doc. RNDr. Zuzana Ješková, PhD.   SK

PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚFV - Institute of Physics
+421 55 234 2223
PF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Science
ÚFV - Institute of Physics

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, 1987, teacher study of academic subjects Mathematics - physics
Third degree of higher education:
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava, 2001, Theory of Physics Education
Associate professor:
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava, 2011, Theory of Physics Education

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Person responsible for the Physics study program, study field: Physics - two major study, I. degree
Study programme: Member of the Board of the Physics study program, study field: Teaching of academic subjects, II. degree
Study programme: Member of the Board of Theory of Physics Education study program, study field: Theory of Physics Education, III. degree
Study programme: Member of the Board of the Physics study program, study field: Physics, I. degree
Profile courses
ÚFV/VF1a/12 General Physics I. - Physics, 1 degree
ÚFV/VF1a/12 General Physics I. - Physics, I degree
ÚFV/PSP1b/05 Practicum of school experiments II - Physics, II degree
ÚFV/DPPL/11 Computer-based physics laboratory - Physics, III degree
Selected publications
ADM, Ješková, Z., Lukáč, S., Hančová, M., Šnajder, Ľ., Guniš, J., Balogová, B., Kireš, M. Efficacy of inquiry-based learning in mathematics, physics and informatics in relation to the development of students’ inquiry skills In: Journal of Baltic Science Education. - ISSN 1648-3898. - Vol. 15, no. 5 (2016), s. 559-574.
ADM Timková, V., Ješková, Z. How Magnus Bends the Flying Ball - Experimenting and Modelling / V. Timková, Z. Ješková. In: The Physics Teacher. - ISSN 0031-921X. - Vol. 55, no. 2 (2017), s. 112 - 114.

V3 Ješková, Z., Lukáč, S., Šnajder, Ľ., Guniš, J., Klein, D., Kireš, M. Active Learning in STEM Education with Regard to the Development of Inquiry Skills, In: Education sciences. - ISSN 2227-7102. - Roč. 12, č. 10 (2022), 686, s. 1-22, online.

ADM Ganajová, M., Sotáková, I., Lukáč, S., Ješková, Z., Jurková, V., Orosová, R.: Formative assessment as a tool to enhance the development of inquiry skills in science education In: Journal of Baltic Science Education. - ISSN 1648-3898. - Roč. 20, č. 2 (2021), -222. - DOI 10.33225/jbse/21.20.204
AFC Timková, V., Ješková, Z. Computer modelling in Physics Teaching In: The role of Laboratory Work in Improving Physics Teaching and Learning. - Cham : Springer International Publishing AG, 2018. - ISBN 9783319961835. - S. 121-130.
Selected projects

7.FP project SAILS (Strategies for Assessment of Inquiry Learning in Science), No: 2890085 (2012-15), partner institution. The SAILS project has demonstrated how inquiry approaches can be used for teaching a range of scientific topics, and has helped science teachers become confident and competent in the assessment of their students’ learning through inquiry. More than 2500 science teachers in 12 countries have participated in SAILS teacher education programmes. These teachers have strengthened their inquiry pedagogy and assessment practices by developing their understanding of the role of assessment..

Slovak Research and Development Agency: APVV-0715-12 Research on the efficiency of innovative teaching methods in mathematics, physics and informatics education (2013-16) member of research team. The project was aimed at the implementation of inquiry-based education in mathematics, informatics and physics and research on the efficiency of the developed model of implementation and its effect on students´ inquiry skills. The research results show positive effect of the consistent implementation of inquiry activities on inquiry skills development at upper secondary schools.

Scientific grant agency VEGA - 1/0265/17 2017-2020 Formative assessment in science, mathematics and informatics education. Member of research team. The project was aimed at monitoring the current situation in the use of formative assessment in education in Slovakia and elaboration of theoretical background and design of formative assessment strategies and tools for science, mathematics and informatics education, The research aimed at identifying the impact of their implementation on students´ learning has shown positive effect on inquiry skills development.

Cultural and educational agency KEGA - 004UPJŠ-4/2020 2020 - 2022 Creation, Implementation, and Verification of the Effectiveness of Digital Library with the Formative Assessment Tools for the Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics at the Elementary School, member of research team. The project is aimed at the design, implementation and verification of the effectiveness of formative assessment tools and development of digital library with the designed formative assessment tools for selected topics of science, mathematics and informatics education at lower secondary school. The formative assessment tools are developed in order to support conceptual understanding, inquiry skills development and motivation towards science.

Cultural and educational agency KEGA - 012UPJŠ-4/2021 Development of a digital library of interdisciplinary STEAM projects and its implementation in informatics, mathematics and science education at upper secondary schools. The project is focused on the creation of a digital library of interdisciplinary STEAM projects (Science Technology Engineering Art Mathematics), its implementation in upper secondary school teaching of informatics, mathematics, science and art. Part of the project is the lifelong education of upper secondary school teachers in the field of professional and pedagogical skills. Teachers of cooperating upper secondary schools will actively participate in the design, implementation and verification of a digital library of interdisciplinary STEAM projects in school practice and in the creation of methodological support for them.

Organisational activities
member of Slovak Physical Society board - Slovak Physical Society, 2003-now
member of the editorial board of journal Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky - OMFI,, 2012-now
member of the central subject committee of the State Pedagogical Institute - State Pedagogical Institute, 2021- now
Member of Teachers´ and Students´Forum - CERN, 2018 - now
Member of IUPAP of physics education commission - IUPAP,, 2019- now

Further information