - Alexovič Matiašová, A., Ševc, J., Tomori, Z., Gombalová Z., Gedrová, Š., Daxnerová, Z. Quantitative analyses of cellularity and proliferative activity reveals the dynamics of the central canal lining during postnatal development of the rat. Journal of Comparative Neurology 525(3), (2017) 693-707

ADC - Košuth, J., Farkašová, M.,Mochnacký, F., Daxnerová, Z., Ševc, J.: Selection of Reliable Reference Genes for Analysis of Gene Expression in Spinal Cord during Rat Postnatal Development and after Injury. In: Brain Science, ISSN 2076-3425. 10, 1 (2020), 1-19. - DOI 10.3390/brainsci10010006.

ADC - Toneli Gombalová, Z., Košuth, J., Alexovič Matiašová, A., Zribáková, J., Žežula, I., Giallongo, T., Di Giulio, A.M., Carelli, S., Tomášková, L., Daxnerová, Z., Ševc, J.,: Majority of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons in the spinal cord of C57Bl/6N mice is present in ectopic position unlike in other studied experimental mice strains and mammalian species. In: Journal of Comparative Neurology. - ISSN 0021-9967. - 528, č. 15 (2020), s. 2523-2550. - DOI 10.1002/cne.24909

ADC - F. Mochnacky, V. Buľkova, R. Holota, J. Zrubakova, L. Slovinska, T. Kiskova, Z. Daxnerova, Neural stem cells puzzle“ missing piece: telomerase reverse transcriptase expression patterns during nervous system ontogenesis in rats.

Journal of Physiology anad Pharmacology - ISBN 0867-5910, 73, 6, (2021), 845-856. doi: 10.26402/jpp.2021.6.03.

Selected projects

VEGA 1/0391/10: Morphogenesis and characterization of cells lining the central spinal cord canal of rat during ontogenesis.

2009-2010, principal investigator

VEGA 1/0322/11: Characterization of selected parameters of the exogenous S-phase markers in in vivo and in vitro conditions

2011-2013, project member

VEGA 1/0967/12: Examination of proliferative and transformative processes of cells, their migration and reciprocal interaction in the

spinal cord of rat during perinatal period of life.

2012-2015, principal investigator

VEGA 1/0635/16: Cerebrospinal fluid contacting neurons (CSF-cNs) and their role in the mammalian spinal cord.

2016-2019, principal investigator

APVV-15-0239 Investigation of potential and role of the central canal lining in regeneration of the spinal cord.

2016-2020, project member

International mobilities and visits
Institute of Molecular Biology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G.Bonchev Str, bl. 21 Sofia 1113 Bulgaria, december 1982, study visit
Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Molecular Virology, One Baylor Plaza, MS: BCM-385, Houston, TX 77030, USA, 24.jun 1997 -31.august 1998, staff
Organisational activities
member - Slovak Society for Neurosciences at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2005 - up to now

Additional information

VEGA 1/2356/05
Regularities of rat neuroepithelial and ependymal cells transformation during development and after spinal cord lesion. 2005-2007, principal investigator

VEGA 1/4320/07
Pathogenesis and experimental repair of cleft palate in vitro: Molecular regulation of cell fates within the midline epithelial seam in Tgf-ß3 knockout mouse embryos. 2007-2009

Project period: 10-13-2006 - 09-31-2008. "Roles of the epithelial seam during formation of the embryonic palate and in pathogenesis of palatal clefts
International collaboration
Institute of Neurobiology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovak Republic

Further information