doc. JUDr. Erik Štenpien, PhD.   SK

PrF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Law
KDSaP - Department of History of the State and Law
+42155234 4132

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 1996, Law/law
Third degree of higher education:
University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law, 2004, Law/History of the State and Law
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2013, Theory and History of the State and Law/Theory and History of the State and Law

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Profile courses
Roman Law I., II. - Law, I. degree
Constitutional and legal development of the Czechoslovak Republic - Theory and History of the State and Law, III. degree
Consultations with supervisor - Theory and History of the State and Law, III. degree
History of the State and Law in Slovakia after 1848 y. - Law, I degree
Selected publications

Štenpien, E. A közigazgatási bíráskodás a mai Szlovák Köztársaság területén. Budapest: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem, Közigazgatási Továbbképzési Intézet, 2020. online - ISBN 9789634982432. - URL:;jsessionid=3C6C0B5D52BE0EEE14F174116B93B28F?sequence=1. Č. projektu: KÖFOP-2.1.2-VEKOP-15-2016-00001: "A jó kormányzást megalapozó közszolgálat-fejlesztés”

Štenpien, E., Orosz, L. A Szlovák Köztársaság választójoga - az inspiráció lehetséges forrása. In: Tanulmányok a választójog, a választási rendszerek és a népszavazás aktuális kérdéseiről : A Választás és Demokrácia Ludovika Kutatócsoport kutatási eredményei (2017–2018). Budapest : Dialóg Campus Kiadó, 2019. - ISBN 9786156020963. 155-228 p.;jsessionid=B92D56F8195BC45FB3B3A482FF53BDA9?sequence=2.

Štenpien, E. Právna úprava pôžičky na Slovensku do roku 1918 / Erik Štenpien. - Projekt: Pôžička či úžera? Nútený výkon rozhodnutia - historickoprávne základy a problémy aplikačnej praxe. In: Historia et theoria iuris: printový a e-časopis pre mladých vedeckých pracovníkov právnických fakulte na Slovensku: teoretický časopis pre otázky štátu a práva. - ISSN 1338-0133. - supl. Roch. 11, (2019), s. 49-65.

Štenpien, E. Pôžička a bankrot v uhorskom práve. In: Pôžička či úžera? Nútený výkon rozhodnutia - historickoprávne základy. - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2019. - ISBN: 978-80-8152-791-3. - 72. - 120. pp.

Selected projects

APVV-19-0419 -100 Years of Treaty of Trianon., 01/07/2020-30/06/2024, principal investigator

Treaty of Trianon is one of the most problematic treaties of the Versailles peace system, rising different emotions on the both sides of the Danube during 100 years of being in force. Pride of one sown state that the treaty has helped to build on the one side, dissappointment and disillusion on the other. Rising international cooperation of Slovak, Hungarian and Polish legal scientists will aspire to change the stated status by revising the Treaty of Trianon excactly after 100 years of its signing in respect of it´s significance to the region of Central Europe as their primary goal. Treaty of Trianon hasn’t been analyzed in detail and comprehensively examined by legal scientists yet, there for legal historians, romanists as well as positive lawyers will take part in there a search in order to examine the Treaty mostly in aspects of public law, not neglecting private law consequences as well. While the primary objective of there as earch remains scientific, the ambition of the participants also excedesin to achieving consensus in a mater deeply controversional over 100 years mostly between Slovak and Hungarian colleagues. The results of there search will not only beutilised in the pedagogical proces s, but also in the praxis of Historian society in Košice. 

VEGA 1/0198/17 The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of judgment - roman and law foundations and problems of application practice, 01/2017-12/2019, principal investigator

The project aims on law and historical specifications of genealogy of compulsory enforcement of judgment and actual development tendencies in following purviews:

  • legal regulations of real contract of “classical” loan and its differentiation basis for issue of later execution title, condemnation decision and its procedural “pendant” – in case of debtor’s non-performance of obligation or decision of condemned - compulsory enforcement of judgment through applying distraint actions of the creditor during the classical and Justinian roman law relying on the exegesis of the original sources of roman law
  • legal history with emphasis on legislation of the Hungarian law in the legal customs and laws, while accentuates the process of creation of dual system of private law in the 19th century and development of the legal system in ČSR until 1950
  • present state based on the current legislation of contracts that are substantive precondition of execution, as well as procedural provisions and their development trends

VEGA 1/0131/13 Historical development of contract of purchase and tendencies of its current recodification in Slovak Republic, 01/ 2013 - 12/2015, principal investigator

The project deals with historical specifications of development of the institute of purchase contract. It emphasizes three main stages of development:

  1. the regulation of emptio-venditio in Roman private law with the accent on its understanding in old-Roman and pre-classical stage of the development of Roman law as a real contract with gradual transformation on a consensual contract
  2. medieval law with the accent on legislation under Ugrian feudal law which was contained in the legal habits (Tripartitum) and the acts
  3. the period of 20th century, when to 1950, was no codification of the purchase contract and then were adopted with a relatively small time interval the two Civil Code. In this period, the project focuses on the current codification efforts of the purchase contract in the Slovak legal system under which will be fully adopted the new legislation.

VEGA 1/0965/13 Electoral legislation in Slovak Republic – development, current state, perspectives, 01/2013-12/2015, co-worker

The scientific project is focused on complex analysis of the present development, evaluation of the actual situation, formulization of the perspectives of the electoral legislation of the Slovak Republic with ambition to use knowledge gained in the process of its solving in actual legislative practice, mostly in connection with proclaimed intention to recodify valid electoral legislation, or with intended intention to prepare legislative project - so called election codex. Basically, the main goal of authors is to create scientifically based model of optimal regulation of electoral legislation of the Slovak Republic and within the frame of it to define also themes for possible or desired changes of particular institutes of valid election law. The project includes also analysis and evaluation of the present model of electoral justice in the Slovak Republic and its comparasion with models used abroad with purpose to ouline also its possible options.

International mobilities and visits
Fakulta štátnych a právnych vied Univerzity v Miskolci, Miskolc- Egyetemváros 3515, Hungary, 15. - 24. juny 2009, SOCRATES - ERASMUS
Fakulta štátnych a právnych vied Reformovanej univerzity Gáspára Károliho v Budapešti, Viola u. 2 - 4, 1042 Budapest, Hungary, 9. - 13. may 2016, ERASMUS PLUS
Organisational activities
member of the international editorial board - Jogtörténeti szemle, Budapest, Hungary, 2013 - up to now
member of the international editorial board - Glossa Iuridica, Budapest, Hungary, 2019 - up to now
member of the international editorial board - Studia Iurisprudentiae Doctorandorum Miskolciensium, Miskolc, Hungary, february 2021 - up to now

Additional information

Silver medal of Faculty of Law of the University of Miskolc (Hungary) awarded at the 25th anniversary of the foundation of Legal Studies at the University of Miskolc for the contribution to the development of the Faculty
- to the present - membership in Vega research projects: Legal culture and the European integration process – No. 1/0107/03 – leader: PhDr. J. Čipkár, PhD. Dictatures in the European history – legal status of citizens – No. 1/3824/06 – leader: Prof. JUDr. Dr. h. c. P. Mosný, CSc. - Membership in the project: Hungarian – Slovak and Slovak – Hungarian legal dictionary preparation conducted by the Faculty of Law in Miskolc – in the section of Administrative Law
International collaboration
excellent professional cooperation with the Department of Legal History of the Faculty of Law in Miskolc and with the management of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lóránd Eötvös in Budapest; cooperation with the Faculty of Arts of the University of Prešov in Prešov and with the Faculty of Arts of the University of P. J. Šafárik in Košice – teaching of elementary legal courses as a part of the studies for certified translators and interpreters and their professional examinations
2002: lecture in the Hungarian Scientific Academy on the theme: “Developments in the Slovak labour law” 2006: lecture at the Faculty of Law in Budapest on the theme: “The origin of fascism in Germany” from 2006: membership in the international editorial board of the journal “Jogtörténeti Közlöny” – edited by the Faculty of Law in Budapest 2007: lecture at the Faculty of Law in Miskolc on the theme: „System of Counties in the Slovak republic during the period of World War II“
certified translator of the Hungarian language registered in the List of Experts, Interpreters and Translators of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic

Further information