Mgr. Peter Kaňuch, PhD.   EN

PF UPJŠ - Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach Prírodovedecká fakulta
ÚBEV - Ústav biologických a ekologických vied
+421 55 234 1207
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Vybrané publikácie
Horváth E, Danko S, Havaš P, Schindler M, Šebela M, Halpern B, Csibrány B, Farkas B, Kaňuch P, Uhrin M. 2021. Variation in shell morphology of the European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis, in fragmented central European populations. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 132: 134–147.
Nusová G, Uhrin M, Voigt CC, Kaňuch P. 2020. Tracing the geographic origin of common pipistrelles (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) swarming at a mass hibernaculum. Mammalian Biology 100: 601–610.
Cassel-Lundhagen A, Schmitt T, Wahlberg N, Sarvašová N, Konvička M, Ryrholm N, Kaňuch P. 2020. Wing morphology of the butterfly Coenonympha arcania in Europe: traces of both historical isolation in glacial refugia and current adaptation. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 58: 929–943.
Klinga P, Mikoláš M, Delegan IV, Dănilă G, Urban P, Paule L, Kaňuch P. 2020. Temporal landscape genetic data indicate an ongoing disruption of gene flow in a relict bird species. Conservation Genetics 21: 329–340.
Kubala J, Gregorová E, Smolko P, Klinga P, Iľko T, Kaňuch P. 2020. The coat pattern in the Carpathian population of Eurasian lynx has changed: a sign of demographic bottleneck and limited connectivity. European Journal of Wildlife Research 66: 2.