doc. JUDr. Renáta Bačárová, PhD., LL.M.   SK

PrF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Law
KOP - Department of Civil Law
+42155234 4167

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 1997, Law/Law
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2011, Civil Law/Civil Law
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2019, Law/Civil Law

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Profile courses
KOP/OPHI/22, KOP/OPHI/17 - Substantive civil law I - Law- PB3d, I. degree
Civil law 2 - Civil Law, III. degree
Consultations with supervisor - Civl law, III. degree
Private law I +II - Civil law, III. degree
Civil law and EU law - Civil law, III. degree
Compensation for immaterial damage in private law - Civil law, III. degree
KOP/OPHII/12- Substantive civil law II - Law- PB3d, I. degree
KOP/OPH3/18- Substantive civil law III - Law- PB3d, I. degree
KOP/POaPP/22- Practice & procedure of civil and labour law - Law- PM2d, II. degree
KOP/OPHIV/11- Substantive civil law - Law- PM2d, II. degree
KOP/OPHI/e/22, KOP/OPHI/eb/17- Substantive civil law I - Law- PB4e, I. degree
KOP/OPHII/eb/12- Substantive civil law II - Law- PB4e, I. degree
KOP/OPH3/eb/18 - Substantive civil law III - Law- PB4e, I. degree
KOP/OPHIV/em/11- Substantive civil law - Law- PM3e, II. degree
KOP/KsSkPVDP/1/iD/16 Consultations with the supervisor regarding of the dissertation - Law, III. degree
Selected publications

Svačina, P., Boháček, M., Bačárová, R., Rýdlová, B. Odměňování zaměstnaneckých (podnikových) vynálezů a jeho přiměřenost - právní a ekonomické aspekty, Wolters Kluwer, 2020, ISBN 978-80-7598-434-0

Bačárová, R. Protichodné záujmy subjektov autorského práva ako príčina konfliktov v autorskom práve na digitálnom jednotnom trhu Európskej únie. In: Nové technológie, internet a duševné vlastníctvo. - Trnava : Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis, spoločné pracovisko Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave a Vedy, vydavateľstva Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2020. - ISBN 9788056803295. - S. 90-118.

Bačárová, R.: Tvorivosť zamestnancov a ich odmeňovanie z pohľadu zmien v slovenskom patentovom práve - recenzované. In: Revue pro právo a technologie. - ISSN 1804-5383. - Roč. 8, č. 16 (2017), s. 3-23.

Ochrana ľudských hodnôt v súkromnom práve / Renáta Bačárová, Vladimír Filičko, Peter Koromház ; recenzenti ZUzana Adamová, Marian Ďurana, Anton Dulak. - 1. vyd. - Košice : Typopress-tlačiareň, 2023. - 228 s. [22,52 AH]. - ISBN 9788081291449.. Projekt: Ochrana ľudských hodnôt v súkromnom práve v kontexte moderných trendov a prebiehajúcej rekodifikácie súkromného práva - VEGA 1/0765/20.

[OV 070]; [ŠO 6835]

[BAČÁROVÁ, Renáta (45.9% aut ) - FILIČKO, Vladimír (17.74% aut ) - KOROMHÁZ, Peter (36.36% aut ) ]

Bačárová, R.: Zmluvné záväzky v autorskom práve. 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Nakladatelství C.H. Beck, 2018. - 232 s. - ISBN 978-80-89603-63-3 (brož.).

Selected projects

GAČR - A comprehensive theoretical model for estimating the appropriate amount of financial reward for innovations created by employees 2016 - 2021, co-worker

The project aims at identifying factors affecting the amount of financial compensations for employee innovations and building a complex theoretical model for the same. Employee innovations are innovative ideas (patentable inventions and improvement proposals) created by employees within their employer organizations. The results of the project could be effectively used in public as well as in private sphere ( universities, research organizations, corporations) as a complex theoretical framework for setting compensation systems in their innovation strategies and making easier the process of technology transfer. The results could be used also by law courts in searching for deeper arguments when solving lawsuits among employees and employers. No similar complex research has been done in Czech Republic (CR), Slovak Republic (SR) or anywhere else.

VEGA 1/0765/20  Protection of human values in private law in the context of modern trends and ongoing recodification of private law, 01/2020-12/2022, co-worker

Fundamental human values can be considered as a one of the most fundamental determinants of the rule of law. Human values are permanent attributes on which norm-setting must lie in every area of law, especially private law. At the same time, the interpretation of legal norms must always be implemented in the light of the values to which these standards provide protection. Human values, their occurrence, and their balance in private-law relationships, and in particular their protection, can be considered as a prerequisite for the functioning of society. The research team believes that it is necessary to examine the scope of human values, the protection of which should be ensured by standards and principles of private law, and which should become fundamental interpretative rules. The issue in question must be examined from the point of view of private substantive law, as well as civil procedural law. The ambition of the project is also to reflect on the formulation of de lege ferenda proposals.

VEGA 1/0940/14 Recodification of private law within the intentions of European Union Law, 01/2014-12/2016, co-worker

Recasting consisting mainly in the adoption of the new Civil Code, on the one hand a very important step for Slovakia, but on the second step, which entails many difficulties, and in case of successful final implementation also undoubtedly bring many problems. The aim of the project is the effort to reduce and prevent the negative consequences associated with the adoption of the new code. The project will focus on the assessment of the Commission's procedure for the re-codification of the Civil Code, the examination of the effects caused by the adoption of the new Civil Code in the Czech Republic, evaluation of basic codes of private law in other countries, assessment of compliance upcoming EU standards, jurisprudence of European courts and trends in the form of various europeizačných projects. The project will mainly proposals de lege ferenda towards simplification, improvement and eurokonformite new Civil Code and thus to contribute towards the creation of a new modern code, designed for the 21st century.

CasProt “Fostering high scientific quality in protein research in Eastern Slovakia” Výzva: WIDESPREAD-05-2020: Twinning, 2020 - current, co-worker

The project “Fostering high scientific quality in protein science in Eastern Slovakia (CasProt)“ supports the second-best classical university in Slovakia, University of Pavol Jozef Safarik in Kosice (UPJS), located in one of the lowest GDP-producing regions in the Widening country Slovakia. The vital connections to the high R&I performing countries - Germany and Switzerland and the scientific excellence of our partners, Technical University in Munich (TUM) and University of Zurich (UZH), will trigger the critical steps toward becoming the UPJS as a leader in the field of protein science in Slovakia. This project will also energize a high-tech development and unfold the innovation potential of our University with the expected impact on the Eastern Slovakia region and consequently whole Slovakia. By means of short-term staff exchange, expert visits training, joint summer schools, workshops, and conference attendance, we will reach the following main objectives of the project: (1) Reinforcement scientific capacity and raise the research profile of the coordinating institution-UPJS in the field of protein science, (2) Identification and integration of the experienced and young/earlystage researchers into UPJS, (3) Enhance and stimulate the technological capacity of the coordinating institution-UPJS, and (4) Strengthening the research management and organizational skills at UPJS.

Integration of Košice universities in the field of technology transfer (CassTech) 005UPJŠ-2-1/2021, 2021 - current, co-worker

The long-term plans of three universities in Košice, Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ), Technical University in Košice (TUKE) and the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice (UVLF), naturally include a vision to participate in shaping modern and successful Slovakia through support for quality education, science and research and technology transfer into practice. For this reason, we have decided in cooperation with the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) as well as industry representatives to create the Košický klaster nového priemyslu - Cassovia New Industry Cluster (CNIC), which should represent a pole of scientific, technical and industrial excellence in biomedicine, biotechnology. , digital technologies, advanced materials and green technologies. This cluster is created with the ambition to create an innovative environment for the successful use of the potential of CNIC members in the field of research and development and in the formation of high-tech industry in the region of eastern Slovakia with an impact on the entire territory of Slovakia. Based on the above, we are creating the project "Integration of Košice Universities in Technology Transfer (CassTech)", which is the introductory part of the roadmap for the integration of Košice Universities in technology transfer, in order to create suitable conditions for effective implementation of CNIC.

Competition for the interests of consumers and traders in the provision of digital content and digital services in the digital single market, with an emphasis on legal and economic aspects (VEGA 1/0431/23) - head of project

The project addresses EU and national regulations on access to digital content (DC) and digital services (DS). Legal uncertainty of consumers,traders including online service providers as regards concluding contracts for the provision of cross-border DC or DS leads to the adoption of harmonized rules of contractual law in the EU DSM.

Attention is paid to the protection of IP with regard to the requirements of legal DC and DS. Relevant are also issues regarding liability for defects of DC or DS delivered to the consumer. Identification of the liable subject in the chain of online transactions can be objectionable. Related to this is the issue of the problematic enforceability

of rights,including IP rights,as well as rights in connection with the defective delivery of DC or DS. Legislative changes promise to reduce bureaucracy and costs for businesses. Easier provision of DC and DS presumes positive impact on business that can positively influence the development of regions and levelling regional


International mobilities and visits
Humboldt University in Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2004-2005, study stay, DAAD and Konrad Adenauer Foundation scholarship
Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Law ", Munich, Germany, 2006-2008, short-term research stays, Konrad Adenauer Foundation Scholarship
Organisational activities
protection of intellectual property at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Head of the Technology Transfer Centre in the Technology and Innovation Park - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Technology and Innovation Park, 2020-present
Member of the editorial board of the journal "Intellectual Property: a journal for intellectual property theory and practice" - Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic, 2013-present
Member of the Commission for conceptual activities and cooperation in the National Centre for Technology Transfer of the Slovak Republic (2021) - Technology Transfer Centre of the Slovak Republic, 2021-present
member of the working group on the recodification of copyright law in Slovakia of the Government Council for Culture - Ministry of Culture SR, 2014-present
nominovaná Slovakian nominee to the List of Lecturers of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO - Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic and the World Intellectual Property Organization, 2016 - present

Further information