doc. Ing. Iveta Cimboláková, PhD.   SK

UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
ÚTVŠ - Ústav telesnej výchovy a športu
055 234 1559

Higher education and further qualification growth
First degree of higher education:
Institute for further education of health workers Bratislava, SR (currently the University of Health Sciences, Bratislava). Certification certificate (1993). Professional exams: Somatology and pathophysiology, clinical biochemistry, laboratory and biochemical investigation methods. B) First degree university education - TU Košice. SR., 2005, MZZ
Second degree of higher education:
TUKE - Technical University, Košice, Slovak republic, 2007, studies completed with honors, MZZ
Third degree of higher education:
UVLF - University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy Košice, Slovak republic, 2013, Veterinary medicine
Associate professor:
TUKE - Technical University, Košice, Slovak Republik, 2021, MZZ

Research /art/ teacher profile

Display details  
Overview of the responsibility for the delivery, development and quality assurance of the study programme or its part at the university in the current academic year
Study programme: Sports and recreation, study field: Sports sciences, I. degree (B.Sc.), Member of OZŠP ŠAR (person responsible for profile subject - guarantee footer) degree
Study programme: Development of innovative forms of education and support of interdisciplinarity of studies at Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (RIFIV). Operational Program - Training in Activity 2. 2 Creation of interdisciplinary blocks to improve the employment of UPJŠ graduates in the labor market, study field: All study fields and undergraduate education programs within UPJŠ, Košice, SR, All levels of undergraduate education within UPJŠ, Košice, SR degree
Profile courses
Environmental health in exercise recreation, Physiology and exercise physiology, Basics of first aid, Basics of nutrition, Dietology, Management and marketing in sports and recreation, Human anatomy - Sports and recreation, I. degree of study (B.Sc.), degree
Bioethics in the Environment, Biomedical Research and Ethics (IB1-Ethics in Biomedical Sciences for Medical Practice) - Sport and Recreation, General Medicine, MDD, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Laboratory Examination Methods, All levels of undergraduate education (I., II., III. Level) degree
Selected projects

EMEA 2702 2023

Name: Garmin Health EMEA Research Grant - Deputy Project Leader

International project (pilot study) starting IX/2023:

position: deputy project manager

status: in solution

Horizont Europe 2023 TUKE

appointed - environmental quality and health expert

VVGS 2022-2118- spoluriešiteľ

Title: Creation of a sport-specific battery of tests for the assessment of muscle strength and endurance in sport climbers

Position: co-investigator.

status: completed successfully

Submitted projects in 2023 in co-research / co-financed

KEGA no. 070TUKE-4/2024

Title: Impact of water on environmental quality and health:

position: responsible solver of the cooperating workplace

status: in the evaluation process stage

Submitted projects in 2022

KEGA 005UPJŠ/4/2023

Title:Education for health-beneficial behavior in the newly created study program of a holistic understanding of lifestyle

position: project representative

status: unfunded

VEGA 1/0562/23 / in cooperation with TU Košice / co-financed

Title: The influence of water management on the sustainable development of the region in the Slovak Republic.

position: responsible solver of the cooperating workplace

status: unfunded

Successfully/excellently completed projects in the last 6 years

VEGA 1/0220/17 – 2020

Title: Cardiovascular parameters and systemic inflammation in patients with respiratory insufficiency and their influence by non-invasive ventilation/investigator

position: co-investigator

status: completed successfully

VEGA 201/0584/16

Title: Dependence between PNMK representation and LBP/sCD14 ratio in blood serum in patients with breast cancer

position: co-investigator

status: completed successfully

KEGA 005 UPJŠ 4/2019

Title: Analysis of lifestyle risk factors of university students and students of the University of the Third Age

position: co-investigator

status: completed successfully

KEGA 004 UPJŠ/2017

Title: Human physiology with a focus on physical activity and sport.

position: deputy project manager

status: project completed excellently

VVGS 2017-668

Title: Comparison of the effect of plant and animal sources of omega-3 fatty acids in athletes.

position: project manager

status: completed excellently

Co-participation / co-solver in solved VEGA projects and RIFIV operational program in the years 2001-2013

VEGA 1/823/01

Grant of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic Project solution period: 2001-2004

Study of above-limit concentrations of heavy metals in drinking water in rats over several generations

VEGA 2010-2013

Title: Influence of chronic exposure to subtoxic doses of cadmium and mercury on reproductive, physiological, biochemical and antioxidant parameters in rats.

position: co-investigator, external doctoral student

status: project completed successfully

VEGA 1/0901/13

Title: Determination of reference values ​​of selected biochemical and hematological indicators in Wistar rats.

position: co-investigator

status: project completed successfully

RIFIV Operational Program

Project "Development of innovative forms of education and support of interdisciplinarity of studies at Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (RIFIV)

Contract number: 016/2013 / 1.2 / OPV ITMS code: 26110230101

Operational program: Education in activity 2.2

Creation of interdisciplinary blocks to improve the employment of UPJŠ graduates in the labor market Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic for EU structural funds

International mobilities and visits
Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Poland, 2019, Erasmus
Faculty of Sport Science, Turkey, 2019, Erasmus
College of Physical Education and Sport Palestra, Czech Republic, 2018, Erasmus
Organisational activities
Member of the guarantee committee of the ŠaR UPJŠ study program, OZŠP - person responsible for profile subjects. - Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Košice, SR, 2017 - the present
Member of the ŠVUK ÚTVŠ UPJŠ commission - Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Košice, SR, 2017 - the present
Deputy Director for Scientific Research at ÚTVŠ - Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Košice, SR, 2018 - VI/2023
Member of the admissions committee (theoretical part) at ÚTVŠ - Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Košice, SR, 2018 - the present
Member of the ŠVUK ÚTVŠ commission - Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Košice, SR, 2017 - the present
Scientific research and pedagogical activity activity. Pedagogical activity / subject: Pathological physiology (P/S), I. degree (B.Sc.). department: Physiotherapy, Nursing, Laboratory investigation methods, Public health. 2015-2016 Research in medicine and ethics, Bioethics in the environment, P/S. All forms and fields of undergraduate and postgraduate education - Faculty of Medicine UPJŠ, Institute of Pathological Physiology, 2008-2016

Further information