prof. JUDr. Sergej Romža, PhD.   SK

PrF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Law
KTP - Department of Criminal Law
+42155234 4148

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 1987, Law/Law
Third degree of higher education:
Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law, 2001, Criminal law/Criminal law
Associate professor:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2011, Criminal Law/Criminal Law
Comenius University Bratislava, Faculty of Law, 2019, Law/Criminal law

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Criminal Law, study field: Law, III. degree
Profile courses
KTP/TPPI/22, KTP/TPPI/17 - Procedural criminal law I - Law- PM2d, II. degree
KTP/TPPII/22, KTP/TPPII/08 - Procedural criminal law II - Law- PM2d, II. degree
Criminal law I, II - Criminal Law, III. degree
Consultations with supervisor - Criminal Law, III. degree
Criminalistic methodology - Criminal Law, III. degree
Victimology - Criminal law, III. degree
KTP/TPPIII/14- Procedural criminal law III - Law- PM2d, II. degree
KTP/TPPI/e/22, KTP/TPP1/em/17- Procedural criminal law I - Law- PM3e, II. degree
KTP/TPPII/e/22, KTP/TPPII/eb/08- Procedural criminal law II - Law- PM3e, II. degree
KTP/TPPIII/em/17- Procedural criminal law III - Law- PM3e, II. degree
Selected publications

Romža, S. Principle of concentration in criminal proceedings.1. vyd. - Praha : Nakladatelství Leges, 2018. - 128 s. - ISBN 9788075023261.

Čopko, P., Romža, S. Obhajoba obvineného v prípravnom konaní. 1. vyd. - Plzeň : Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2018. - 295 s. - ISBN 9788073807061 (brož.), share 50%

Romža, S. a kol. Privatizácia trestného práva - 1. vyd. - Praha : Nakladatelství Leges, 2021. - 370 s. [25 AH] ISBN 9788075025289, share 8%

Čopko, P. a kol. Právo na obhajobu v teórii a praxi v Slovenskej republike : 6. kapitola. In: Právo na obhajobu. Teorie a praxe 21. století. - Plzeň : Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2016. - ISBN 9788073805937. - S. 189-283, share 17%

Romža, S. Koncentračná zásada vs. zásada náležitého zisťovania skutkového stavu veci v slovenskom trestnom konaní. Časopis je evidovaný v databáze ERIH PLUS. In: Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi=Journal of jurisprudence and legal practice. - ISSN 1210-9126. - Roč. 26, č. 1 (2018), s. 71-86. - DOI 10.5817/CPVP2018-1-5

Selected projects

APVV-16-0362 The privatization of criminal law - substantive, procedural, and organizational - technical criminological aspects, 01/2017-06/2021, principal investigator

Criminal law is a branch of public law. The fact that criminal law is a branch of public law heralds the relationships between entities, acting in its legislative basis for governing the principle of subordination, where the superior body is usually a public authority. Applicational, legislative and legal problems of recent years, however, point to the fact that compliance with the principle of legality is not in practical terms the criminal law is always on the constitutional acceptable level. The legislature in the exercise of their activities often ignores the need for respect of value (axiological) the requirements of criminal law. The proportionality of a number of criminal laws have in terms of their constitutional conformity assessed to the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, at application level, on the contrary, there are inconsistencies modify some of the procedural rights of the individual ,,or subordinate "subjects of criminal proceedings. Finally, it is necessary to reflect the lack of socalled level of extra-legal guarantees of legality that represent organizational-technical prerequisite for fulfilling the purpose of the criminal law in modern democratic rule of law. Research team believes that some of the legislative and criminal law application problems of the 21st century can be eliminated by ,,private intervention " VV 2016 Základný výskum APVV-16-0362 Akronym: PTPHPKOTA 08.06.2017 09:13 Strana/Page: 2 in some of its institutes. For these reasons, the research team is planning a comprehensive way to deal with the privatization of criminal law in terms of substantive, procedural, organizational-technical and criminological aspects. Respecting the principle of legality as immanent rule of law is necessary to examine the legislative aspects of the privatization and the application of criminal law, not only within the legal but also within the constitutional limits and possibilities of transnational privatization of criminal law in the current Slovak Republic.

VEGA 1/0375/15 Tax evasion and tax frauds and possibilities of their prevention (by means of tax law, commercial law and criminal law), 01/2015-12/2018, co-worker .

Tax revenue losses of the state currently reach enormous proportions. It is possible to identify several factors causing these losses, nevertheless, the most significant being mainly tax evasions and tax frauds. The proposed project will therefore focus on examining reasons for the their existence and exploring the possibilities of preventing them at the legislative level. Since the described problem in opinion of the research team reaches critical dimensions, its solution requires an urgent and particularly, comprehensive approach. The project, therefore, proposes in order to solve the studied problem as a necessity the coordination of the instruments not only (albeit mainly) tax law, as well as, other branches of law, i. e. commercial law, as this is the regulator of the environment in which the circumventions and violations of tax law occur, as well as, criminal law, which acts as a tool of repression and prevention with the threat of sanctions associated with the circumvention or violation of tax rules.

VEGA 1/0198/17 The loan or usury? Compulsory enforcement of judgment - historical and law foundations and problems of application practice, 01/2017-12/2019, co-worker

The project aims on law and historical specifications of genealogy of compulsory enforcement of judgment and actual development tendencies in following purviews:

  • legal regulations of real contract of “classical” loan and its differentiation basis for issue of later execution title, condemnation decision and its procedural “pendant” – in case of debtor’s non-performance of obligation or decision of condemned - compulsory enforcement of judgment through applying distraint actions of the creditor during the classical and Justinian roman law relying on the exegesis of the original sources of roman law
  • legal history with emphasis on legislation of the Hungarian law in the legal customs and laws, while accentuates the process of creation of dual system of private law in the 19th century and development of the legal system in ČSR until 1950
  • present state based on the current legislation of contracts that are substantive precondition of execution, as well as procedural provisions and their development trends

VVGS-2016-306 Economic crime-juristic, forensic and criminological aspects (PCOV), 02.11. 201-31.10. 2017, principal Investigator

Although globally the economic crime is not quantified the most prevalent form of crime, the qualitative progress is the widest plane due to the development of social relations of the 21st century (effects of the global economic crisis, liberalization of the market economy, poor law enforcement). This fact is declared by constant reduction of the number of resolved cases of this type of crime. Alarmingly and even it sounds disturbingly well as unfavorable economic damage caused by committing economic crime to damage resulting from other crimes. The timeliness of the scientific project also follows from the Manifesto of the Government of the Slovak Republic for 2006-2010 and 2012-2016. For these reasons, the ratio of this pilot project is complex scientific preparation for application for a new project APVV, while the involvement of other professionals coming from academia, as well as practical application lodged at the invitation of the Agency to support research and development, published in the academic year 2017/2018 (hereinafter ,,prepared APVV project " in the respective grammatical form). The central matter of a pilot project goal-oriented research (the ,, pilot project "in the respective grammatical form) is under scrutiny unsociable-economic phenomenon of crime and its juristic, forensic and criminological aspects. Research team in this pilot project plans to focus on finding the causes, conditions, prevention tools, as well as other aspects of economic crime in the Slovak Republic. Our research team plans as well to focus on finding suitable co-workers and other colleagues for the upcoming APVV project.

International mobilities and visits
University of Rzeszów, Faculty of Law, Rzeszow, Poland, study stay
Charles University Prague, Faculty of Law, Prague, Czech Republic, lecturing stay
Organisational activities
Head of the Department of Criminal Law - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal Law, 12/2011 - until present
Member of the Scientific Council of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Law, 2012-until present
Member of the PhD Studies Committee of the Faculty of Law - Comenius University Bratislava, 2016- until present

Further information