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Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Law
Institute of Theory of the State and Law
LB1O22 | |
+42155234 4142 | |
0000-0002-9312-4402 |
Overview of the responsibility for
the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part
at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Theory and history of the state and law, study field: Law, III. degree
Profile courses
KTSaP/TSaPI/22, KTSaP/TSaPI/08 - Theory of the state and law I. - Law- PB3d, I. degree
KTSaP/TSaPII/22 , KTSaP/TSaPII/08- Theory of the state and law II. - Law- PB3d, I. degree
KTSaP/TSaP/p/11- Theory of the state and law - Law- PM2d, II. degree
Legal theory - Theory and history of the state and law, III. degree
Consultations with supervisor - Theory and history of the state and law, III. degree
KTSaP/TSaPI/e/22, KTSaP/TSaPI/eb/18- Theory of the state and law I. - Law- PB4e, I. degree
KTSaP/TSaPII/e/22, KTSaP/TSaPII/eb/18- Theory of the state and law II. - Law- PB4e, I. degree
KTSaP/TSaP/p/em/09- Theory of the state and law - Law- PM3e, II. degree
Selected publications
Dobrovičová, G. Decision of President to Grant Amnesty - Theoretical and Practical Issues in Slovak republic. In: Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego : Seria Prawnicza : Legal Series=Scientific Journals of Rzeszow University. - ISSN 1643-0484. - Roč. 27, č. 108 (2019), s. 31-38. |
Bárány, E., Dobrovičová, G., Babják, M. Organizácia, riadenie a rozhodovanie ústavného súdu : 2. časť : §3-§13. In: Zákon o Ústavnom súde Slovenskej republiky : komentár. - Bratislava : C.H. Beck, 2020. - ISBN 9788089603909. - S. 26-73, share 64,68% |
Dobrovičová, G. a kol. Innovations in security policy stemming from cybersecurity act in the slovak republic in relation to selected public administration bodies. In: AD ALTA : journal of interdisciplinary research : recenzovaný mezioborový vědecký časopis. - ISSN 1804-7890. - Roč. 10, č. 1 (2020), -149, share 35% |
Dobrovičová, G., Krunková, A. Úskalia ľudskoprávnej roviny digitalizmu v práve (bezpečnostné aspekty). In: Právo v měnícím se světě. - Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2020. - ISBN 9788073808280. - S. 554-584. Projekt: Ľudskoprávne a etické aspekty kybernetickej bezpečnosti - APVV APVV-17-0561, share 50% |
Dobrovičová, G., Krunková, A. Referendum v Slovenskej republike v ústavnej kontinuite Československa. In: Ústavní kontinuita České republiky s československou tradicí. - Plzeň : Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2018. - ISBN 9788073807498. - S. 590-606, share 50% |
Selected projects
APVV-17-0561 Human Rights and Ethical Aspects of Cyber Security, 08/2018-07/2022, principal investigator Nowadays cyberspace offers new opportunities, but it is also a source of new threats whether for one person or the society. This project focuses on interdisciplinary study of the cyberspace phenomenon and the security of practicing activities in it. Objective of the project is to identify sufficient level of satisfying basic human rights protection and liberties in the field of cybersecurity in security incident handling in proactive and reactive activities of CSIRT units subsequent exchange into recommendations and methodical guidance documents. At the same time, the project engages in research into activities supporting proactive and reactive CSIRT activities. As the technological progress and its resulting threats are faster than policy makers reactions, ethical behaviour practices play irreplaceable role in developed recommendations and methodical guidance documents. Project’s objective – respecting human rights and liberties in cybersecurity - can be achieved through creating human rights and ethical framework of security incident handling for CSIRT units, and human rights and ethical framework for cybersecurity research. |
VEGA 1/0386/19 New Dimension Of The Methodology Of The Legal Argumentation - A Role Of The Legal Principles In Multi - Level Legal System, 01/2019-12/2021, co-worker The scientific objective of the project is to investigate the conflict potential of legal principles in the process of solving conflicts arising between different levels of the legal system. Finding a suitable argumentation model that is uniformly acceptable across all levels of the multilevel legal system is one of the most recent challenges of the current legal science. The appropriate methodological solution is the traditional argumentation method of grasping the problem of gaps, just completed with the dimension of processes of globalization and Europeanisation. The innovative way of applying the legal principles makes it possible to achieve a value consensus between national, European and international legal systems. Part of the project is the analysis of the problems of this methodological procedure and the examination of the importance of the constitutional principles of the Slovak Republic in the multi-level communication process. |
VEGA 1/0526/17 Linguistic and Sanction Mechanism Related To Law Making And Impact of Labour Law, 01/2017-12/2019, co-worker The project is focused on the study of linguistic instruments in the law making of labor law norms with onward analysis of sanction mechanism variations. Using of law in individual cases assumes the knowledge of legal terminology and understanding the content of legal norms. Normative modalities non permissible by law are penalized by sanctions, which it is necessary to identify in the structure of legal norm, by the studying the linguistic expression of their content. The purpose of project is to interpret legal norms by using the linguistic method, to identify applicable sanctions and to find appropriate legislative solutions for the explicitness and stability terms in labour law area. The intended purpose is to offer an approbated interpretation of linguistic terms, notions and definitions of labour law, which are usable in the application sphere of legal relations regulated by norms of labour law. Realization of outlined goals consist in assecuration of higher certainty of users of legal text. |
VVGS-2017-452 Human rights related aspects and ethical aspects of the information security, 07/2017-06/2018, principal investigator The using of information technologies and related information security represents a highly topical theme not only for the lay but also for the professionals. From a national as well as an international perspective, the interdisciplinary approach to addressing this issue is more than desirable. For this reason, the project is based on an established interdisciplinary research team and is geared towards creating assumptions for accepting this team not only in the V4 countries but also in the wider European environment. The project team intends to address crucial issues related to information technologies and information security, in particular in terms of legal and ethical standards and fundamental human rights and freedoms. |
APVV-0814-12 Binding nature and Applicability of the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European union in a Member State with regard to the Judicial Power in the Slovak republic, 10/2013-12/2016, co-worker The Charter of fundamental rights of the EU has become a legally binding instrument through the mediation of the Treaty on EU. It has extented the number of the systems regulating the protection of fundamental rights at the level of the EU. It is clear from the case law of the Slovak courts that neither ordinary court nor constitutional judiciary are not able to differentiate amongst particular systems of that protection and thus they usually disregard the basic rule according to which the Charter is to be applied to a Member State only when it is implementing Union law. The primary aim of the project therefore is a proper definition of binding nature and applicability of the Charter in legal environment of the Slovak republic with exact regard to performance of judicial power. |
International mobilities and visits
University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela , Spain, 10.04. - 14.04. 2016, Implementation of occupational mobility under the Erasmus+ mobility scheme - training
Court of Justice of the EU, Luxembourg, 11.10. - 14.10. 2015, Study stay carried out within the project APVV 0814-12 Binding nature and Applicability
of the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European union in a Member State with
regard to the Judicial Power in the Slovak republic
St. Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 06.05. - 12.05. 2012, Business trip at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University on the evaluation
of mutual cooperation on the basis of the Agreement on Scientific and Pedagogical
Cooperation and the conclusion of a new agreement. As part of this business trip,
I also gave a lecture for teachers and faculty students.
University in Lódz, Lódz, Poland, 13.01. - 24.01. 2003, Study stay at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lydesz university in Lydesz
realized within the framework of contractual cooperation, focused on the issue of
law creation and sources of law in the Republic of Poland.
Organisational activities
dean - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2011-2019
member of the Council for Science - Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Law, until present
member of the Scientific Advisory Board „Studies in Public Law“ - Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz, University in Poznań, Poland, until present
Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal STUDIA IURIDICA CASSOVIENSIA - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, until present
Member of the Slovak Section of the International Association for Legal and Social
Philosophy (IVR), until present