doc. JUDr. Jana Žuľová, PhD.   SK

PrF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Law
KPPaPSZ - Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law
+42155234 4134

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2008, Law
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2010, Law
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2014, Civil Law
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2021, Law/Civil Law

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Profile courses
KPPaPSZ/PPI/08- Pracovné právo I - Law- PB3d, I. degree
KPPaPSZ/PPII/09 - Labour Law II - Law- PB3d, I. degree
D PrávF/UdSP/22 - Introduction to the study of law - Law- PB3d, I. degree
D PrávF/UdSP/L/22 - Introduction to the study of law - Právo- PLB4d, I. degree
KPPaPSZ/PPI/08 - Labour Law I - Law - PLB4d, I. degree
KPPaPSZ/PPII/09 - Labour Law II - Law - PLB4d, I. degree
D PrávF/UdSP/e/22 - Introduction to the study of law - Law - PB4e, I. degree
KPPaPSZ/PPI/eb/08 - Labour Law I - Law- PB4e, I. degree
KPPaPSZ/PPII/eb/08- Labour Law II - Law- PB4e, I. degree
KOP/POaPP/22 - Practicum from civil and labour law - Law- PM2d, II. degree
KPPaPSZ/PPIII/11 - Labour Law III - Law- PM2d, II. degree
KPPaPSZ/PP/p/11- Labour Law - Law- PM2d, II. degree
KPPaPSZ/PPIII/eb/11 - Labour Law III - Law- PM3e, II. degree
KPPaPSZ/PP/p/em/09- Labour Law - Law- PM3e, II. degree
Civil law institutes in labour law - Civil Law, III. degree
Selected publications

Žuľová, J. Výber zamestnancov : Právne úskalia obsadzovania pracovných miest. 1. vyd., Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2021. - 120 s. [7,5 AH]

Švec, M. , Toman, J. a kol. Zákonník práce: zákon o kolektívnom vyjednávaní : komentár. Zväzok I. 2. doplnené a prepracované vyd. Bratislava Wolters Kluwer SR, 2023. - 1227 s. ISBN 9788057105848.

Žuľová, J., Minčičová, M. Posudzovanie zdravotnej a psychickej spôsobilosti na prácu (v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky) . 1. vyd. - Praha: Nakladatelství Leges, 2021. - 116 s. [6,66 AH]. ISBN 9788075025180.

Žuľová, J. Používanie umelej inteligencie pri výbere zamestnancov z perspektívy GDPR. In: Justičná revue : časopis pre právnu teóriu a prax. - ISSN 1335-6461. - Roč. 73, č. 1 (2021), s. 30-39.

Žuľová, J., Švec, M. Assessment of legality of anti-terrorist screening of job seekers under EU law and national law. A theoretical and practical approach [elektronický zdroj] - recenzované. In: Danube : Law, Economics and Social Issues Review. - ISSN 1804-8285. - Roč. 12, č. 4 (2021), s. 293-307. SCOPUS; 2021 CiteScore=0,7; 2021 SJR=0,191; 2021 SNIP=0,474; 2021 Q3(Economics, econometrics and finance (miscellaneous)) Scimago; 2021 Q3(Law) Scimago

Selected projects

APVV - 16 - 0002 Mental Helath in the Workplace and Employee Health Assessment (participant).

Annotation: In the view of unstoppable process of aging workforce is sustainability of health capacity to perform the work up - to - date subject. Project deals with the selected aspects of OHS which is very close to the issue of health (dis)ability of employee. The cardinal purpose is to protect employee against the adverse effects and an effort to sustain employee disposed to perform agreed work. Participants of the project select emerging psychosocial factors among the risk factors and identify their impacts on the mental health of employees because of the increasing number of mental diseases. In the following process of finding and assesing of health capacity/health disability of employee the project participants deal with the substantive and procedural issues in complex view, from the general correlation of health state information v. right to the privacy; through reasons of health disability (occupational accident, occupational disease, common disease); accountability of employer; the issuing, terms and labour – law consequences of a medical opinion. In regard to selected fields of research the project has an interdisciplinary character. Dominant sphere of research is field of the labour law, civil law, social security law with using the konowledge of social and behavioural medicine.

APVV-14-0598 Electronicization in business with emphasis on legal and technical aspects, 07/2015 - 06/2019, co-investigator

The project dealt with selected aspects of the electronicization of business, while the solvers used those during the selection "the most pressing", which undoubtedly include the conclusion of contracts via the Internet, consumer protection at conclusion of contracts on the Internet, protection of privacy and personal data, online dispute resolution, labor law and tax-legal aspects of the issue and the specific issue of e-government. With regard to the chosen areas research, the project has a distinctly interdisciplinary character.

VEGA 1/0790/20 Employee Protection in the context of Industrial Revolution 5.0 - Backgrounds, Options and Risks (participant).

Project summary: Project is focused on research of upcoming trends of fifth industrial revolution and expects a thorough analysis of the effects on legal regulation of labor law. Artificial intelligence, IoT, digitization and new ways of redistributing human capital and labor as basic production and economic factors in the form of a shared economy and crowdsourcing negatively affect the future of an individual – employee, not only in relation to protection of his social rights, but also have a profound impact on labor market sustainability. The overall objective of the project is to consider the risks of reducing overall employment by the onset of industry 5.0 with potential social protection instruments such as minimum income. Project are focused on changes de lege ferenda with the intention to strengthen protection of employees' rights in the era of onset of AI, collaborative economy, digital currencies, block-chain operations, social engineering, etc., such as the possibility of trilateral (smart) employment contracts.

VEGA č. 1/0526/17 Linguistic and Sanction Mechanism Related To Law Making And Impact of Labour Law (participant).

Project summary: The project is focused on the study of linguistic instruments in the law making of labor law norms with onward analysis of sanction mechanism variations. Using of law in individual cases assumes the knowledge of legal terminology and understanding the content of legal norms. Normative modalities non permissible by law are penalized by sanctions, which it is necessary to identify in the structure of legal norm, by the studying the linguistic expression of their content. The purpose of project is to interpret legal norms by using the linguistic method, to identify applicable sanctions and to find appropriate legislative solutions for the explicitness and stability terms in labour law area. The intended purpose is to offer an approbated interpretation of linguistic terms, notions and definitions of labour law, which are usable in the application sphere of legal relations regulated by norms of labour law. Realization of outlined goals consist in assecuration of higher certainty of users of legal text.

VEGA č. 1/0291/23  Legislative challenges for labor law in the creation of diverse and inclusive workplaces (Principal Investigator)

Project summary: In the Slovak labor market, an active approach to diversity and inclusion in the workplace comes to the fore. Targeted diversity and inclusion programs help make employers more attractive in the labor market and attract more jobseekers. Proactively, better working conditions are being created for employees with family responsibilities (in most cases still in relation to mothers), groups of people who have so far been on the margins of interest are also employed (elderly, disabled, LGBT groups, minorities, high school and university graduates). The aim of the project is therefore to identify and examine the mechanisms of labor law that serve to create diverse and inclusive workplaces, while assuming the formulation of several proposals to improve the state of de lege lata. By comprehensively summarizing the legal framework covering the issues addressed, we anticipate improving the employers‘ ability to manage diversity and inclusion.

Organisational activities
member of Labour Law Association - Labour Law Association, 2016 - present
member of the scientific council for the field of labor law, social security law and personnel management of the publishing house Wolters Kluwer, s.r.o. - Wolters Kluwer SR s. r. o., 2018- present

Further information