Mgr. Daniela Husárová, PhD.   SK

LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
UPZMV - Department of Health Psychology and Research Methodology
+421 55 234 3396
LF UPJŠ - Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine
CMV - Centrum medicínskeho vzdelávania UPJŠ LF
Mgr. Daniela Husárová, PhD. (1987) received her PhD. in Public Health (Faculty of Medicine, PJ Safarik University in Košice), as well as in Health sciences (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) and in 2020 she was assigned by scientific degree IIA. Currently, she is mainly focused on research conected to psychosocial development of adolelescents in their social context using participatory and mixed (quantitative and qualitative) methodology. She participated in several cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, she is also contributing to coordination of international Health Behavior in School-aged Study (HBSC). She is a member of international HBSC team with particular focus on family environment and its impact on health of adolescents. She is also a member of editorial board of International Journal of Public Health as „Reviewe editor“ (Q1, IF=3,38) and Sustainability as „Topic Editor“ (Q1, IF=3,25). She has 24 scientific papers registered in Scopus and WoS databases with h-index excluding self-citations is 7.

Higher education and further qualification growth
Second degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik university in Košice, Faculty of Arts, 2011, Psychology
Third degree of higher education:
Pavol Jozef Šafárik university in Košice, Faculty of Medicine/University of Groningen, 2017, Public health/Health sciences - double degree

Research /art/ teacher profile

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Profile courses
Basics of methodology and statistics - Public Health, II. degree
Scientific communication and management of research projects - Public Health, III. degree
Selected publications

AAB - Dankulincová Z, Bosáková L., Fiľakovská D, Husárová D, Kopčáková J. - Cesta labyrintom: Dospievajúci s emocionálnymi problémami a problémami v správaní v systéme starostlivosti - 1. vyd. - Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, 2020. - 157 s.

ADC - Brindova D. et al. - Is the association between screen-based behaviour and health complaints among adolescents moderated by physical activity? - IJPH - 2015 - vol.60, no.2 - s. 30 - 36, IF=2,4 ,Q2, citovane 27x

ADC -Gariepy G,...Husarova D, et al. - How Are Adolescents Sleeping? Adolescent Sleep Patterns and Sociodemographic Differences in 24 European and North American Countries - Journal of Adolescent Health - 2020 - vol.66 no.6 - p81-88, IF=3,95, Q1, citované 3x

ADC - Faltynkova A, Blinka L, Sevcikova A, Husarova D. - The Associations between Family-Related Factors and Excessive Internet Use in Adolescents - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH - 2020 - vol 17 no. 5, IF=2,85, Q1, citované 6x

ADC - Kosticova M, Husarova D, Dankulincova Z - Difficulties in Getting to Sleep and their Association with Emotional and Behavioural Problems in Adolescents: Does the Sleeping Duration Influence this Association? - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH - 2020 - vol 17 no. 5, IF=2,85, Q1, citované 4x

Selected projects

APVV–18–0070 Generácia Z -nové výzvy dospievania (Generation Z - new challenges in youth development), researcher

APVV-15-0012 Trajektória detí a dospievajúcich s emocionálnymi a behaviorálnymi problémami v systéme sociálnej a zdravotníckej starostlivosti - longitudinálna štúdia (Psychosocial development of children with emotional and behavioral problems in health care system - a longitudinal study), researcher

APVV-16-0490 Využitie profilu zdravotnej gramotnosti na skvalitnenie manažmentu chronických ochorení (Using the health literacy profile to improve the management of chronic diseases), researcher

VEGA 1/0427/17 Zdravotná gramotnosť žiakov ako súčasť výchovno-vzdelávacieho procesu v školách a výsledok školskej výchovy k zdraviu (Health literacy in a school-aged children as a part of education process in schools and the outcome of school based health education), researcher

VEGA 1/0177/20 Mapovanie trajektórie a skúseností dospievajúcich s emocionálnymi a behaviorálnymi problémami v systéme starostlivosti: možnosti vylepšenia z pohľadu dospievajúcich a ich rodičov (Adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems and their families in health care system: mapping, shortcomings and opportunities for improvement from the perspective of adolescents and their parents), deputy of principal investigator

International mobilities and visits
University Medical Center Groningen/ Department of Social Medicine, Antonius Deusinglaan 1, Groningen, The Netherland, 1.3.2015-20.3.2015, Erasmus+
University Medical Center Groningen/ Department of Social Medicine, Antonius Deusinglaan 1, Groningen, The Netherland, 16.9.2017- 22.9.2017, Erasmus+
University Medical Center Groningen/ Department of Social Medicine, Antonius Deusinglaan 1, Groningen, The Netherland, 17.9.2018-22.9.2018, Erasmus+
Faculty of Physical Education / Institute of Active Lifestyle, Tř.Míru 115, 771 11 Olomouc, 2.12.2018-6.12.2018, Erasmus+
Organisational activities
Member of the Editorial Board in the position of Peer Reviewer - International Journal of Public Health, since 2020
Member of the Editorial Board in the position of "Topic Editor" - Sustainability, since 2020
Member of the national team - Health Behavior in School-aged Children, since 2012
Member of the international team - Health Behavior in School-aged Children, since 2012

Additional information

APVV-19-0493 Research on early childhood in marginalized Roma communities: contextual factors of psychomotor development in the first 1000 days. 1.7.2020 – 30.6.2024 APVV-18-0070 Generation Z – New challenges in youth development. 1.7.2019 – 30.6.2023 VEGA 1/0177/20 Mapping the trajectory and experiences of adolescents with emotional and behavioral problems in the care system: opportunities for improvement from the perspective of adolescents and their parents. 2020-2023. VEGA 1/0427/17 Health literacy in a school-aged children as a part of education process in schools and the outcome of school based health education. 2017-2021 APVV-15-0012 Psychosocial development of children with emotional and behavioural disorders in the system of care – longitudinal study. 2016-2020 VEGA 1/0895/14 Psychosocial development of health disadvantaged school-aged children.2014-2017 APVV-0032-11 Health and health-related behaviour within social context in adolescence 2013-2015
Interesting links
https://coherentsite.com/ https://hbscslovakia.com/ https://care4youth.com/

Further information