doc. JUDr. Alena Krunková, PhD.   SK

PrF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Law
KUPaSP - Department of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
+42155234 4171

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 1999, Law/Law
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2004, Constitutional Law/Constitutional Law
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2014, Theory and history of the state and law/Theory and history of the state and law

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Profile courses
KUPaSP/UPSRI/22, KUPaSP/UPSRI/08- Constitutional law I - Law- PB3d, I. degree
KUPaSP/UPSRII/08- Constitutional law II - Law- PB3d, I. degree
Consultation with supervisor - International law, III. degree
KUPaSP/UPSRI/e/22, KUPaSP/UPSRI/eb/08- Constitutional law of the Slovak republic I. - Law- PB4e, I. degree
KUPaSP/UPSRII/eb/08- Constitutional law of the Slovak republic II. - Law- PB4e, I. degree
KUPaSP/UP/p/11- Constitutional law of the Slovak republic - Law- PM2d, II. degree
KUPaSP/UP/p/em/11- Constitutional law of the Slovak republic - Law- PM3e, II. degree
Selected publications

Krunková, A. Innovations in security policy stemming from cybersecurity act in the slovak republic in relation to selected public administration bodies. In: AD ALTA : journal of interdisciplinary research : recenzovaný mezioborový vědecký časopis. - ISSN 1804-7890. - Roč. 10, č. 1 (2020), -149, share 30%

Krunková, A. Tendencie vo výkone verejnej moci v 21 storočí In: Právo jako multidimenzionální fenomén : pocta Aleši Gerlochovi k 65. narozeninám. - Plzeň : Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2020. - ISBN 9788073807979. - S. 116-122.

Krunková, A. Úskalia ľudskoprávnej roviny digitalizmu v práve (bezpečnostné aspekty) In: Právo v měnícím se světě. - Plzeň : Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2020. - ISBN 9788073808280. - S. 554-584.

Krunková, A. Rada Sądownicza w systemie organów konstytucyjnych Republiki Słowackiej : Rady sądownictwa w wybranych krajach europejskich In: Przeglad Prawa i Administracji. - ISSN 0239-6661. - č. 119 (2019), s. 151-160, share 33%

Krunková, A. Referendum v Slovenskej republike v ústavnej kontinuite Československa. In: Ústavní kontinuita České republiky s československou tradicí. - Plzeň : Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2018. - ISBN 9788073807498. - S. 590-606.

Selected projects

VEGA č. 1/0399/20 Constitutional law-making of the National Council of the Slovak Republic (legal-political analysis - assessment - perspective), 1/2020-12/2022, co-worker

The key aim of the project is the constitutional and political analysis and evaluation of the existing constitutional activity of the National Council of the Slovak Republic (hereafter referred to as the „National Council”) in terms of its impact on the quality of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, resp. the constitutional system of the Slovak Republic (also in international comparison), the authority and acceptance of the constitution in the state and society, as well as the cultivation of the constitutional-political system and the formation of political and legal culture. Based on the results of the analysis, the research team formulates ideas for improving and streamlining the constitutional work of the National Council, as well as strengthening the stability of the Constitution, including the form of concrete ideas de constitutione ferenda and de lege ferenda.

VEGA 1/0386/19 New Dimension Of The Methodology Of The Legal Argumentation - A Role Of The Legal Principles In Multi - Level Legal System, 1/2019-12/2021, co-worker

The scientific objective of the project is to investigate the conflict potential of legal principles in the process of solving conflicts arising between different levels of the legal system. Finding a suitable argumentation model that is uniformly acceptable across all levels of the multilevel legal system is one of the most recent challenges of the current legal science. The appropriate methodological solution is the traditional argumentation method of grasping the problem of gaps, just completed with the dimension of processes of globalization and Europeanisation. The innovative way of applying the legal principles makes it possible to achieve a value consensus between national, European and international legal systems. Part of the project is the analysis of the problems of this methodological procedure and the examination of the importance of the constitutional principles of the Slovak Republic in the multi-level communication process. 

APVV-17-0561 Human Rights and Ethical Aspects of Cyber Security, 8/2018-7/2022, co-worker

Nowadays cyberspace offers new opportunities, but it is also a source of new threats whether for one person or the society. This project focuses on interdisciplinary study of the cyberspace phenomenon and the security of practicing activities in it. Objective of the project is to identify sufficient level of satisfying basic human rights protection and liberties in the field of cybersecurity in security incident handling in proactive and reactive activities of CSIRT units subsequent exchange into recommendations and methodical guidance documents. At the same time, the project engages in research into activities supporting proactive and reactive CSIRT activities. As the technological progress and its resulting threats are faster than policy makers reactions, ethical behaviour practices play irreplaceable role in developed recommendations and methodical guidance documents. Project’s objective – respecting human rights and liberties in cybersecurity - can be achieved through creating human rights and ethical framework of security incident handling for CSIRT units, and human rights and ethical framework for cybersecurity research.

European Union and its impact on the organisation and functioning of public administration in the Slovak Republic, grant from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, 2016, principal investigator

The purpose of the project is to support projects and programs of public-educational events, scientific conferences and seminars on international relations and foreign policy of the Slovak Republic. The aim of the project is to implement research activities through consecutive events focused on regional self-government in the Slovak Republic in connection with its activities within the European Union. To this end, the aim is to stimulate an expert discussion on the interconnection of individual regions of the Slovak Republic with the European Union, as well as their mutual relations in the Slovak Republic and in other EU Member States. At the same time, the aim is to make visible the need for an expert discussion on the issue of self-government in connection with the exercise of the presidency of the Slovak Republic in the Council of the European Union.

International mobilities and visits
Faculty of Law, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Krakow, Poland, 1.12.-31.12.2001, study stay SLOVAK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES
Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 24.10.- 28.10 2011, project research stay
Faculty of Law, Palacký University in Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 20.3. - 24. 3. 2018, Erasmus+
Faculty of Law, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Krakow, Poland, 13.5. - 19.5.2019, Erasmus+
Embassy of the Slovak Republic, Athens, Greece, 22.7. - 27.7.2019, Erasmus+
Metropolitan University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, 24.11. - 30.11.2019, Erasmus+
Organisational activities
chairwoman of the UPJŠ Commission for VVGS - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2019- until present
member of the Scientific Council - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2018- until present
member of the Academic Senate - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2018-súčasnosť
member of the Scientific Council of the časopis "Rocznik Samorządow - Fundacja Inicjatyw Akademickich, Lublin, 2018- until present
member of the Scientific Council - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Public Administration, 2010-2015

Further information