Mgr. Zuzana Kožárová, PhD.   SK

https://www.upjs.sk/"> /zamestnanec/zuzana.kozarova
UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
UNIPOC - Univerzitné poradenské centrum
055 234 1218
FF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Arts
KPS - Department of Psychology
Display details  
Profile courses
KPS/KPP/20 Career counselling for psychologists - Psychology, master II. degree degree
Selected projects

Registration Number: 006UPJŠ-2-1/2021 Developmental project of Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport of Slovak Republic

Project Title: One.Point

Project solution period: 07/2021 - 12/2022

Position in the project: investigator


The main goal of the project is to create a contact point for internationalization and networking at UPJŠ. The specific objectives of the project include:

  • Preparation of conditions for UPJŠ for the creation of a regional hub for the Aurora Alliance within the European University initiative.
  • Providing and developing quality services in the form of a single point of contact (One Point) at UPJŠ to ensure the stay of students, teachers and experts from abroad and students and employees of UPJŠ going abroad.
  • Development of effective administration of foreign mobility of students and employees of the University.
  • Providing permanent counseling services for international students in the field of psychological, career counseling and counseling in effective learning.

Registration Number: EIT-HEI-45 / HORIZON EUROPE

Project Title: InnoChange - Driving Change and Capacity Building Towards Innovative, Entrepreneurial Universities

Project solution period: 07/2021 - 06/2023

Position in the project: investigator


InnoChange aims to increase the entrepreneurial and innovation capacity and attitude of higher education institutions (HEIs). Another objective is to strengthen and better integrate into, and engage with, innovation ecosystems in Central and Eastern Europe. The project brings together HEIs from various innovation backgrounds.

InnoChange aims to:

  • develop and improve the entrepreneurial education curriculum and associated teacher training;
  • soak up and nurture innovation from all corners of student, faculty, and research activities at university;
  • provide effective support to deserving early-stage innovation projects;
  • build a pragmatic, yet comprehensive network of multi-faceted industry partnerships;
  • enable support structures for entrepreneurship communities at HEIs through mutual learning.

Registration Number: Erasmus+ project, Project number: 2020-1-CZ01-KA204-078378,

Project Title: E-learning for Career Guidance Practitioners’ (C-Course)

Project solution period: 2020 - 2022

Position in the project: investigator


The aim of this project is to develop a flexible, self-paced and freely accessible online course for career guidance practitioners and professionals across Europe. The C-Course is produced in 5 different languages (English, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Norwegian) and it is aimed at:

  • career guidance practitioners and professionals involved in the delivery of career guidance and counselling across different sectors (i.e. youth and adult education, public and private employment services);
  • educators and training providers (e.g. academic institutions, professional associations, educational institutions);
  • students enrolled in the career guidance and counselling academic programmes.

Registration Number: IPEL, VVGS-2018-909

Project Title: “Competences of UPJŠ graduates”

Project solution period: 2018 - 2019

Position in the project: investigator

Annotation: The main goal of the project “Competences of UPJŠ graduates” is to create an electronic (online) course, which will help our students understand the functioning of the labour market, become aware of their competencies and identify them in relation to employability. At the same time, the course will help them create a career plan as a basis for their future work success. By creating this course, we respond to the Long-term Strategy of UPJŠ in Košice for the years 2016-2020 (strategic goal 2).

Further information