doc. JUDr. Diana Treščáková, PhD.   SK

PrF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Law
KOPaHP - Department of Commercial Law and Business Law
+42155234 4177

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2006, Law
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2011, Commercial and Financial Law/Commercial and Financial Law
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2021, Commercial and Financial Law

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Profile courses
Commercial Law I. - Law, I. degree
Commercial Law II. - Law, II. degree
Commercial Law III. - Law, II. degree
Law of information and communication technologies I. - Law, II. degree
Theory of commercial law - Commercial and Financial Law, III. degree
European company law - Commercial and Financial Law, III. degree
Comparative commercial law - Commercial and Financial Law, III. degree
The development of legal arrangements for trading in the territory of Slovakia - Commercial and Financial Law, III. degree
Selected publications

Treščáková, D.: Právo elektronického obchodu. Širšie súvislosti. 1. vyd. - Praha : Nakladatelství Leges, 2021, ISBN 9788075024961

Treščáková, D.: On some aspects of protection of personal data in the European area . In: Topical issues problems of modern law and economics in Europe and Asia. - Moskva : Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj juridičeskij universitet imeni O. E. Kutafina, 2018. - ISBN 9785720514969

Treščáková, D. : Digital transformation of business entities under the current conditions - reality or utopia? In: EU and comparative law issues and challenges series (ECLIC 4) : International ScientificConference. - Osijek : Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, 2020. - ISBN 24599425, práca je sledovaná v databáze WoS.

Treščáková, D. - Hučková, R. Zákon o rozhodcovskom konaní. Komentár. - 1. vyd. Bratislava : Wolters Kluwer SR, 2018. - 191 s. ISBN 9788081689222, autorský podiel 50%

Treščáková, D.: Elektronický obchod : 3. kapitola. In: Právo informačných a komunikačných technológií. - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2020. - ISBN 9788081529108

Selected projects

APVV-14-0598 Electronisation of business with emphasis on the legal and technical aspects, 07/2015-06/20 - co-worker

Problematic of business electronisation is currenly very pressing issue as the internet share in the realization of business activities and relationships has certainly upward trend. The project deals with the selected aspects of the business electronisation. The researchers chose the most significant problems, which undoubtedly include the contract conclusion via the Internet, consumers protection when concluding contracts on the Internet, the protection of privacy and personel data, online dispute resolution, labor-related and tax-related aspects of the researched problematic and specific area of the e-government. Selected issues overlap several areas of scientific research. The focal area of investigation will be the area of public and private law. The originality and innovation of the project is underlined by the interrelationship with the research in the field of information technologies, as much attention will be devoted to the technical aspects of the business electronisation due to its extensive influence on the first level, i.e. the legal level. Both parts of the project are mutually interconnected and in their essence indelible.

APVV-17-0561 Human Rights and Ethical Aspects of Cyber Security, 08/2018-07/2022, co-worker

Nowadays cyberspace offers new opportunities, but it is also a source of new threats whether for one person or the society. This project focuses on interdisciplinary study of the cyberspace phenomenon and the security of practicing activities in it. Objective of the project is to identify sufficient level of satisfying basic human rights protection and liberties in the field of cybersecurity in security incident handling in proactive and reactive activities of CSIRT units subsequent exchange into recommendations and methodical guidance documents. At the same time, the project engages in research into activities supporting proactive and reactive CSIRT activities. As the technological progress and its resulting threats are faster than policy makers reactions, ethical behaviour practices play irreplaceable role in developed recommendations and methodical guidance documents. Project’s objective – respecting human rights and liberties in cybersecurity - can be achieved through creating human rights and ethical framework of security incident handling for CSIRT units, and human rights and ethical framework for cybersecurity research.

APVV-19-0424 Innovative corporation: intra-corporate trasformations, digital challenges and the rise of artificial intelligence,07/2020-06/2024, co-worker

Currently, the EU's primary objective is to create a single internal market that will be open to entrepreneurs in each Member State and will not create any barriers to their establishment in the EU. This strategy also includes the creation of a single digital market. It is therefore necessary that corporations planning to go hand in hand with current trends are modernized so as not to fall behind other competitors in a competitive battle. Transformation and modernization of companies must be carried out following the pattern of current legal norms, with emphasis on the corporate relations, as well as the pattern of rapidly evolving technological innovations and information technologies. The subject of the interest of researchers is to set up the property relations within the corporations through individual corporate forms and the choice between own and foreign sources of financing, both in terms of national and European measures. Given the gradual importance of modern information and communication technologies, digital corporate transformation is essential to ensure their competitive position at world level. The research team will also focus on cyber security issues that are imminent with the digitalizaion ot the business enviroment. The main aim of the proposed project is to propose changes of legislation in the field of corporate law in accordance with the conditions for the competitive and innovative business environment in the era of digitalization and artificial intelligence, and to formulate recommendations and directives for the implementing subject as regards the effective existence of companies in the current innovative environment. The Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as an independent representative of the market economy, is a suitable entity to provide input to project solving as well as subsequent implementation and dissemination of project outputs.

APVV-19-0419 -100 Years of Treaty of Trianon., 01/07/2020-30/06/2024, co-worker

Treaty of Trianon is one of the most problematic treaties of the Versailles peace system, rising different emotions on the both sides of the Danube during 100 years of being in force. Pride of one sown state that the treaty has helped to build on the one side, dissappointment and disillusion on the other. Rising international cooperation of Slovak, Hungarian and Polish legal scientists will aspire to change the stated status by revising the Treaty of Trianon excactly after 100 years of its signing in respect of it´s significance to the region of Central Europe as their primary goal. Treaty of Trianon hasn’t been analyzed in detail and comprehensively examined by legal scientists yet, there for legal historians, romanists as well as positive lawyers will take part in there a search in order to examine the Treaty mostly in aspects of public law, not neglecting private law consequences as well. While the primary objective of there as earch remains scientific, the ambition of the participants also excedesin to achieving consensus in a mater deeply controversional over 100 years mostly between Slovak and Hungarian colleagues. The results of there search will not only beutilised in the pedagogical proces s, but also in the praxis of Historian society in Košice. 

International mobilities and visits
St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Law, Russian Federation, Petersburg, Russia, 10.6.-17.6.2011, Research stay
Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Law, Krakow, Krakow, Poland, 22.4.-28.4.2013, professional internship and teacher mobility
Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, Czech republic, Brno, Czech republic, 7.2.-9.2.2017, Research stay
Organisational activities
Membership in the Editorial Committee of a journal journal STUDIA IURIDICA Cassoviensia Šafarikiana - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2013 - present
Member of the organizing committee of the scientific conference Law, business and economics - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2011 - present
Member of ROHIK - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, od 28.5.2024

Further information