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Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach
Centrum Interdisciplinárnych Biovied
Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach
Technologický a inovačný park
055 234 2244 | |
0000000193612273 |
Profilové predmety
Molecular and Developmental Mechanisms in Vertebrate Evolution - fyziológia živočíchov, doktorandský stupeň štúdia
Molekulárne a vývojové mechanizmy v evolúcii stavovcov - fyziológia živočíchov, magisterský stupeň štúdia
Evolúcia človeka - fyziológia živočíchov, bakalársky/magisterský stupeň štúdia
Paleozoológia stavovcov - fyziológia živočíchov, bakalársky/magisterský stupeň štúdia
Evolution and Development - evolutioanary biology - Uppsala University, magisterský stupeň štúdia
Vybrané publikácie
Kundrát, M. (leading and corresponding author), Coria RA, Manning TW, Chiappe, LM, Snitting D, Nudds J, Ahlberg PE. 2020. Specialized craniofacial anatomy of a titanosaurian embryo from Argentina. Current Biology 30: 1-7. IF: 9.123 Q1
Kundrát, M. (corresponding author), Rich TH, Lindgren J, Sjövall P, Vickers-Rich P, Chiappe LM, Kear BP. 2020. Feathered polar dinosaurs from Australia. Gondwana Research 80: 1-11. IF: 6.174 Q1
Kundrát, M. (senior and corresponding author), Nudds, J., Kear, B., Lü, J., Ahlberg, P. 2018. The first specimen of Archaeopteryx from the Upper Jurassic Mörnsheim Formation of Germany. Historical Biology 1: 3-63, Taylor & Francis. IF: 1.249 Q2
Schwarz, D., Kundrát, M. (corresponding author), Tischlinger, H., Dyke, G., Carney, R. M. 2018. Ultraviolet light illustrates the presence of a notarium-like structure in the Berlin Archaeopteryx skeleton. Scientific Reports 9: 6518. IF: 4.122 Q1
Varricchio, D., Kundrát, M. (corresponding author), Hogan, J. 2018. Intermediate incubation period in a theropod dinosaur consistent with primitive brooding. Scientific Reports 8:12454. IF: 4.609 Q1
Vybrané projekty
2019 – Linking the evolution of Mesozoic vertebrates to climate in Eastern Laurasia: High-resolution analysis of unique fossil tissues from China Project ID: APVV-18-0251 Position: Principal Investigator; Funding Source: Slovak Agency for Science and Development
2019 – Evolutionary origin and innovations of skeleton-dental characters in Archosauria 2 Project ID: 20175043 Position: Principal Investigator; Funding Source: Elettra Synchrotron, Italy
2018 – Osteohistology of forelimbs and hindlimbs in the paravian dinosaurs Project ID: 2018B-1543 Position: Principal Investigator; Funding Source: Synchrotron Spring-8, Japan
2017 – In ovo high-resolution imaging of developmental geometry: bird-like dinosaurs versus modern birds Project ID: 2017B-1755 Position: Principal Investigator;Funding Source: Synchrotron Spring-8, Japan
2017 – Non-destructive high-resolution imaging of in ovo fossilized tissues of dinosaur embryos Project ID: 2017A-1714 Position: Principal Investigator; Funding Source: Synchrotron Spring-8, Japan
Medzinárodné mobility a pracovné cesty
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Geologcal Sciences, National Natural
History Museum, Beijing, China, September-October 2007, November-December 2009, July 2011 November-December 2014,
June-July 2016, May-July 2017, April 2018, August-September 2019, grants, linvited expert, invited professor, leader of paleontological expedition
University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran, September2013, March 2017, research grant, leader of paleontological expedition
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 2010, research grant, leader of paleontological expedition
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, October 2005 - April 2006, research grant, scholarship - lab experiments
Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN, Kobe, Japan, June-July 2004, NATO research grant, fellowship - lab experiments
California University at San Francisco / Wesleyan University, San Francisco / Middletown, October 2003- April 2004, GAUK research grant, fellowship - lab experiments
Organizačné aktivity
Guest Professor - Jili University, Changchun, China, 2018-2021
člen vedeckej rady pre postgraduáône štúdium v odbore paleontológia - Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava, 2016
Invited Professor - Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle / CNRS, Paris, France, 2009
Invited Researcher - IVPP Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2009
Invited Professor - Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle / CNRS, Paris, France, 2008