Mgr. Agata Dorota Horbacz, PhD.   SK

UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
ÚTVŠ - Ústav telesnej výchovy a športu
055 234 1558
UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
ÚTVŠ - Ústav telesnej výchovy a športu
As an assistant professor, my scientific and research activities focus on the issue of health exercises and physical activity for seniors. I develop and implement exercise programmes for different age groups and organize sports events and health courses

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
University School of Physical Education. Krakow, Polish, 1990, Teaching physical education
Third degree of higher education:
Faculty of Sport, University of Prešov, 2014, 74-03-9 Sport Educology

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Sport and Recreation, study field: Sport Sciences, bachelor degree
Profile courses
Physical activity for the disabled - Sport and Recreation, I. degree
Regeneration in sports and recreation - Sport and Recreation, I. degree
Classic and sports massage - Sport and Recreation, I. degree
Didactics of volleyball - Sport and Recreation, I. degree
SPS system I. and II. - Sport and Recreation, I. degree
Yoga; Pilates - Sport and Recreation, I. degree
Selected publications

V3_HORBACZ, A., KRUČANICA, L., KOVÁČIKOVÁ, Z. The effect of 8-week multicomponent intervention on physical fitness in trained older women. In: Physical activity review : international scientific journal. ISSN 2300-5076. Roč. 11, č. 2 (2023), s. 1-8. 10.16926/par.2023.11.16 DOI; WOS CC; SCOPUS; 2022 IF= 0,9; 2022 CiteScore = 0,38; sign UPJS USEP 000088 ; SIGN-UKO TV ; AKK-UKOTV-7418 A

[OV 210]; [ŠO 5618 7418]

V3_HORBACZ, A., KRUČANICA, L., MAJHEROVÁ, M. Seniors' Opinions on Physical Activity as a Prevention of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases. In: Sport science : international scientific journal of kinesiology. ISSN 1840-3662. Roč. 14, č. 2 (2021), s. 48-55. SCOPUS;

2021 SNIP=0,203; 2021 SJR=0,268; 2021 CiteScore=2; 2021 Q3(Orthopedics and sports medicine) Scimago; 2021 Q3(Physical therapy, sports therapy and rehabilitation) Scimago

[OV 180, 210, 010]; [ŠO 5618 1113]

ADC_HAGOVSKÁ, M., ŠVIHRA, J., BUKOVÁ, A., DRAČKOVÁ, D., HORBACZ, A. The impact of different intensities of exercise on body weight reduction and overactive bladder symptoms- randomised trial. In: European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology : the official journal of the European Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians and the European College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. ISSN 0301-2115. Roč. 242, č. 11 (2019), s. 144-149. DOI 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2019.09.027 IF=1,868; JCR - Q3, SJR - Q2.

ADC_HAGOVSKÁ, M., ŠVIHRA, J., BUKOVÁ, A., HORBACZ, A., et al. 2019. Comparison of body composition and overactive bladder symptoms in overweight female university students. In: European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. ISSN 0301-2115. Roč. 237, č. 6 (2019), s. 18-22. DOI 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2019.04.001 IF =1,868; JCR - Q3, SJR - Q2.

ADC_HAGOVSKÁ, M., ŠVIHRA, J., BUKOVÁ, A., DRAČKOVÁ, D., HORBACZ, A., NAGYOVÁ, I. Effect of an exercise programme for reducing abdominal fat on overactive bladder symptoms in young overweight women. In: International Urogynecology Journal : and pelvic floor dysfunction. - ISSN 0937-3462. Roč. 31, č. 5 (2020), s. 895-902. DOI 10.1007/s00192-019-04157-8. IF= 2,071, JCR - Q3, SJR Q2.

Selected projects

Research task VEGA 1/0825/17 "Recommendations for movement activities of risk groups and their fulfillment in Eastern Slovakia" - project representative.: Supervisor - Mgr. Alena Buková, PhD.

Research task VEGA 1/0234/22 "Influence of pandemic Covid 19 on readiness and organism reaction of university students on physical load“.  - project representative. : Supervisor - prof. PaedDr. Ján Junger, CSc.


International mobilities and visits
J. Dlugosz Academy in Częstochowa, Czestochowa, ul. Waszyngtona 4/8, 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland, 23.5.-27.5.2016, Erasmus+
J. Dlugosz Academy in Częstochowa, ul. Waszyngtona 4/8 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland, 17.10.-19.10.2017, Erasmus+
J. Dlugosz Academy in Częstochowa, ul. Waszyngtona 4/8, 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland, 20.11.-24.11.2018, Erasmus+
The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education, Department of Physical Education Katowice, Katowice, PL, 19.09. - 23.09.2022, Erasmus+
University of Rzeszów, College of Medical Sciences, Rzeszów, PL, 5.6. - 10.6.2023, Erasmus+
Organisational activities
member of the organizing committee of the international scientific conference RECREATIONAL SPORT, HEALTH, QUALITY OF LIFE - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Institute of Physical Education and Sport, year 2012: 26- 27.1.2012; year 2014: 20- 21.3.2014; year 2016: 14- 15.4.2016; year 2018: 12- 13.4.2018; year 2020: 23- 24.4.2020- cancelled due to Covid19, year 2024:24-26.42024
member of the scientific committee of the conference: Quality of Life & Yoga and Martial Arts Czestochowa, PL - Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (PL), - year 2016 – international student science conference - Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (PL) - year 2017 – international student science conference - Jan Dlugosz in Czestochowa (PL)
member of the scientific board of the international student conference: Health challenges in the modern world" - University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Targ, 21.05.2021

Additional information

music, dance, gardening, hiking

Further information